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How did Call of Duty get to this point?
  • Right now it's open to anyone who pre-ordered or anyone who has game pass. it's open to everyone for free next week. maybe they should have called it limited instead of open, but it isn't closed to anyone, anyone can get game pass and play the beta rn so it is technically an open beta.

    and why are people playing CoD? because it's really solid gameplay that recieves weekly updates and events to always keep things fresh. the new movement system in this one is really a game changer and makes the game a lot of fun to play.

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    What book that hasn't been adapted into a TV show or movie do you think deserves an adaptation?
  • mass effect could be a huge tv and movie franchise but the designs of the aliens would make the effects budgets prohibitively expensive. damn would I love it though.

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    What's the oldest technology you continue using?
  • I keep an iPod in my purse, but I also keep a gameboy pocket in there for a hundredth Pokemon Red playthrough whenever I have some downtime.

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    What was your favorite startup?
  • GameCube is charming and Dreamcast is etherealy beautiful, but nothing beats pressing that Xbox power button and feeling like you just started up a nuclear powered machine from the future.

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    Music isn't what it used to be
  • most of the popular stuff was bad back then too, you just got introduced to it when you were young so you've got rose tinted glasses for it now.

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    "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild
  • i mean maybe the new drivers used maps, but even in the days of GPS I didn't use any kind of map after the first 6 or so months of delivering, faster to not look it up when the address already tells you everything you need to know when you know the area.

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    What advice would you give to people in their 20s?
  • Be yourself, even if it means the people in your life currently will hate you. You'll find people who love the real you and you'll be much happier even if it ends up making your life harder.

    (this doesn't apply if your real self is a dick, work on that)

    I spent my 20s pretending to be the person the people in my life wanted me to be and it was miserable, I'm unapologetically myself in my 30s even if I'm still figuring out who that is. Its so much better and I wish I did it a decade ago.

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    What remote do you use?
  • My Xbox Series Controller, my Dualshock 4, my Dualsense, my Steam Controller, my Switch Pro Controller, My 8bitdo Ultimate Xbox controller, basically whatever is within reach, they're all fine but I like the 8bitdo best.

    Just use whatever you already have. If you don't have anything I'd say go for the 8bitdo or the Xbox Series controller. They're both excellent. The Switch pro has the buttons backwards, the PlayStation controllers don't have the best build quality (I've gone through multiple of each even though I treat controllers kindly), and the Steam Controller is a little weird and not sold new anymore. So Xbox Series if you want to save money, 8bitdo Ultimate if you just want the best.

  • I honestly cannot figure this one out and searching online and the steam troubleshooter have been no help.

    about a week ago my Deck stopped connecting to my WiFi as I was playing a game on it, one minute it's fine, then the wifi connection is gone. I go to reconnect, it gets stuck on "connecting to [SSID]" and it will stay there for several minutes and say "failed to connect" and prompt me to re-enter my password. Double check password, it's all good. Restart router, problem persists. Restart Deck, problem persists. Check my other devices, everything is connecting fine. Check if Steam is working on my laptop, it's fine. I give up on tinkering with it because I've got a big trip coming up and I'd rather play Fallout 4 and Risk of Rain 2 offline than play nothing at all.

    cut to my trip, deck connects to airport wifi, in-flight wifi, hotel wifi, all with no problem, no sign anything is wrong. Deck works perfect.

    get home, deck still won't connect to my WiFi, "fine I'll just play RoR2 in bed offline" game says its launching but then never does, just gets stuck there. Try other games, and same thing happens with every single one.

    "maybe a factory reset will do the trick? I'm desperate enough at this point" I go to settings and factory reset. It says "preparing 0%" for a second and then just gives up on resetting. "oh, so this thing is FUCKED fucked" I turn it off and hold the quick menu button to get into the boot menu and factory reset from there. It works, deck is reset, I try to connect to wifi... same fucking problem.

    I have no ideas, im willing to try anything at this point. my Deck is basically a paperweight. i had a vanilla setup going too, no developer mode, no deckyloader, nothing at all. I'd poke around with my router but that shit is LOCKED DOWN by my ISP so I can't change shit, and that doesn't really explain all the weird shit it's been doing offline, like with not launching games or factory resetting it. Please help, this is my main gaming device.
