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[Official Art] Exploration Party by Akikazu Mizuno - Phantasy Star Online
  • Love me some PSO. Their art is where its at.

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    She's no Dukat either, that's for sure
  • I do wish the dank boiz had a true chance to shine, but as you said, that 70k light year travel presented a massive problem for the writers. They did their best though Voyager is fucken awesome.

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    She's no Dukat either, that's for sure
  • I'll take the Borg over the Nugheads. Kazon had potential to be interesting but they were never fully realized. I think their appearance was pretty bad design too.

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    White evangelicals waver after Trump’s shifts on abortion: ‘It’s disastrous’ - POLITICO
  • No, religion at its core is a coping mechanism for the finite aspect of life. People really dont like that death seems to be you going away forever.

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    White evangelicals waver after Trump’s shifts on abortion: ‘It’s disastrous’ - POLITICO
  • Its crazy how all those "issues" encroach on the freedoms of others and do not effect them one bit. Every single one is about controlling others. Yaldabaoth, indeed.

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    How are we feeling about the RSS feed?
  • I feel like the bot makes people not post or comment. But the again I myself dont have any Sekiro content I would post that aren't reposts.

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    Anon can never go back
  • You should have just collected your shit, Anon. They work at a fucking gas station you dont even blip the radar on weird shit.

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    Trump accepts key endorsement from police union while celebrating sentencing delay on felony charges
  • Just bask in the backwardness, the hypocrisy, the absolute degeneracy of it all. The Dark Saturnalia reigns forever.

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    needled*ck the bug f*cker by daniel clowes
  • Fucken wild

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    Sorry for this question: What does "Syncing instance ban" mean?!
  • It means its syncing the people banned from the instance to the local community, or at least thats how I parsed it with no backend knowledge.

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    The Guy Who Designed the iPhone Made a New Button
  • I just love this age of not solving any problems but, in fact, making more.

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    Justice, Brought To You By Big Oil
  • I keep 3 on me at all times. Never know when theres a bridge you'll burn.

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    The Guy Who Designed the iPhone Made a New Button
  • I think they were trying to make changing the kind of clothes you are wearing fast. But thats just another non-issue that is not encountered by the average person.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots
  • This is what Spotify was made for so I dont really see the issue. He made the music and the listeners, just look at that engagement you love so much!

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    The Guy Who Designed the iPhone Made a New Button
  • If I'm buying modular clothing its gonna be covered in zippers like I'm in Kingdom Hearts. The magnets sound like a way to lose clothing to gusts of wind.

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    'Shocking abdication': Georgia Republican's pro-Trump decision stuns experts
  • Fuck the formal charges if they're gonna keep fucking with the election like this. We can keep it informal.

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    The Guy Who Designed the iPhone Made a New Button
  • The big quirk of the design is the outfit’s buttons, which are basically just normal buttons except for the fact that they are magnetized so that you can swap out the separate outfit toppings at the drop of a hat.

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    Justice, Brought To You By Big Oil
  • Its crazy how these people are just creating their own self reinforcing reality. They literally went and made their own with blackjack and probably underage hookers. Can't be fucked in court when its a court filled with my buddies. Burn it all fucken down.

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    'Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man
  • Your uniform:
    -Flat and pressed
    -Bland fills of color
    -Symmetric (ew)

    My uniform:
    -Cool square patterns
    -Reuse Recycle Reduce
    -Assymetric (cute)

  • I want to make a post logging each session of this new campaign I'm playing. Its a Marvel Multiverse TTRPG. The dice seem kinda jank but it is really fun. I was looking for a community to post about it in but wasn't sure if there even was one. Now I'm not tryna mod a community, but I would be open to having to make one anyway if there isn't a ttrpg story blog already. So Lemmy, are there communities for posting about your ttrpg session stories or no?


    After 3 days. I can't describe how happy we are at my house. Someone found her behind a decorative vase by their front door.


    This is my family's cat Mimi. She is the sweetest and smallest cat we have ever had. I just needed to make a post about her. She is missing and I'm hoping with all my heart she is okay.


    Do not look down little dev, the dead can do nothing for you.


    One of these things is not like the others.


    First rice ever. Thought I'd post it after getting the ropes on Arch.


    Distro: Arch

    WM: i3

    Terminal: Kitty

    Compositor: Picom

    Bar: Polybar (with Font Awesome 5)

    The dotfiles are here.
