Is there a way to block hexbear
Is there a way to block hexbear
I don’t like to see so many political posts in all and so many weird images in comment sections
Is there a way to block hexbear
I don’t like to see so many political posts in all and so many weird images in comment sections
What in the world have I woken up into...
As an Asian/Taiwanese, I do not understand why Hexbearians feel the need to point out what's racist for us.
The picture of Xi the Pooh is clearly a parody and pointed specifically at Xi and the CCP, and not a general racist insult to Asians. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, in East Asia knows that, including the Chinese themselves. We use/refer to it a lot ourselves on our own social media platforms in Taiwan (習維尼, 習: Xi, and Winnie the Pooh: 維尼), and if you mention any of it on Chinese social media Weibo/WeChat, you likely will get banned from the platform.
Kind of reminds me of cultural appropriation gone out of hand, where Westerners feel the need to be angry at other Westerners for wearing Japanese Kimonos or Chinese Quipaos. Like, no one here is offended. We don't understand why those people feel the need to be angry for us.
Edit: I just saw a Hexbear comment on another thread posting that China doesn't ban Winnie the Pooh because Disney is able to exist. Well, no shit. It's in the context of Disney. Put that phrase in any other thread on their platform (preferably political) and see what happens, then can you claim that the CCP doesn't ban the word Xi the Pooh.
Watch out, you're Taiwanese so you don't exist to those racism fighters 👍
How dare you try to develop your own opinion. Don't you know that white girls on social media get to tell you what to be offended by?
Combating racism with racism. Well that's just great.
How dare you not let the, probably also white, tankies decide what is and is not racist towards you. /s i hope they all kick rocks
Yeah as far as I know the Winnie the Pooh thing originated in the PRC. Apparently Xi is really upset about it and did a hard ban on it. But it's kinda a Streisand effect kind of thing so places outside of the CCP's control kinda ran with it.
But the hexbears are just conditioned to say it's racist to try to shut down any conversation about it. I mean it's their tyrant using censorship for an extremely petty reason. I probably wouldn't call him Xi the Pooh myself if it weren't for the fact that this tyrant is so butthurt and petty about it. And that's what makes it hilarious. And fuck that guy.
Kind of reminds me of cultural appropriation gone out of hand, where Westerners feel the need to be angry at other Westerners for wearing Japanese Kimonos or Chinese Quipaos.
Yeah the whole cultural appropriation thing is weird. Sure it's wrong to trivialize something that holds a lot cultural or religious significance to others. But people generally like seeing others participate in their culture, and they'll let you know when something is sacred and not for a casual tourist to participate in.
When I went to Peru I bought a shirt from a tourist shop that was the local style. Everyone seemed happy to see that. One older woman said she was happy to see a westerner wearing the local style and invited me to a wedding. Approval all around... except for one guy that said I probably shouldn't be wearing that shirt. It was a white guy from the UK (judging from the accent).
And the kimono thing is really weird. When I was in Kyoto, anyone could dress up as a samurai or a geisha. Not only was it acceptable, the shops would give discounts to people dressed up this way. Because it made things more fun. This may be shocking to some people, but cosplay is fairly popular in Japan. I also saw some dudes in a park cosplaying as American 1950s geasers. Was I offended by this because they were appropriating our culture? Of course not, they seemed to be having fun and nobody dresses that way anymore anyway.
The idea of a blanket stigmatizing of western people having any participation in other cultures seems like it'll be a problem long term. If it's ok for everyone in the world to adopt western culture, but not ok for westerners to adopt anything from anyone else's culture, then western culture spreads and other cultures don't. Seems to me like what happens with colonialism, but this time with good intentions! But intentions doesn't change the result. And if the result is the spread of western culture while preventing the spread of other cultures, seems like a bad result to me.
I probably wouldn’t call him Xi the Pooh myself
If I were a head of state, on a suitable occasion I'd absolutely make sure that the state present is a selection of the finest local honeys. Also some mead for completeness' sake. Let their diplomatic corps bend over backwards attempting to not insult such a fine offering of friendship.
EDIT: Oh. This episode of Yes, Prime Minister.
嗨,難得可以在 Lemmy 上遇到台灣人。相信我,我懂你的心情。我前幾天也被六熊們搞得很煩。什麼新疆人過得很好、習維尼迷因是種族歧視、台灣是中共領土等巴拉巴拉的。
嗨 是真的難得在這邊遇到台灣人
我住北部 這邊風雨現在還好
Edit: Someone clearly is salty enough to downvote a comment they didn't read or even bother to translate themselves. FYI, it's about the typhoon weather here in Taiwan. Not even remotely political/on topic. Pathetic.
It's called Whitesplaining and it's actually in the dictionary.
"(of a white person) to comment on the minority experience or explain racism to a person of color in a condescending or blaming way..."
I think it's a key giveaway that someone is a narcissist.
Not really westerners. Pretty much the whole US left with their history of fucked-up race relations and cultural penchant for either pussy-footing or waving their dicks around, nothing in between, and a small splattering of leftist from other countries drawn into their bullshit reasoning and inability to see context that is beyond the brim of their burger.
Hey I wrote that post. The person I was responding to said Winnie is not allowed in the PRC at all, which is false. I then went on to acknowledge that Winnie is censored in other contexts, especially online. Please represent the conversation accurately.
It wasn't you. Don't worry.
It might not be racist in your areas, but I’ve absolutely seen a lot of people be racist with it in the US. A lot of are from there, so I’ll admit we have a perspective bias, but when a large majority of the people we seeing spreading it are from that racist, US grown, bloc of posters, it kind of primes a response to it.
Can't you just accept when your wrong?!
Go back into you hole now.
Sure. But I don't think it warrants that big of a response, when it's clearly a parody of Winnie the Pooh, which is yellow itself. If Pooh was somehow white, black, or green, it would be depicted as that. It has nothing to do with yellow skin.
No one cares that you're Chinese and like the picture. It's still racist.
Another 🤡
Why do you think you get to ignore my perspective, and tell me what's racist towards me? What makes you so special?
This is the bear meme that came out of the PRC itself?
How's that?
As an Asian/Taiwanese, I do not understand why Hexbearians feel the need to point out what's racist for us.
You dont speak for billions of Chinese people. The fact that you chose to refer to Chinese people in the third person speaks to that.
Thank you for telling on yourself and your separatist friends for using racist memes in social media though.
You dont speak for billions of Chinese people.
You don't either. Stop with your self imposed superiority.
When satire and radical outrage converge.
Fuck you're dumb.
Hexbear users are such shit they had to make an account on because hexbear is defederated from so many places. Fucking losers.
Hexbear: why do so many people want to degenerate with us
Also hexbear: Spams every complaint in other instances with unrelated images
They are so eager to prove themselves the assholes that people accuse them of being, and then they whine and cry about instances defederating from them.
I'm pretty sure the whole thing is a false flag/astroturf to discredit sincere leftist discourse. It seems a lot like a blend of bad leftist parody, and edgy 14-year-olds who fell for it
hexbears are abrasive because we expect most liberals to be venomous and dismissive toward us and not listen to anything we say, even if we operate in good faith. so instead of wasting a lot of energy on a response that will be thrown back at us like dogshit, we're flippant and cursory. for my part, I actually still respond in good faith most of the time, but I pick my battles.
We will convince them to like us by spamming emojis knowing that they will take up the screens of our opponents! That’ll show ‘em
Don't forget the 5-10% of them who aggressively insult OP and anyone else commenting in the thread.
So, the primary reason that happens, and the primary reason I'd vote defederation on them every time, is because their instance has down votes disabled for some forsaken reason. It's not 100% the users fault, it's because a comment is the only mode of response they have available for something they don't agree with. So a negative image macro is their downvote. Due to this, they end up flooding other instances threads and only see a bunch of people who agree with the op of a thread or a post, which of course makes them feel like they need to show their displeasure way what's been posted. Meanwhile we can see the 500 to 9.2k ratio on the racist hot take.
The way our instances are run is just fundamentally incompatible.
Hexbear: why do so many people want to removed with us
Where did you get this idea from? We know damn well why: you're a bunch of coddled libs who are used to the reddit admins protecting you from seeing any views outside the USA overton windows, and you're now freaking out at seeing real difference of opinion.
I'm well aware how fucked up the US is. It created al-qaeda. Hell, this is some crazy secret knowledge you can't learn anywhere, it's on Wikipedia.
Also a hot take, I don't like the war in Ukraine. I don't think it should be happening and I wish it would end because I think war fucking sucks.
Believe it or not, the world is a complex place filled with a lot of countries that do lots of things, both good and bad, and it's not cool or edgy to just say the US is bad and [insert other country here] is good. Hell, you realize one of the most influential forces in the Chinese government (and a huge influence in the west) is Tencent, a massive profit-focused cooperation. That ain't communist.
Yooo we got them making memes about us, for free and everything
Because we hate you.
Not every publicitiy is good publicity
how dare we be obnoxious to the virulent homophobes and transphobes that have been coming out of the woodwork
Was I being homophobic with this post? Because they have been being obnoxious here, posting emojis that cover the screen and calling me a shithead
Accusing people of random blatantly untrue things is exactly part of what makes you obnoxious.
once again being a Mao bootlicker is not a gender
I love that you all default to bad faith arguments. It's so predictable.
There hasn't been any homophobia or transphobia in this thread from what I've seen, yet here you are being obnoxious and antagonistic.
silence anime girl
That’s the only time hecxbear users are obnoxious, of course
Dumb as hell saying and believing that shit, okay?
Hexbear sucks so hard you had to create an account on a better server? Or is it to get around being defederated for being obnoxious shitheads?
Don't listen to hexbear users when they say they "defend themselves" from homophobia and transphobia. One user thought the admin of was being transphobic for not allowing politics in every community. Hexbear users will literally just lie about the repamant amount of homophobia and transphobia to justify their existence here.
Mind that the two admins of are trans women, which makes it extra ridiculous.
That whole thing was a shit show and I somehow was able to stumble across each and every single part of it as it happened.
It all happened merely days after hexbear said Blahaj was somehow not safe for their LGBT members, so then having those new accounts pull this was so obvious as where could the users came from.
Umm... They lie about everything actually.
Hexbear was/is a shit show. Then again, I hate politics and idiots with a burning passion. (Grew up in the South with Far right idiots belching brain dead arguments) It's very hostile. I was semi-fine with hostility on Reddit, I'd happily bite and fight. But, I'm honestly trying to have a good experience, so Hexbear is a no-go for me.
And for the inevitable herd of Hexbearians that will no doubt squawk this post to hell: I am a nonbinary, demisexual, melungeon witch, I can't stand racists or bigots or *phobes, I don't care for politics or politicians, but will happily vote for whoever doesn't try to make my existence illegal!
Going to be real, that’s not what happened. They had a mod in a large community there, that was a chaser, and that was misgendering people. They wouldn’t remove them, so we left. We’ve got a large amount of trans people on our instance and mod team, so we didn’t want to be exposed to that.
We defederated blahaj because they allowed chasers, vaushites and ableism. Even 4chan knows how bad 196's chaser problem is.
So you've moved onto the "straight up lying" phase of cope.
I can't tell if this is elaborate trolling or you're just a completely unhinged person from what I've seen in these comments...
I actually just abandoned this instance purely because of hexbears sudden federation here.
They're just a bunch of assholes masquerading as sensible leftists.
I was really sad to leave but I refuse to deal with them.
They are like wasps. If you agitate one, you'll get mobbed by countless others. I tried to reason with one yesterday and I'm still getting notifications from random hexbear users coming at me.
It's sad but kind of funny, but mostly annoying.
I had the displeasure of interacting with someone before I knew what that instance was. Someone posted that anyone who supported any democratic candidate in the US should be hit by a truck, and that they wanted to do physical harm to them. I reported it, and the mod who got the report posted my name publically in the thread and proceeded to paste some manifesto on how cops brutalized homeless people and trans people, so therefore if someone votes for a democratic senator it is justifiable to physically harm or kill that person.
I have blocked every community on the instance. It was helpful being brought up by the mod, cause I clicked on their profile and they modded 15 or so communities on their instance, so I was able to click directly on those communties and block, then click on the next one etc.
I kicked the nest and my instance defederated hexbear soon after. Problem solved!
Well it probably wasn't me that caused the defederation, but I like to pretend.
You can't reason with people who are mentally ill.
I'm not sure there was ever any masquerade.
Connect for Lemmy has a block instance feature
Eh, we'll probably get there. It will probably take a few days ift complaining about it and the admins will probably defederate.
I made a post like this on my old instance's main community and it got flooded by 400+ hexbear comments telling me how stupid I am. No, the only real solution is to make a new account on an instance that's defederated. Good luck.
What instances would you recommend? I don’t really want to leave mine since I’ve been on it for awhile but if it gets too annoying I might want to is defederated (hexbear did it first surprisingly). It's a very LGBTQ+ oriented place so I'm not sure it's your cup of tea
If you don't want to move instances, you can probably reduce 99% of annoying Hexbear shitposts by blocking just 3 communities:
They're by far the noisiest, in my experience.
I like pretty well. I've just recently learned that is defederated, but they're already one of the biggest instances. All I did was browse, sorted by usage and skipped the top few entries, and checked each instance to see if they'd defederated. I tried to go smaller than but I got bored lol
I don't understand why blocking (or "defederating") instances is such a core part of the design of lemmy but not actually supported on a per-user basis.
It is possible on kbin and also many lemmy apps.
Connect has it.
Defederating is core to the fediverse. Lemmy just uses a shared protocol to exchange content. And as others have said, Kbin has instancr blocking, community/magazine blocking, and user blocking. You could just create an account on a Kbin instance if it's important enough. You still get to see the same things.
Kbin has instance blocking, community/magazine blocking, and user blocking.
Kbin doesn't have instance blocking yet, just domain blocking, which is for hiding posts that link to a particular domain. Domain blocking is also bugged right now, and will just hide random stuff from you.
It will be a much smaller thing once user based instance blocking is available
Lemmy maintainers admin and don't want to give users the ability to easily block it all lol
Not true, they're actively working on it.
Yeah I think it's about time to get that feature. As a user I have preferences that don't necessarily match with the defederation policies of any instance and I would very much like to choose for myself which instances I want to see.
In my case: I'm not interested in polarising, divisive, toxic content and I really don't care if it's coming from the left or from the right. But it seems to me that I have to choose a side, because some instances are blocking the right wing extremism and some blocking the stuff to the left, but not both.
Reading subscribed communities only is not an option, because then I will miss out on new stuff. And blocking all these awful communities in "all" by hand is too much work.
tl;dr not being able to block instances as a user is giving me a bad Lemmy experience
I'm not interested in polarising, divisive, toxic content and I really don't care if it's coming from the left or from the right.
The extremist propaganda has mostly killed the considerable excitement I had about Lemmy.
It's made me seen how many shortcomings Lemmy has and it's soured me too.
I just wanted a chill place like I saw when i left Reddit on July 1st and now it's just become almost as toxic here.
I can't imagine people would have flocked to this site in July if this shit was happening back then.
Let this man enjoy his yellow scare cartoons in peace god damn you all
Half of all is hexbear posts for me now and I don’t like those posts very much
I guess you can unsubscribe from hexbear communities. And choose to see only the communities you are subscribed to. Idk how SJW works.
They can also block specific comms. It’s how I stopped the AI art posts from filling up my All feed.
That work around isn't great as you will never find new communities.
The biggest and best get all the hate.
"the worst and loudest"
Theres no way yet, suposedly the devs are planing to give that option in the future.
Right now im just not loging into lemmy as much as before, the ambience became way more toxic than the first 2 or 3 months i started using it, and i believe its beacause of hexbearians. Lots of bad takes (pariculary genocide apologism) have been thriving on lemmy since they refederated, whuch was ussually trashed before, so i say they are behind that. And when they have more sane takes, they screw them up by telling you to go read Mao, seriously, Mr "Best politics are the ones that come from a barrel of gun" Mao. He was a fucking thug not a great mind of comunism.
I even re-made an account on reddit ffs, and reddit fucking sucks because my comments get ignored into oblivion no mather where i comment, and its not shadowbaning i think.
So my recomendation is try going somewhere else while the option of blocking instances becomes availabe or touch some grass, although grass sucks since it doesnt fight back when asked about politics and it becomes really old very quickly.
Why not join another instance that blocks hexbear? I mean that is the advantage of Lemmy, isn't it
Because i like shit just works and i like that it isnt that heavy on defedration with other instances, but thats probably gonna change soon since it seems we are holding votes to defederate from hexbear.
You can block instances if you use certain apps. I know connect allows you to block instances.
I even re-made an account on reddit ffs, and reddit fucking sucks because my comments get ignored into oblivion no mather where i comment, and its not shadowbaning i think.
So you're basically here because you want to be a big fish in a small pond lmao
people like you are the reason people want to block hexbear.
Takes so dogshit that even Reddit won't engage. Never would have thought it possible.
There is about to be -
Thank fucking god, I can't stand these 14 year olds.
I would love to block that trash completely. Every interaction I’ve had with any of them and their posts has just given me the impression they are just trolls and nothing else. If anyone truly thinks they are leftists, I question your definition of left. They can go and stay in their little instance and show all the bullshit and talk all the nonsense they want to.
Connect for Lemmy (Android app) has an option to block by instance. Now I see that they commented, but by default I don't see the comment.
Also, it keeps posts from that instance completely out of All.
Which was awesome to discover as a Lemmy user who doesn't like his front page to be mostly furry porn.
No, they're worse. They are true believers in their political ideology and that's all they care about.
If an instance doesn't want a negative reputation for doing certain things, they should prioritize not doing those certain things.
If you act like an arse, people are going to think that you're an arse. If you want people to think that you're pleasant, you should try acting pleasant. If someone acts like an arse but expects to be called pleasant, I would think that person is delusional. Too many people are like this, then get upset when people don't want to deal with them.
Frankly, life is too short to deal with certain people. Why would I waste my time and happiness for a troll?
I might block the instance soon. It doesn't seem like I would be losing much at the moment.
If you're using Sync for Lemmy, you can filter stuff by instance, and a bunch of other criteria.
Connect for Lemmy can block instances too, as well as comments from that instance.
Connect for Lemmy also has the same blocking filters. The instance and keyword ones are great
Yay, looks like they defederated again.
Did they defederate or did you defederate? And why?
They defederated from us. They said abilism and racism or something. I think they didn't like the Winnie the Pooh Xi Jinping. But also I feel like they didn't really like people challenging their beliefs.
Really ? How do you know ?
Saw a post from ! that had a pic of hexbears explanation post.
I can't find us in their blocked list, seems like they might've gone back on that decision.
Oh shucks...
It's not political, it's right wing troll factories trying to stir up the real left and make socialism look bad. They're trash.
As a left-leaning person that would be nice to believe, but I have seen young teenagers who get a taste of shitty capitalism just run to the other side of the spectrum and become 'communists who know nothing about communism except that it's better than capitalism'.
I think actually building a working system of governance that doesn't concentrate corruptible levels of power in a few hands is hard, and many people lack the patience and intelligence to work out the problem. So they run to 'easy answers' that make them feel morally superior and offer the chance of something different (even if worse), especially when they are young and reactionary.
Its the same way some Bernie fans ran to Trump because they lacked the patience to dismantle the duopoly for real, so they hoped he'd do it somehow. We're all feeling worse off, but at least they got to 'show the democrats, right?
I think you're both right. I think some of it is right wing people trying to convince the people you're talking about to abandon morality and not question the "communist" countries (which somehow they still include Russia?) no matter what they do. They don't care about doing what's best for workers if it's anti-western. That's not leftist.
Compelling concecture. I also wonder if there are really groups of people like that (i mean, how do they behave in physical, that must be sort of punks?) -- or if it is part of an orchestrated disruption and possibly false flag. I read it's only about 15 accounts to block if one wanted to get rid of the obnoxious ones.
Have any hints that back it up?
Edit: do not mind, i have read farther down. It also seems to have deviated from the original CTH community, as in "unfriendly take-over", which was even stated by a HB account.
Besides, this helped me to finally understand the confusion about the "liberal" adjective. It's understood differently in USA, from most everywhere else. :-)
Lmao do you actually believe this?
The Connect app has functionality to block instances. It isn't built directly into Lemmy. I'm not sure if any other apps have implemented it as well.
Thanks, I’ll check it out. Thank you for giving a helpful answer instead of spamming emojis
Sync for lemmy also gives the option.
It's absolutely glorious to filter all posts and comments from an entire instance.
I was gonna mention this. The best part too is that if a user is "defederated" by the app then you can simply click show and then the comment pops up if they are a hexbear user.
I honestly 99 percent of the time have little to no issue with their users but I don't want tankie spam on my instance so it works well.
Idk but I blocked like a dozen of them or so and they just disappeared. They have a few always-online users that you should just block when they pop up.
It’s definitely not just a dozen. Hundreds
OK homophobe.
No u
Like me, please block me, really don't want to interact with any of you.
Yet here you are.
Why tf did you guys federate with us? Everyone here thinks you're a pest and most of you seem to be miserable interacting with us. Leave?
really don't want to interact with any of you.
They say as they interact with all of us.
No u
Then go outside and run your fingers through some grass. Maybe even try talking to a person face to face for once. Just get off Lemmy and you won't have to talk to us. Problem solved byeee
join an instance like that has defederated from them
With sync for lemmy you can block instances by adding it to the instances filter.
doesn't work for comments though
To block comments you'd have to block each individual user.
Yeah, I have blocked hexbear & numerous weird gay/fetish porn communities. Make sure you're logged in. Click on the post & navigate to the community....then...towards the top before all the posts, there's a bunch of options. One being to 'block'. I have to scroll to find it.
It should be noted I use Sync for Lemmy. You may or may not have this on your render/UI. Should be able to block.
I also use sync. And i also use the option to block certain words in titles. If you use this list, your feed gets a lot less toxic. Don't judge me from this list, it works for me and a lot less first world problems.
Haha, "America" 😂
Thanks for the advice! I think I'll follow suit.
I think a lot of these things are further reaching problems than first world 😅
I absolutely will judge you for that list. You don't want to hear about capitalism and climate change? Like the two biggest things that are going to affect our future. Lots of people are unaware of the water they swim in to some extent, but to intentionally avoid it like this is another level of ignorance.
There's some real vibes here of someone who's so privileged that current politics already serves them and they feel like they can just ignore it. Self-described "apolitical" people are still political, it's just that their politics are usually awful because they don't think about them.
If I ever thought of using a filter like this - and I really don't think I ever will - the fact that you're the kind of person to use it makes me even less likely to consider it. I never want to shove my head in the sand to that extent.
Go ahead and block me for saying this, I wouldn't want to make you feel slightly uncomfortable for the few seconds it takes to scroll past. It's better if you just don't know I exist. One less voice to antagonise you with reality.
In sync you can block entire instances, no need to block every single community...
No way yet, but it's supposed to be coming. In the mean time, if you block the major comms you'll probably remove about 90% of the hexbear posts from your feed.
Except it doesn't block the individual users coming into this instance to comment and post
That's not how federation works. I'm commenting from hexbear on our all page. It's a feature not a bug.
Not that I know of, but it should be added in for those who don't want to interact with people from Hexbear. If people have the freedom to block an instance for themselves it would expand the decentralization that Lemmy is built on, since people don't have to move to those instances to block out Hexbear.
I've read that blocking the Hexbear domain is a solution to this, but that isn't a proper solution, since those who aren't tech-literate would have a pretty hard time doing that, so a first-party solution would be the best.
any time i see a weird gif reaction i just block.
it gets repetitive, but that's the way it is for now.
at some point i might just move away from shitjustworks to an instance that actually cares.
It currently depends on which client you're using. The devs are working on building it into the server side, but at least 'connect for lemmy' on android allows you to block instances yourself.
As a stop gap, I've just blocked all their communities.
You say that like you were assailed when you were down in the posting trenches concern trolling for hours
I feel like I need to respond to things I feel are harmful, like tankies. And that's bad for me if I do it too much. So I blocked the communities so I won't see them and be bothered. That seemed like a reasonable solution to me.
If you are on browser using unlock origin, you can use custom cosmetic filters like
. Not perfect and does not hide comments, but I've been happy enough with just this.
I kind of like it just for the batshit, teenage-level stupid takes but I wouldn't be sad if they went away.
This kind of thing reminds me of the early 2010s /r/atheism. There's definitely some meaningful discussion to be had, but it quickly got overwhelmed by edgy teenagers and culminated in the infamous "In this moment I am euphoric"" quote and things simmered down.
I expect there's going to be some batshit insane development in this space that'll make things calmer. However looking at the state of the world it might be WW3 making things calmer because most of the edgy teenagers will get drafted /s.
Why would you invoke the name like this
I think I said hexbear 5 times and summoned the whole instance
Your post is on active right now. Just another casualty of active being the default sort.
oh my god the bear spectre is so cute
I can’t see hexbear posts and I was told it’s because my instance is
Yep, SJW never defederated from hexbear, hexbear just whitelisted us two days ago so they were the reason why we didn't see them before that.
In your case your instance is defederated from them so you'll never see their content no matter what their instance does.
Yeah defederated them a while back. They defederated dbzero too so I guess you can't read this either.
They didn’t defederate dbzero, they just block the piracy communities
I'm on and can read it just fine...?
You'll have to block the communities one by one. But it's not that many, blocking the 10 biggest ones should be sufficient.
I want to know too
Connect for Lemmy app has a block instance option.
Anti communist at shit just works...
I bet you're a well adjusted member of society...
Nah they aren’t just communists. Unless you think Russia is also communist 🤡
Imagine calling a deranged cesspit of weirdo Stalinoid leftists 'communists'
If you're using the connect app (if not, you should try it!), just tap the three dots any post you see by them, and click "block instance." Easy peasy.
I love the idea of ditching Reddit, a site owned by a for-profit corporation and run by unaccountable admins, for a decentralized alternative where people have more choice and power over their own content...
...but why do people have to make it so political?
You should ask your fellow hexbear comrades why they turn everything to politics and Chinese/Russian propaganda 🤷 Heck the main community on your side of the verse is basically Shit Reddit Says with an alt-left political twist!
"alt left" you are a clown. Remove the worms from your brain
I moved here because they took away Apollo and I really liked Apollo. It wasn’t a political decision
They prevented a service through which the users would use it, and the users had no say in it, and ended up having less functionality? Maybe it's a problem when users can't have self-determination. I'm glad there's something that could be done about that.
It's just a question of how we relate to and use online resources, and who has the power over online communities. That's not political at all... or is it?
It is a very popular feature request. Not generally being able to block instances. Specifically blocking hexbear.
No. It's a popular ask regardless of the instance. People have been asking for it since before hexbear was federated. Stop making shit up
Aw, I was just trying to make a joke. I am aware that blocking instances is popular outside of these little spats. :(
I heavily endorse the block feature. It's not reddit level of activity, after blocking enough you barely notice them. And I only block the most annoying users.
The problem is that there apparently currently is a limit of 1000 blocks per user. With the inevitable spambots and trolls going to appear over the years it is annoying having to spend a lot of those on these guys.
On Lemmy? No, though that is in the pipeline.
Kbin allows you to block entire instances though, if you're not averse to making a new account on a different instance.
Wait how do I do this
Go to\ ("d" for Domain), e.g. In there on the sidebar you'll see the Follow button; next to it will be the block button. Hit the block button and that's that.
Works on any instance running kbin, not just, though there's only 4 right now IIRC. is a big one that is run by the developer if I recall correctly.
I just block the obnoxious users as they show up. Already got the most prolific posters; now I just see the occasional comment on posts outside of that instance. Maybe 2 of them haven't been annoying and haven't been blocked.
Most people won't bother doing that, they'll just go back to another social media platform.
Ok, well I was answering the OP not talking to users who would find that to be an insufferable roadblock.
I thought yall were freeze peach absolutists?
The fact that you commented this, tells me you have no idea what "freeze peach" means
I think if you are active in communities related to news and politics you're going to see political and news related posts. It's kind of a part of the deal.
Extremist propaganda shouldn't be "part of the deal"
It's kind of a big part of politics. It isnt politics if it isn't involved enough to contend with propaganda and extremism. That'd mostly just be entertainment, like your typical late night TV coverage of news and politics.
Semantic, I know, but worth pointing out.
Is that a spectre I see haunting? Spooky.
We got a few of these spooky cuties :)
Why are you checking the support page for a different instance
It showed up in my feed.
We aren't, you just don't understand how federation works.
Tell me if you figure it out. I want a hexbear account for the memes but I don't actually want to deal with them.
Their memes aren't good
Connect for Lemmy has a block instance feature
don't worry we want to defed from sjw too
Please do
Genuine question, how do you guys decide which instances you want to federate with and which ones not?
Xi Jinping tells us who to fed and defed with
jk, it's a vote
it's a fugazi
does anyone here play spider solitaire for the windows xp?
I'm more of a 3D Space Pinball kind of person.
for those unfamiliar, spider solitaire for the windows xp is a computer game with cards in it and also spiders. the spiders can be scary at first but for fans of the horror genre it adds a fun spooky element that reminds you that you are playing a game on the computer. it is a perfect game for the beginners of the computer gaming experience and also for long time fans of the computer who may already be familiar with other spider solitaire-likes such as games like purble places for the windows 7
yes, but I'm not telling you how
Reddit refugees on lemmy: it's nice to be on a site that doesn't have lots of power hungry mods arbitrarily banning people
People don’t want to block hexbear because they disagree with them, they want to block that instance because they often act like they’ve got the social skills of a neglected 5-year-old on meth. Further, because that’s who they’ve surrounded themselves with they have convinced themselves it’s normal or even appreciated.
I disagree to defederate from them, but you made a beatiful argument for it.
Have you not seen the thousand posts calling us fascists or some equivalent?
It's really weird to just make shit up, ascribe it to entire group of people, and then just say it like it is fact. Odd behavior.
Oh please, hexbear users are no ruder than any other instance to people they disagree with, it's just that you reddit refugees are used to being able to be as toxic as you like to communists without pushback, and now that you're on a level footing you can't take it.
Different opinions are scary aren't they? Don't worry you can hide under the bed. Fortunately, the world will change around you anyways.
I don’t want to ban them I just want to not see them personally
I think it's a feature that's going to be implemented soon.
No one on lemmy can ban anyone on hexbear what are you talking about
Nah fuck fascists and nazis. Hexscists are some of the worst of both.
I do have to say, a lot of you are incredibly boring posters. There’s no pizazz, no razzmatazz. You have a whole new space before you to take your posting where ever you want and you treat it a comment section to a community chore wheel.
Hey is there a way to block shitheads from there keep showing up in my feed
Yeah it's truly a mystery why people want to block you guys
Well if someone finds a solution I hope they tell us both
Aye, likewise 🙏