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anyone started late with gamepads?
  • I actually started early with gamepads, dating all the way back to the Gravis and the original Logitech Wingman, but it might be relevant that I still primarily use a mouse and keyboard, and especially for anything that requires precise aiming.

    I use a gamepad for emulated console games, since they're designed for a pad, and for things that require free and flowing movement, so respond well to a stick or a d-pad - racing games primarily, and many platformers and similar action games. But for things that combine separate movement and aiming - first person shooters and RPGs and the like - I just think a mouse and keyboard is better than dual sticks ever could be.

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    Do it do it do it do it
  • Seriously, WHAT is THE DEAL with conservative disinformationists scattering ALL-CAPS WORDS throughout EVERYTHING they WRITE?

    My THEORY is that it's MEANT as a SUBSTITUTE for LOGIC and REASON - that in LIEU of saying things that are ACTUALLY logical, reasonable or true, they JUST say things really LOUDLY.

    It MUST be TRUE because it's so EMPHATIC, right?

    And it PROBABLY triggers a PAVLOVIAN response in the DUNDERHEADS who READ it. "LOOK at all the CAPS! This is MY kind of TRUTHINESS!"

    It's just... WEIRD. And sort of PATHETIC.

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    Blowback: How a CIA-Backed Coup Led to the Rise of Iran's Ayatollahs
  • Good to see this - this is a story that needs to be repeated often, so that more and more westerners will come to see where and how things went wrong, and most notably, who bears the responsibilty for it.

    It's also what first led me to the theory that the underlying goal of American Middle East policy is simply destabilization - that the American authorities, and the interests they represent, broadly seek to avoid the threat to western hegemony that would be posed by Middle East oil wealth administered by stable and progressive governments, and to provide recurring enemies to empower the military/industrial complex, so have deliberately pursued policies designed to keep religious fundamentalists and paranoid authoritarians in power.

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    What was Netanyahu’s map and ‘plan for Gaza’ all about?
  • an annexed West Bank and Gaza under Israeli army control.

    That's the plan, right there.

    Actually, the plan was to annex Gaza too, but it's looking like Netanyahu isn't going to be able to keep sabotaging cease-fire deals long enough for that to happen. So the fallback position is to hold the Philadelphi corridor so that Gaza is completely encicled, so that Israel can fully control the flow of food and water and can prevent foreign access (and most notably foreign journalists), so they can then carry out their final solution for Gaza unhindered, and annex it sometime later.

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    Netanyahu Is Blocking a Hostage Deal
  • Of course he is.

    It's really a very simple calculus - any deal is going to include a timeline for Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, and if Netanyahu signs off on a deal that includes a withdrawal from Gaza, the hard right assholes are going to turn on him. And if the hard right assholes turn on him, he's not going to be able to hold onto the office. And if he doesn't hold onto the office, he's likely going to jail, because he's not just a psychopathic piece of shit, but a grotesquely corrupt psychopathic piece of shit.

    And that's really the whole deal right there - tens and potentially hundreds of thousands of people are dying and millions of people are displaced all so that one grotesquely corrupt psychopathic piece of shit can evade justice.

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    Elon Musk keeps spreading a very specific kind of racism.
  • People are almost more susceptible to simpler charts with race and IQ than they are to the really complicated stuff

    Ironically enough, that's because they're stupid.

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    Meta CEO admits Biden-Harris admin pressured company to censor Americans
  • It amuses the hell out of me every time the conservatives whine about their brazen disinformation getting censored, since whenenver and wherever they get an opportunity (including, especially ironically, Facebook), they reveal themselves to be the most cowardly censorious people on the planet.

    Everywhere, without exception, where conservatives have control, anything that even hints at undermining their comforting delusions is instantly censored.

    But if anybody dares to censor anything they might want to say, including overt and deliberate lies, they wail and cry like the spoiled children they are.

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    RFK Jr faces call for investigation into claim he chainsawed whale’s head off
  • So the unspoken bit about RFK Jr. is that he's a tweaker, right?

    I mean, the details are all in the context of politically entitled progeny, but the underlying vibe I get from the stories about him is very reminiscent of the tweakers I've known over the years.

  • If you need a little pure, unalloyed (Japanese) joy in your life...

    Lemmy should just go its own way and forget about cake day and karma farming, and instead reward original content, until reddit starts copying Lemmy
  • Strongly agreed.

    I'm reminded of the scene in Groundhog Day in which they have that one day that just unfolds naturally and is so wonderful, and then the next time through, the Bill Murray character tries to duplicate it, and it's just awful and cringey.

    Lemmy, given the chance, will (continue to) develop its own norms and memes and traditions, and be that much better for it. Just trying to duplicate Reddit here is not only doomed to failure, but cringey.

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    As Gaza War Is Largely Ignored on DNC Stage, Doubts Grow over Blinken’s Claims on Ceasefire Talks
  • "Doubts grow?"

    Why would they even need to "grow?" This is just June and July all over again, with the only difference being that Hamas isn't buying any of it this time around.

    The Biden administration isn't trying to negotiate anything. It's just trying to strike a pose to dodge the entirely deserved condemnation it's getting for enabling a genocide while continuing to enable a genocide.

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    Trump Promotes A.I. Images to [Falsely] Suggest That Taylor Swift Endorsed Him | The former president has been preoccupied with the popularity of the pop music megastar, who endorsed Biden in 2020
  • “I think she’s beautiful — very beautiful! I find her very beautiful. I think she’s liberal. She probably doesn’t like Trump. I hear she’s very talented. I think she’s very beautiful, actually — unusually beautiful!"

    I don't think it's with her popularity that the creepy old serial sex abuser is preoccupied...

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    Recent US Supreme Court decisions are already slowing climate progress | Supreme Court rulings limiting federal authority have upended the legal landscape — and could discourage bold climate policies.
  • As intended. The wealthy few don't buy Supreme Court justices for no reason.

    The decisions aren't just about undermining climate policies - they're more broadly about eliminating any impediments to the wealthy and empowered few raping and pillaging to their hearts' content, entirely free of any threat of consequences. But that's ncessarily largely about climate, since that's one of the most notable areas in which the wealthy few are causing significant direct and measurable harm and thus are most eager to avoid the consequences they so richly deserve.

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    Climate Change is Killing People. Could Fossil Fuel Companies Be Held Criminally Responsible? | Some advocates and legal scholars are suggesting going beyond civil lawsuits
  • Should they be? Yes.

    Will they be? No.

    It really doesn't matter what should happen, because the simple fact of the matter is that the fossil fuel companies own enough corrupt politicians to successfully avoid the wholly deserved consequences for their overtly malicious acts.

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    Donald Trump Falsely Claims Taylor Swift’s Endorsement with Garbage AI-Generated Posts
  • And a billionaire singer who's already such a common target for AI deepfakes that she's quite likely the one person on the planet most ready, willing and able to sue someone's ass off over them.

  • NOT the DiCaprio one - I like this one much better.

    A hotshot car racer persuades the class president of a small Minnesota high school to gamble on illegal car races to raise money for their school facing closure.

    Part teen rom-com and part racing flick, and Stephen Sommers' directorial debut. Good cast - Matt Lattanzi as the caustic, moody and unexpectedly studious racer/delinquent and Loryn Locklin as the beautiful-under-the-frumpy-exterior class president, and the always-great M. Emmet Walsh as local villain Johnny "The Fat Man" Phatmun. Good cheesy fun.

    IMDb link


    A child witnesses drug dealers murder his parents. He escapes and grows up wild in the city's slums. Years later he emerges to help the residents of the area who are being terrorized by street gangs and drug dealers.

    Stylish mid-80s cheese with a screenplay by the legendary John Sayles, a score by George Clinton and a pretty solid cast.

    IMDb link
