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Mange børn i udsatte familier må undvære julegaven i år: 'Værre end nogensinde'
  • Nu er vi jo også et fattigt land på randen af konkurs, så der er jo ikke så meget vi kan gøre.

    De pågældende familier kunne evt. konvertere til Islam, så sparer de det frås.

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    Shania rules
  • You're right. I didn't notice. I'll stand by my initial assessment though. Someone battered those doors open, presumedly to deal with the leak.

    Water can be scary, but enough force to open the doors like that would leave visible damage on the walls.

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    What happens if flat Earthers go to space?
  • He died doing what he loved and he got other people to pay for it. 64 isn't old, but it's more than some people get without doing stupid shit.

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    Shania rules
  • It wouldn't look like that and there'd be visible water damage. The doors were opened with impacts to the handle area. Obviously a battering ram was used, possibly police.
