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Parental leave isn't a holiday or a 'year off' – so don't pit parents against workers | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett
  • American Heritage Dictionary; Work, definition:

    Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something. ”Cleaning the basement was a lot of work."

    Such effort or activity by which one makes a living; employment. ”looking for work."

    Again, kids are work. And since, as another lemming pointed out, some people do it as an actual job, it counts under both definitions.

    And if you do hie off to the Bahamas, you still have to bring that work along. You can’t just leave it behind and just have a relaxing vacation with nothing to do. (Unless you find a babysitter, but then you’re not doing the work of childcare anymore; now you’re using maternal leave for something that isn’t work).

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    Parental leave isn't a holiday or a 'year off' – so don't pit parents against workers | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett
  • Yeah, but you couldn’t just hall off to the Bahamas or whatever; you were still glued to the kid. Still looking after them 24/7.

    Yes, it becomes routine, but It’s still a routine, you still have a lot to do, and again, no call-outs, you’re on-call all day. It may not be a ‘job’, but it is still work.

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    Parental leave isn't a holiday or a 'year off' – so don't pit parents against workers | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett
  • Babies are work. They are constant, screaming, pooping, work. Not even 9-5 work, because a very young infant requires around-the-clock care, so really it’s worse than work.

    At least in a regular job you can punch out and leave work at the office and go home and relax, or call in sick if you don’t feel good. None of that with a baby. You have to always be there for them, all day, all night, no matter what, no matter how you feel.

    I think we’re also running into an issue of language, however. ‘Time Off’, as in, not being in the office for an extended period of time, yes, maternity leave is that. ‘Time Off’ as in, a rest, relaxation, vacation, no. Maternity leave is most definitely not that.

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    Trump Supporters Spread Ridiculous Conspiracy Theory Kamala Harris Wore Audio-Enabled Earrings at Debate
  • The fact that lie detectors don’t really work aside, how exactly was she cheating with a tube of lipstick? Was it magically moving pieces for her? Was it talking to her in a voice only she could hear?

    What a bunch of morons.

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    Didn't even mark the Sopranos landmarks...
  • On a more serious note, I do think it’s kinda dumb that local attractions have to pay to be on those signs. You’d think it would be more of a community funded thing to encourage more tourists.

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    Would you join a fediverse coop?
  • I first saw it as ‘coop’ and immediately thought, ‘hell yes, I’d support a community-owned coop, but only if there were lots of fluffy chickens and a 24/7 camera on them’.

    Then I realized what you really meant. Which I’m also not opposed to, if it was set up well.

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    Recommended works to understand genshin lore
  • Plus a whole bunch of history books lol

    Listening to Ashikai casually cite her sources as she goes through her latest theories is wild.

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  • Or just walk through an old graveyard. There’s a pioneer cemetery near my old place with so many children’s graves. One family gravesite has the mother’s name, the father’s name, a couple of their kids, some young, some adults… and one is just titled ‘babies’.

    Like, so many babies died for that mother and father they just put them all in one grave, not even names to remember them by…

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    UPS is laying off more employees amid effort to boost profitability
  • They’re doing it too much though. Lots of onroads are being forced to work 10-14 hour days, multiple days in a row. They cut support staff so those few people have to do more.

    And they’re not firing/retaining by who does a good job or who has more skills. They’re doing it randomly. One guy I know, one of the best dispatchers in his center, got kicked out because they drew lots on who to fire.

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    Elon Musk Is Repulsive
  • Men who are inferior to their fellow men, are always most anxious to establish their superiority over women. -Mary Wollstonecraft

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    Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris
  • Although, I bet if those racist assholes took DNA tests many of them would find they did have some African-American blood, especially if they were from the South.

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    Mrs. True shows who the brute is (January 12, 1917)
  • In the one where he throws the aggressive yappy dog out the window, he flat-out said the only reason it was the dog that went flying and not the owner was that the owner was a woman. So yeah, he’s 100% on the ‘never hit a woman’ train.
