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Accompanied by bad acting and writing
  • I recently started rewatching Gundam Wing, and one of the computer screens with fast scrolling text was just scrolling through the Readme of either old Adobe Software or old Printer software (I don't remember which).

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    Games with absolute banger OSTs (and perhaps good stories / gameplay)
  • Some quick ones off the top of my head right now:
    Golden Sun & GS:TLA
    Megaman X
    Saints Row the Third
    Dynasty Warriors 4
    Deus Ex
    Castle Crashers

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    Google Authenticator Blamed to have made one company’s network breach much, much worse
  • When I was in cybersecurity the most irritating argument someone tried to use to get approval was "everything is hackable nowadays so the requirements are unnecessarily difficult". They might have had a point if we weren't talking about HIPAA compliance...

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    What to play after experiencing Chrono Trigger?
  • I liked Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age more than Chrono Trigger.

    Super Mario RPG is pretty high up there, as well.

    Lost Odyssey is a gem that doesn't get enough love. Chrono Trigger might be a bit higher on my list, by this is definitely worth a playthrough. Be prepared for some real pulls at your heart strings if you read through the short stories in the game.
