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Eve Frontier is a survival game spin-off of Eve Online and, yup, it's full of blockchain bullshit
  • The main thing I’m wondering from all this is what the actual use case is for being able to do transactions outside of the game. For both the actual Eve online and the vast majority of survival games, being able to trade player to player is plenty.

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    The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
  • I dunno, I saw some stats the other day indicating that if all the non-voters in supposedly solid red states actually went and voted, then they might be able to swing the state.

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    Clueless about Biology
  • Could be it’s using you for nutrients it can’t get normally, so it keeps you alive to milk you for your calcium or whatever for as long as it can.

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    Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA?
  • Judging from my own doctors experience, they are way overbooked. Can’t get a personal experience when they gotta see a couple dozen more people the same day.

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    Has anyone ever been to a political candidate rally? What was it like?
  • They had the supermajority for a grand total of 72 days and spent most of that time getting Obamacare passed, though they also passed stimulus spending and a few other things. Pretty decent job, all in all.

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    This country needs some fuckin' reform.
  • But, like, I already have a car for my daily commute and whatnot. I can’t see a way that a bus or similar would be faster. So why would I even consider using public transport?

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    TIL That each missile fired by Israels Iron Dome cost anywhere between 40k to 50k US per missile
  • Maybe learn some history? Jews have been moving to/from Israel for pretty much as long as Judaism has existed.

    Usually there are waves when they start getting persecuted in said countries of origin.

  • Enjoying an early morning cup of coffee
