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Andrew Scheer avoids answering if Conservatives will cancel dental care program
  • It took 4-8 years of US rural voters not caring about things until it affected them before they even started considering that Trump doesn't care for any American besides himself. In the UK I don't even know how they lasted in that trance for so long.

    My cynical take is that people are going to recognize the destructive effects of a Conservative government only after 5-10 years at the least. If the political blocs don't change, then we'll get milquetoast Liberals again. Conservative media will continue to repeat "Liberals bad" enough for people to believe it again.

    I have no experience in political strategy, but the only few ways I see of breaking out of this cycle is to

    A: adopt a fairer voting system

    B: Link the Canadian Conservative Party to the US Republican party, Project 2025 etc.

    C: Announce progressive action so bold with near-immediate effects that it makes a difference to their electoral prospects, without appearing like an electoral bribe/promise.

    I have heard little interest in A from government, grits and NDP might be waiting until November to do B so they don't slander people they may be forced to work with, and C is nigh impossible, at least I can't think of any realistic policy example that could achieve that. A proper UBI might be close.

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  • Wow so it took only 4 weeks to go from TFG accepting fake endorsements from Swift, to Swift actually endorsing Harris, to Trump rage-posting about her.

    Then and now.

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    Deadlock matchmaking is now open 24/7—plus there's a new, snazzier minimap and a low priority queue for sinners
  • Hatted gargoyle goblin is the character I like to play. In one sentence it's a 6-on-6 third person hero shooter MOBA.

    I found that compared to League of Legends (at least what I knew of it 4 years ago) and other team shooting games, going after objectives is more important than winning more fights and good K/D ratios, at least at the casual player level.

    Like other similar games it takes awareness of where allies and enemies are on the map, coordination between team members to play effectively and some knowledge of each character's ability. But even if you absolutely suck at shooting unpredictably moving targets (that's me), knowing when to push a lane, when to support your team, when to reap the successes of a teamfight and when to pull back will contribute toward a win even if you're 1/15/5. And a lot of punching of course.

    Where Deadlock is nice right now is the short queue times and nice pick mechanism, helpful indicators for a lot of things once you know what they mean, and fun movement combos with dashing sliding and jumping.

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    How much do you all pay for Power?
  • $0.11 Canadian/kWh, my usage is about 150kWh per person per month, but I don't have summer AC. There's a higher rate beyond a threshold of 675kW/h but that's still under 15 cents. With a zero-use daily charge including municipal levies about 30 cents per day, and some fluctuations based on power sold, imported and other costs (my last bill had like $3 in credits). All in all about CA$25/mo ($18US).

    Charged by BCHydro, the provincial power regulator. I've been really shocked at how cheap utilities are overall in BC, I budgeted about 3 times the amount I needed when I first moved.

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    Facing criticism for being too walled off, Harris slowly opens the door to more media interviews
  • Ok. When media gets hold of her, this is what they're going to do:

    Breaking news: Harris says XYZ in interview!

    Coming Up Next: Why Trump says that Harris saying XYZ is bad!!!

    Over and over again so that they get to lick both sides of the pot in engagement.

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    Republicans and Democrats Agree: Campaigning in Extreme Heat Is Brutal
  • Slightly unrelated thought that occurred to me...

    Harris, during the debate, invited people to attend Trump rallies. Republicans wouldn't want to do anything that a liberal, communist Democrat like Harris would ask them to. Which might be more disincentive to attend the rallies and melt Trump and his followers' brains even more than just the heat.

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    Trump rejects second Harris debate
  • Trump's advisors were reaching for any reason to convince him he won, because they know how disastrous another debate would be.

    Not to worry, we will be entertained by the Walz-Vance faceoff, though I'll admit giving TFG the talking to he's deserved since forever ago was immensely gratifying.

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    Harris widens lead over Trump; voters say she won the debate: poll
  • Many Republicans were also not convinced about their candidate's performance in the debate in Philadelphia. Some 53% of Republican voters in the poll said Trump won the debate, compared to 91% of Democrats who said she was the victor. Among Republicans, 31% said no one won and 14% said Harris got the better of Trump.

    I get partisanship is bad, but I'm glad 9 out of 10 Democrats and 1 of 7 Republicans have their head screwed on correctly. Did a large portion of viewers watch it with the volume on mute?

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    Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds
  • I mean sure because conservative women are supposed to be either stuck in the kitchen and nursing children, a husband's sex slave or a mouthpiece advocating for the first two.

    Social conservative positions have just gone off the rocker and left most women behind, being mocked, insulted and threatened. Examples are the childless cat lady comment and recently Musk's abhorrent outburst re: Ms. Swift.

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    New NLnet funding for Lemmy
  • Adding to my own comment:

    Shoutout to all of you Lemmings and Fedizens for participating in this platform, and staying in our communities despite many features still early in development compared to established platforms. Thank you for that.

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    Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • If you can believe it, Trump supporters will accept the Ohio immigrant pet eating story as true.

    Somehow media is pitching the "moderate position" as halfway between anywhere within the normal range of political positions and the crazy positions.

  • Mmmm. Roasted ham.


    25and.Me - Summaries of ramifications of implementing the Republican agenda How Does Project 2025 Affect Me?

    See how Donald Trump's Project 2025 will affect the things YOU care about

    This is a site that has summarized and cited points from the Project2025 document (with assistance from Google's Gemini AI algorithm along with manual fact-checking) categorized by topic.

    If you want a concise and accessible set of reasons on why a Trump/Republican presidency would be bad for the US, to help explain important issues to friends and family without sounding like a conspiracy theorist or a political savant, this resource may help.


    Shadow Great British Railways created as legislation to end private operating contracts makes progress.


    Hey everyone, just a reminder in case you hadn't seen it or forgot from months ago, the Canadian official e-petition is at this link as part of the campaign. Maybe we can get some clarity from our government on what our rights as consumers are when buying access to video games.

    Signature collection ends at 9:30am ET/6:30am PT on Thursday 5 Sept 2024.

    3 Le gouvernement du Canada lance une consultation sur le droit à la réparation en vue de mieux répondre aux besoins des consommateurs -

    Les Canadiens s’attendent à juste titre à ce que leurs achats, qu’il s’agisse d’une laveuse, d’une sécheuse ou d’un téléphone, demeurent en état de fonctionnement pendant des années. C’est pourquoi le gouvernement du Canada s’est engagé à faciliter la réparation des électroménagers et appareils élec...

    L'enquête par ISDE Canada sera ouverte jusqu'au 26 septembre 2024.

    >Les Canadiens peuvent envoyer leurs commentaires à l’adresse suivante :

    3 Government of Canada launches consultation on right to repair to better meet Canadian consumers’ needs -

    Canadians rightfully expect that their purchases, from phones to washers and dryers, work well and last for years, and that’s why the Government of Canada is committed to improving Canadians’ ability to repair home appliances and consumer electronics. Every generation should be able to repair their ...

    I figured that right to repair is a topic many of us are interested in. The survey below by ISED Canada, a department of the Government of Canada, is open until September 26, 2024.

    >Canadians can provide their input at the following link:

    16 Cragsand :catjam: (

    Attached: 1 video :AngeryCat: :KEKW: #traffic #meme #UrbanPlanning #trains #trams #PublicTransportation #transportation #WarOnCars #InducedDemand #TrafficJam #buslanes

    Video shared from a Mastodon user.


    Some Lemmy user at one point had asked about a "multi-paste" feature, if there was a way to use keyboard shortcuts to display multiple clipboard items and copy/paste them out at will (this user mentioned similar to RTS games they like to play). If someone can find that post, can you notify them and direct them here, please? I'm having trouble locating it but I recollect that it was within the last 3 months. Edit: I found the post!

    Somehow this was stuck in my mind when I accidentally pressed a keyboard shortcut, that showed my last 5 copied items. This isn't exactly what the user was looking for but I thought I'd publicize it here.

    If you use Fcitx (because you need multi-language input) from the fcitx5 packages, then you may already have installed the clipboard add-on. You can use fcitx with just one keyboard layout. By default, it's activated by Ctrl+semicolon and shows the 5 last entries, but the number can be configured.

    https:// /news/politics/cn-railway-cpkc-lockout-job-action-negotiations-1.7301419

    cross-posted from:

    > CN and CPKC locked out employees across Canada on Thursday 22 Aug 2024, due to a labour dispute between them and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference.

    https:// /news/politics/cn-railway-cpkc-lockout-job-action-negotiations-1.7301419

    CN and CPKC locked out employees across Canada on Thursday 22 Aug 2024, due to a labour dispute between them and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference.

    0 【PR】 「A列車で行こう」の新作を11月に発売|鉄道ニュース|2024年7月25日掲載|鉄道ファン・

    アートディンクでは,Windows専用ソフト「A列車で行こう9 トレインコンストラクション」を2024(令和6)年11月21日(木)に発売

    The edition is called: "Take The A Train 9 Version 5.0 Final Edition Complete Pack DX+"


    Train Construction Pack Steam Page

    Unfortunately, the ridiculously titled combo pack's Steam page appears to be region locked to Japan, the DVD version is also Japan/Japanese only.


    Crosspost from:

    https:// /20240724/cfsc20240724ag.htm

    The motion was shared here earlier:

    There were 35 speakers in support, 1 speaker in opposition. The amendment and motion were supported unanimously by councillors. There were hundreds of comments received, largely in support.

    The 49th Avenue, 41st Avenue, 4th Avenue, Granville Street, and Hastings Street corridors were talked about most. The amendment added Granville Street to the list of corridors of focus, and inclusion of TransLink's report for city staff reference. Another important point was the request for automated buslane enforcement.


    Chapter 19 of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 edition of Mandate for Leadership (Direct PDF link) is full of policies that would be terrible for the US.


    • Replace national transportation infrastructure projects with a flat transportation subsidy formula to each state (most of whose DoTs don't know how to do anything with money other than build highways)
    • Stop funding mass transit, give public funds to Rideshare companies like Uber/lyft instead.
    • Preserve single family home zoning at all costs. Each state and city knows what is best for their people, better than the federal government, except when states and cities do something that conservatives don't like.
    • Screw California in particular.
    • Trying to reduce the number of traffic fatalities is bad if anyone dare suggests that we have to drive a little bit slower.

    cross-posted from:

    > Taken at Vancouver, BC in June 2024


    Taken at Vancouver, BC in June 2024


    Photo taken in Vancouver, Canada in July 2024.
