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Recommendation for Email-Provider
  • Proton and its services have been pretty good. Some things to know about proton mail:

    • Search is only for titles, as content is encrypted
    • You can do search in the body in your browser. It downloads your email into the browser and searchers locally. It takes a while to do this and build up indexes. I haven't had too much issue searching for things though.
    • Since they don't read your email, no automatic calendar events if there isn't a .ics

    The VPN had been great

    The storage isn't enough for me to be able to move off of my main cloud provider. There also isn't a way to pin a file on Android for it - and the 500gGB of space is less than I use

    The Pass app is handy and it's easy to make aliases, though it often doesn't know to fill in, doesn't do it, or something, and I need to open the app to copy paste. Pretty trivial though.

    I'm sticking with them. I don't really have a reason to leave. The aliases are really nice, the catch is that it's not easy to have them go to a sub email address that I use - it has to go to your primary email. Not a huge deal though.

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    For some sick reason
  • I recently was talking with someone in south America about things in the US, most of which they hated, then when I got to "yeah, a lot of people sell plasma to help get through school" they were like "WTF! I hate your country! Here we do it as a donation! And you do it to help get through school!?" 😂

  • JWST finds distant galaxy with "impossible" light signature - Big Think


    I finally found Brutalism that I actually like Michael (

    I finally found Brutalism that I actually like. Jardín botánico in Córdoba Argentina

    The Botanical gardens in Córdoba Argentina

    Please stop the bus of life, I want to get off
  • You know, it might not be a bad idea, because once regular people realize agriculture is exempt from minimum pay laws and OSHA, they might demand change

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    Baldur’s Gate 3 - Discussion Post #3
  • About 50 hours and just got my ass handed to me by Fist guy or whatever at the inn while most of my party had 1 HP left, so there's that. This is my first playthrough.

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    Anyone having acceptable performance with SQL Server + odbc?
  • One thing to know about transactions is that they track data and then write it. It's not the opening that slows it down. I have a question though, what is your source data? Do you have a big CSV for something? Can you do a db to db transfer instead? There's another tool called the BCP utility.

    Edit: SQL server/ssms have tools for doing migrations and batch imports

  • If this is not the right place for memes about travel, feel free to remove


    One of the fun parts about traveling and speaking another language: sometimes my Spanish is really good, but the past few days people haven't been able to understand me and asked me to switch to English. Maybe I got lazy, maybe my mouth is moving weird, but it happens. It comes back eventually. I hope

    edit: the other part about it is that it does feel embarrassing, because I'm just ordering a coffee and failed to do that. Eh, whatever.


    I think I've out-aged the medium 😅

    Wow! You're so ancient! You're like 30!

    Could you not? !sad pepe


    I think I've out-aged the medium 😅

    Wow! You're so ancient! You're like 30!

    Could you not? !sad pepe


    I hope this helps some people that are traveling. These are links to Google Maps lists I made of places in different cities I've been to that I thought were interesting. You can subscribe/follow the list to add it to yours. These lists aren't complete travel guides, just places I wanted to save or was told about, sorted by name. Some of them have a lot of places, others not so much. I left off lists that only had a few places. I hope someone may find them helpful one day!

    Antigua, Guatemala

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Cali, Colombia

    Chicago, USA

    Medellin, Colombia

    Merida, Mexico

    Mexico City, Mexico

    New Orleans, USA

    New York City, USA

    Oaxaca, Mexico

    Quito, Ecuador

    Rosario, Argentina


    Wanna feel rich with little money?

    https:// /5Rpv0Bo

    cross-posted from:

    > NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER • USA TODAY! BESTSELLER > > In this beautifully written, vividly detailed memoir, a young woman chronicles her adventures traveling across the deserts of the American West in an orange van named Bertha and reflects on an unconventional approach to life.


    Bianca Graulau

    While reporting on the inequality and unequal treatment between tourists and locals in Oaxaca, Mexico, Bianca was told to not mention the hotel chain because they were affiliated with the company.

    In Oaxaca, there is a water shortage that has a great impact on the people there and in the surrounding area. But if you're a tourist, you may not even know.

    > This story was censored by a big and well-known media company. So I decided to tell it on my own. I look into the following question: does the current tourism model in Oaxaca lead to deeper inequality?


    Edit: trying to figure out the spoiler tag...sorry

    Edit 2: I tried three ways and nothing worked, but spoilers below

    I've run into a lot of times where needed things don't trigger bc I'm hiding

    spoiler hag

    >! For example, when rescuing Mayrina the first time, I snuck past them and tried to talk to her, which triggered the cutscenes and hag transformation.

    Combat was supposed to start, but didn't. So I went into the fireplace thinking that was a good escape route and into the lair, where she, in hag form, told me I shouldn't be sneaking around and to leave, but with the normal lady's voice.

    Then, when rescuing from the cage, I used the druids thorn whip to yang Mayrina down. Combat triggered and she acting like she was still in the cage instead of running through the open door behind us.

    I tried a second time and she ran through, but disappeared. When I went back, she was outside the cage. I thought she was the hag bc she had 0 damage, so I cast blindness on her and she ran...somewhere.

    Also, the hag never rendered, but I could see her vision outline.

    Anyway, now I think I actually have to fight the hag. I read something about a water trick, so I'll try that was well.

    But jeez, with all the warnings to run away from a hag, I thought I'd be able to do that.

    Of course leaving an angry hag alive is no good, so 🤷‍♂️!<


    This is a feature that I miss, along with attachments on calendar events. I was thinking of building something myself using NLP and NER to read an email and extract calendar details from it, but I'd need access to an API to be able to do that and the API is no longer public. Is there any way to either get access to these APIs or some other workaround for this?


    I noticed my battery drained really quickly since getting proton mail, but the energy use in Androids battery report would only show a few percent. I went from being able to go w whole day with plenty of battery left it having to charge once or twice a day. I turned off the background email loading and my battery levels are back to normal.


    Hey there! I recently got server banned b/c I was sharing a link in men's communities and I was mistaken for a bot.

    I didn't have a way to respond to the ban. I was just logged out. I didn't see a link or even which mod did the ban so that I could reply to them, but then I couldn't get into my account to reply anyway.

    It'd be nice to maybe get a "if you think this was in error" email or something.

    Although I know that if lemmy was the size of reddit, people would hook that email up to chatgpt, so :/

    Anyway, it'd be a nice feature to have. I doubt I'll need it again, but I was quite confused as to what to do.


    From my friend: men are lonely and no one is doing anything about it, so I want to do something about it.
