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Speed camera cut down for second time in Cornwall
  • There are speed cameras all over the country, including on non-residential roads where traffic calming measures are not appropiate interventions.

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    What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • On phones; while you don't need a flagship model if you are privacy conscious it is worth seeking out a platform that will work well with degooglified OSes; ironically the Pixel is one of the best thanks to GrapheneOS.

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    Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • political science degree

    Imagine boasting about having a degree in modern-day phrenology.

    You see, this graph shows the Slavic brainpan cannot comprehend liberal institutions ....

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  • 10 Aug 2023 is the superior format for handwritten dates, no misinterpretation of the date itself or an improperly written divider.
