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Food is a huge source of methane emissions. Fixing that is no easy feat.
  • You're absolutely right, but to be fair, it'd probably take a full growing season to swap all of the animal feed farms to human foods - so fixed by this time next year perhaps

    Still much quicker than renewables and global electrification.

  • How the west’s wellness industry is driving Ethiopia’s frankincense trees towards extinction

    As rich westerners fuel demand for the ancient fragrance, a lucrative race for the resin is killing the trees but leaving little of the trade’s profit for those gathering it

    The Best and Worst Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, and Facial Tissue Brands
  • I generally agree, but I think NRDC's take is valid:

    While bamboo is less environmentally friendly than recycled material and can be problematic if a bamboo plantation was established by clearing a natural forest, bamboo is a fast-growing plant with a much smaller land use and carbon footprint than Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft (NBSK) fiber, the form of wood pulp commonly used in tissue.

    Essentially recycled > bamboo > everything else, which is why most bamboo brands got a B/B+.

    What I think will be interesting is if we reach the point where the recycled paper market demand outstrips supply - I'm not sure if such a thing exists, but if there are any products out there that can work with recycled paper but not bamboo, then we may want to see more bamboo tissues to allow for recycled (other)

  • Food is a huge source of methane emissions. Fixing that is no easy feat.

    At least two-thirds of methane emissions come from human activity, which is both a problem and an opportunity.

    >Methane spends a lot less time in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide; about 20 years after it’s released, most of it will have decayed, while carbon dioxide lingers in the atmosphere for hundreds of years. But methane also generates heat much more readily than carbon dioxide — about 80 times more in its first 20 years in the atmosphere — meaning it contributes significantly towards global warming in the short term. It is good news — sort of — because by the same token, any reductions in methane emissions will have more of an impact on the climate right away.

    3 Design Museum's new display explores sustainable fashion

    The Design Museum in London has opened a new free display called 'Tomorrow's Wardrobe', which explores a more sustainable future for fashion.

    0 The Best and Worst Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, and Facial Tissue Brands

    Tissue paper production is taking a devastating toll on forests. NRDC’s newest Issue with Tissue report can help you find earth-friendly brands.

    2 High Court rejects the UK's first new coal mine in 30 years

    A judge has rejected plans for the U.K.'s first coal mine in three decades, delivering a victory for environmental groups.

    0 Leak at First CO2 Injection Site in US Exposes Dangerous Folly of Carbon Capture | Common Dreams

    "This incident puts an exclamation point on concerns communities across the country have been raising for years about the dangers the CCS industry poses to public safety and drinking water," said one climate group.

    The disaster no major U.S. city is prepared for — a combined power outage with a heat wave
  • True no cities are prepared for this, but this is exactly the kind of thing distributed solar helps handle well - heat waves are almost always paired with sunshine. The more distributed solar you get on the grid, the less of an issue this becomes.

    Yes, I know you still have power challenges at sunset while its still hot outside, but fortunately that's also when things tend to start cooling off, and you lose one major contributor to heat stress - solar radiation.

    It's not a perfect system, batteries could of course help, but it's a major step in the right direction.

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    Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • Lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% (lowest in history).

    Obvious tax cuts for the rich.

    That's all his financiers hear.

    Constantly attacks marginalized groups.

    That's all his voters hear.

    Everything else goes in one ear and out the other, muddied up with enough "whataboutism" and "both sides" rhetoric from the financiers to keep the voters from actually considering alternative options.

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    Zimbabwe orders cull of 200 elephants amid food shortages from drought
  • Agreed! I feel like now, while we're thinking about these very charismatic creatures, might be a good time to remind folks about cattle, who form strong social and familial bonds

    We show that the dam and calf express behaviour suggestive of a strong bond even in the absence of nursing.

    Cattle are naturally social animals and form small herds, the composition of which varies according to the species

    The entire herd not only feeds and moves around as a colossal single unit, but individual animals will also gather around an injured or sick animal if it is threatened by predators

    To keep the milk flowing, farmers artificially inseminate her about once per year.

    A strong bond forms between the mother and her baby immediately after birth. Within a day or two, the mother cow will be separated from her calf. She will cry for her missing baby for days.

    A male calf is considered useless to the dairy industry because he cannot produce milk. If he isn’t raised and sold for beef, this baby will likely be sold to the veal industry.

    Food for thought

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    Payday 3 gets new creative leads as player numbers remain dwarfed by decade-old predecessor
  • I wonder if those numbers have anything to do with the fact that Payday 2 is pretty regularly on sale for like $2,for a mature game, while Payday 3 is $40 for what is essentially a public beta based on the amount of things they're having to fix/change/update.

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    Trump threatens 100% tariff on countries that don't stick with the dollar
  • Tariffs are great for his base because they see it as a tax on their perceived "enemies", when in reality they're the ones footing the higher prices.

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    Ford Patents In-Car System That Eavesdrops So It Can Play You Ads
  • This is fantastic! Now I know exactly which manufacturer to avoid at all costs, AND they've made it harder for their competition to use this shitty system. Dear Ford, please keep patenting bad ideas.

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    People Who Paid Extra To Play The New Test Drive Early Can't Due To Server Issues
  • Imagine you run a restaurant, and a handful of people offer to pay to wash your dishes for you. Great deal right? But then you notice they start posting reviews of your food on Yelp, but only from the kitchen:

    "Steak from the fridge was unseasoned and undercooked - 0/5"

    "Chow mein was dry and stuck to the plate like it was sitting on someone else's table for an hour - 1/5"

    "By the time the soda got here, it was flat and fries the waitress dropped off were cold and soggy"

    At what point do you decide maybe this isn't actually in your best interest in the long run? How much do these rubes need to pay you in order to put up with their complications?

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    My eyes and attention are for me to waste, they are not for ads.
  • My guess is you're seeing the L2 chargers outside a grocery store or some such. Those charge so slowly you aren't expected to stick around and look at them, you plug in and do your grocery shopping. If you're looking to charge a significant amount, these are not it.

    I've never seen a Level 3 charger with an advertisement. Hell, 90% of the time I have to scour the parking lot to find the charger because they're usually hidden and unlabeled.

    Bonus points, if you're fortunate enough to have access to a power outlet where you park, you can usually do 99% of your charging from home, ad free.

  • World’s first carbon tax on livestock will cost farmers $100 per cow | CNN Business

    Dairy farmers in Denmark face having to pay an annual tax of 672 krone ($96) per cow for the planet-heating emissions they generate.

    2 Top 9 sustainability trends in the attractions industry for 2024

    Read our sustainability trends predictions for 2024. This year, our top trends include eco-tourism, recycling initiatives, and green F&B.

    0 Killer kitties: cats are eating 2,000 species, including hundreds that are at risk

    The first study to quantify what our felines eat on a global scale finds they have a significant impact on wildlife

    0 Most Americans want to electrify their homes — if they can keep their gas stoves

    A poll finds less than one-third of Americans want a fully electric home. It jumps to 60 percent if people can continue cooking with gas.

    165 Nations reach deal on ‘loss and damage’ fund at Dubai climate summit

    The international COP28 climate summit has reached an agreement on the logistics of a loss and damage fund, a mechanism to compensate vulnerable nations for the impact of climate change, organizers…

    19 Eating less meat would be good for the Earth. Small nudges can change behavior

    One of the thorniest problems of the 21st century is how to get people to eat less meat. A new poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that most U.S. adults said they eat meat at least several times a week.

    30 RELEASE: State of Climate Action Report Finds Progress Lags on Every Measure Except EV Sales

    WASHINGTON (November 14, 2023) – Global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C are failing across the board, with recent progress made on every indicator — except electric passenger car sales — lagging significantly behind the pace and scale that is necessary to address the climate crisis, according to t...

    5 Why can't we just quit cows?

    Eating less beef, cheese, and ice cream would slash emissions. But given the nation's taste for them, science strives to make climate-friendlier cows.

    5 Big Ag Pressured FAO Over Role of Meat and Dairy in Climate Crisis, Staffers Say

    "Wherever you go, whatever you do, if it involves revealing anything about the devastating impacts of animal agriculture... you are beaten down for it," said one advocate.
