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At least two Saudi officials may have deliberately assisted 9/11 hijackers, new evidence suggests
  • And remember Prince Bandar was super best friends with the Bush family. They called him “Bandar Bush.” And never forget Bush Sr sat on the board of Carlyle Group with siblings of Bin Laden. The stench of criminality is inescapable with these people. Like a fart that never leaves your nose, the Saudi/Bush regimes are a fetid sewer system of putrefying shit.

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    Nestlé Waters avoids trial with €2m fine for illegal water drilling in France.
  • Pardon the pun, but Nestle Waters should be nationalized and liquidated. Governments regularly take control of the assets of criminals. Why not these obvious ones?

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    Is the press ‘sanewashing’ Trump?
  • No, they’re begging the devil himself to come tear shit up again because if it bleeds, it leads. They’re professionally negligent, venal narcissists who will say anything for money.

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    Americans misunderstand their contribution to deteriorating environment
  • Let’s ask Charles Koch why he has spent billions of his own personal dollars to MAKE SURE people don’t understand that their house is on fire. The problem is murderous oil people perpetrating the most titanic crime in the history of earth. History’s most accomplished murderer is a free man, living in fucking Wichita for Christ’s sake. Arrest him and put him in prison with the other murderous sociopaths. There are others besides Charles, but he’s the most accomplished of the criminals.

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    Majority of Israelis want censorship of social media posts sympathetic to Palestinians in Gaza
  • Where would holocaust denialism be today if it weren’t for all the photographic evidence of the event?

    No one dishonors the holocaust victims as badly as the descendants of its survivors.

    It’s starting to look like the victims of child abuse who grow up to abuse children. One can certainly be a victim and a perpetrator simultaneously.

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    Record measles outbreak in Oregon blamed on vaccine exemptions
  • Let’s not forget to thank Oprah Winfrey for platforming Playboy centerfold/medical doctor Jenny McCarthy and her anti-vax nonsense in the 2000s also.

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    'A tech firm stole our voices - then cloned and sold them'
  • Silicon Valley and dehumanization. Name a more iconic duo. Seriously, though. Every part of the human estate that technologists touch turns to shit or gets pilfered. Throw this on the pile.

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    If we ever move past Trump I don't think I'll ever be able to put up with any political bullshit again.
  • I was really gobsmacked listening to the Ultra podcast by Rachel Maddow about Nazis infiltrating the government during WWII. The parallels were so frighteningly similar to today, but in a way reassuring in that some things never change. There will always be schmucks in politics trying to ruin everyone’s time. The struggle for decency is perennial.

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    SITE CHANGED HEADLINE: Harris says she would appoint a Republican to her Cabinet if elected
  • Yes I was a big fan of Obama the orator, but Obama the politician was completely incompetent. The other side mopped the floor with his whole 8 years. I really Hope™️ we’re not going to do that again.

  • Are we supposed to slip onto the tracks and just grab onto the train? Is it safe for us to ride to work clutching the windshield wipers? How much does salt cost? What’s Dorval Carter’s salary again? Will dignity ever return to the CTA? Should we use one of the hollowed-out insane screaming passengers as a sled? Who has salt? When does accountability happen?
