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'You have fully lost my vote': Trump supporters rebel against him over new policy proposal
  • Not to mention that hiring immigrant workers means lowering the chance of hiring someone with an intimate knowledge of workers rights, making it easier to pull illegal shit without repercussions.

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    Sony Santa Monica is making its first new IP in over 20 years
  • I will use this opportunity to sing the praises of HiFi Rush, because that original game deserved so much better than it got. Probably would have gotten it as an indie game too.

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    Flowchart for STEM
  • Should be a subbranch of "ambivalent towards safety" - How do you like to endanger yourself -> Blowing things up = Chem Eng or Hit things with hammers = Geology

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    Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us?
  • I mean, he doesn't have to say it, your comment and the sources did a good job suggesting you only did a cursory read yourself.

    1. The first paper states that birds are less sensitive to pyrethroid based pesticides, which makes your broad statements about pesticides sketchy at best.

    2. Simple logic doesn't work in science specifically because it's simple and is subject to internal biases. You can't make an assumption and appeal to intuitive reasoning without some evidence to draw that link.

    3. Your second paper doesn't back up your claim. It states that bird population loss is a multifaceted problem. Yes, pesticide use is called out as a factor, but so too is habitat loss through urbanisation and unregulated harvesting practices, which kind of answers your point 4.

    4. These are all American sources. As a result, very little of this is applicable to the Australian biosphere beyond the most broad strokes since they dont take into account differences in local food webs, urban planning, environmental legislation etc.

    TLDR, someone is using irrelevant sources and their dislike of pesticides to justify keeping their cats outside

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    Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us?
  • Cats go nuts at the witching hour anyway, being inside or outside has nothing to do with it.

    Basically, nah, they're alright inside. They sleep for between 12 to 18 hours a day and get most active at dawn and dusk, so having some way for them to burn off energy with a good cat tree or the like will keep them occupied. And if they want more than that, they will come to you and make their demands known. And if that's still not enough and you're willing to put the effort in and do some acclimatising, you could get a second cat and they'll keep each other occupied.

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    Helldivers 2 now delisted in 177 countries
  • In Australia, we'd call it the Bradbury strategy, named after a speed skater who won a gold medal when the 4 or so skaters in front of him fell over on the final lap. Keep doing your thing and wait for everyone else to fuck up.

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    How bad is it if I slack off on accessories?
  • The big question is what would you want to get out of doing more accessory exercises? If you're hitting all the muscles you want to hit, and it looks like you're doing the classic routine that hits the big areas evenly, I dont see any issues with 2 per week, you'll still get stronger and grow muscle, depending on how weights and reps. Further, more workouts equals more fatigue which equals higher risk of injuring yourself, so if you just want to do accessories for the sake of doing them, that's just burning energy to wear yourself out, and you could probably do a better job of that through cardio. I do a couple of accessory days myself, but that's more shoulder and wrist work to help my tennis, as well as a functional leg training day in amongst there since I work outdoors a lot. It all comes down to what you want out of it and what your body will allow.

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    Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere
  • Nuclear doesn't really solve the problem. Yes the energy generation is carbon neutral, the material still has to be produced, refined and transported, which is also quite energy expensive, not to mention the messy matter of material disposal. Further, nuclear does put out a lot of energy, but the ability to output an entire countries energy requirements from 3 plants makes energy security worse, because you have fewer fallbacks in the case of power grid malfunction (CSIRO published a nuclear feasibility study for Australia recently which highlighted this as a major issue with nuclear power). Even if all that works out, it still takes ages to build a nuclear plant, by which point you could have filled the grid with renewable energy and storage and saved a lot of time and money while also meeting energy requirements and reducing cadbon output.

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    What is the last video game that you were completely hooked on?
  • I got back on the Warframe wagon with the Whispers in the Walls update. After a long break, I'm impressed how much better it is, and it's hooks are firmly back in my brain. The new location and the throat chanting type soundtrack from the semi-hidden boss regularly flash into my brain at awkward times.

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  • I love these word cloud things, because you can see the shitposts float to the top as the class gets in on the action. A palaeontology class once did one asking why we thought life began moving from water to land, and we all just watched the word Craig get bigger and bigger. Fucking Craig, this is all his fault.

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    Queenslanders bet over $56b last year, but less than one per cent of that went to preventing further harm
  • If memory serves, when brain activity is measured in betting, dopamine hits the highest right before the outcome of a bet, so it's effectively the risk inherent in betting that causes the high, not the outcome. I'd have to find the article to becertain, though.

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    New Gut-Brain Circuits Found for Sugar and Fat Cravings – “One-Two Punch” Revealed
  • No kidding, I remember buying a loaf of rye bread when I went to the US and being shocked that it tasted sweet. It's rye bread, sweetness is not the flavour I was going for.

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    Touching Young Sheldon finale to end with mass school shooting
  • I also think most of the core Chasers crew have some kind of legal background, either studying or practicing, so have a decent grasp of what they can and can't get away with.

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    Voice Ruler
  • I liked that Mike Patton voiced both the Darkness and also the Anger Sphere from Portal. Horrifying mass of snakes, blades and tentacles, then a harmless orb.

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    ‘They’re a 25km/h missile’: The case for and against e-scooters in the city
  • Regular rider here too. I forgot about the cadence sensor ebikes that you can basically ghost pedal to the engine cut-off. I'd still argue that it's more effort than twisting a throttle, but that's just me being pedantic. My ebike rides don't even trip the auto workout function on my watch.

    I'd love the 32 km/h limit from NZ, you definitely feel the weight when you hit 26 km/h on a heavy bike with fairly wide gear spacing. Still, all it'll take is one accident taken out of context for the pitchforks to come out

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    ‘They’re a 25km/h missile’: The case for and against e-scooters in the city
  • You're allowed to go up to 6km/h using the motor but without pedal assistance, according to the Qld Transport website, which I assume means you can use a throttle here..

    I'm a regular cyclist, both electric and non-electric, so I know exactly what you mean about the ease of cruising at those speeds. I've got a torque sensor ebike where you have to use your legs a bit, and forgot about how little effort is required on a cadence sensor ebike like I think the rental ebikes here use. I've been wanting to do a ride with my non-cycling partner, her on the ebike. That may educational, since she seems to be more the target audience for rental escooters and might have a different perspective, whereas we seem to be more experienced on 2 wheels

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    ‘They’re a 25km/h missile’: The case for and against e-scooters in the city
  • Would they? Riding bikes is taught quite early on in most kids lives, and the bigger wheels and more room for suspension makes me inclined to believe that there's less chance of being thrown off an ebike because of a shitty footpath or bad turn, at least for a basic commuter type bike. You've also got to be putting some effort in to get over 20km/h, ebike throttles are supposed to be limited to walking speed. I dont have firsthand experience with escooters, though, so theres a chance I may be missing something here.
