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little hopper
  • Just using some tiny mammoth population on an isolated island in Siberia to state "MAMMOTHS WERE STILL ROAMING THE EARTH WHEN BLAH BLAH BLAH" is somewhat disingenuous.

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    Stained Glass
  • I get a metric fuckton of them during the rainy season. Swarms of dragonflies. Needless to say, I do not have a mosquito problem.

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  • What really are gravitational waves? Are they like electromagnetic waves? Do they cause orbital decay? I have so many questions.

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    Animals are not gifts.
  • The rise in young adults living with their parents rather than struggle against an increasingly harsher environment is a pretty good hint

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    Animals are not gifts.
  • How would their lives be better in nature, exactly? Most animals live longer in captivity, and if they were capable of answering questions, I bet they'd pick having a human butler waiting on them all the time instead of running from alligators and munching on rotten algae.

    Sure, nature would be better for it, but not the animal.
