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  • Just found inheritance machining , really cool dude who inherited alot of cool metal working tools and is making videos of restoring them and using them.

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    Big if true
  • You guys know that tiny island down the bottom of earth by Australia.... Yeah that's bigger than the uk

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    Billy believes in adblocking
  • See I use yt premium but that's because about 5 ish years ago me and 5 friends did a family deal that meant it was $4 per month each, I did rise to $6 per month a while ago but I still think that it's a good deal. It's been grandfathered in so it's not a deal you can get anymore but if I was to loose that deal for any reason I wouldn't pay for premium

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  • Yes much more accurate tho it depends on the trucks make and model some are worse than others, this is definitely a good visual though.
