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  • I watched the first episode a few weeks ago and wow is it dark. I thought they were building up to the scientist’s kid having his mind put in a Robot body, but no. That child is dead and this Astro Boy is the scientist’s unhealthy coping mechanism.

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    Oh dear...
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    Exclusive: US to send depleted-uranium munitions to Ukraine
  • No you’re right our brave mujahideen fighters in Ukraine deserve the right to have their conscripts poison and maim their own children. They’ve got the uranium bullets and cluster bombs, but surely we’ve got some agent orange around here we can spare.

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    China helping to arm Russia with helicopters, drones and metals
  • My comment had no purpose other than to be pedantic for it's own sake because that is how the internet has taught me that intelligence is demonstrated and I want to appear intelligent

    Wow neat

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    ‘We Cannot Win’ Says Top Russian Commander
  • I mean marching a bunch of barely-trained 50 year old conscripts into known killzones or over minefields is absolutely throwing those lives away.

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    ‘We Cannot Win’ Says Top Russian Commander
  • That gazette article was a breathe of fresh air. So novel to read a stark, bare bones, and honest account of how the war has played out. Until “the brutality inherent to Leninism” I forgot I was reading a USMC rag.
