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Is there a way to block hexbear
  • Different opinions are scary aren't they? Don't worry you can hide under the bed. Fortunately, the world will change around you anyways.

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    “Communism doesn’t work”
  • “I regret the demise of Communism—not for me, but when I see how much my children and grandchildren struggle. We had safe jobs and decent salaries under Communism. We had enough to eat and we had yearly vacations with our children”.

    • 68-year-old retired Romanian mechanic, quoted in George Jahn, “In Romania, Turmoil Fuels Nostalgia for Communism,” Washington Post, January 11, 2011.
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    New WHO chief scientist backs China fact-finding mission to examine COVID origin
  • I guarantee that you would be cooking up these conspiracy theories regardless of any investigations that China had allowed. They could have shipped every citizen of Wuhan straight to your house so you could personally interview them and it still wouldn't be enough.

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    Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • Obviously it is a counterfactual but no serious leftist would say that China without market reforms wouldn't have eradicated poverty, and moreover done it faster and more completely. The seeds of poverty alleviation were planted during the Maoist era; improvement in health, education improvement, and industrialization.

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    Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon
  • This but unironically. In general though, there is nothing more galling than liberals complaining about Russia. You made it this way. This is on you. First you destroy the soviet union, then you reconfigure the politics and economy of Russia, and then you have the audacity to complain about the very thing you caused.

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    Hexbear federation megathread
  • This is so fucking stupid, there is a mountain of evidence for the Holocaust and all the deniers have their arguments thoroughly refuted. Why not use the same tactic as the historians who document the Holocaust and refute the deniers, or is that impossible because the evidence does not exist in this case.
