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Une nuit de discussions. Usantes mais constructives. Le travail chez Audi Brussels devrait donc reprendre mardi prochain après de longues discussions terminées vendredi matin aux aurores.

"On a eu ce qu'on demandait, à savoir que la semaine soit payée, explique Ludovic Pineur, permanent syndical CNE Industrie. Alors que la direction faisait le jeu de diviser pour mieux régner, avec des ouvriers interdits d'accès sur le site et non payés alors que les employés en télétravail continuaient de l'être. Mais on a finalement réussi à trouver un accord. La reprise du travail se fera sur base volontaire à partir de mardi. Ceux qui ne croient plus en Audi ne viendront probablement pas, ils pourront alors être en chômage économique. Dans un sens, personne ne perd", poursuit-il. Même si, dans ce cas, ils ne toucheront que 60 % de leur salaire.

"Rien ne change pour lundi. C'est une manifestation nationale et européenne, pour réclamer une vraie politique industrielle à la présidente de la Commission, Ursula von der Leyen"

Ludovic Pineur (CNE)

"À partir de mardi, nous allons produire dans le département carrosserie et peinture et nous allons envoyer des voitures à nos distributeurs. À partir de mercredi, 18 septembre, nous allons produire de nouveau dans tous les départements", a expliqué le directeur de la communication d'Audi Brussels, Peter D'hoore. À lire aussi Audi Brussels: "Foutage de gueule. C'est la carotte et le bâton mais la carotte n'est pas comestible"

"On a toujours dit qu'on n'était pas en grève, puisque les rassemblements devant l'usine étaient dus à la décision de la direction de fermer l'usine", rappelle le syndicaliste.

Pour le syndicaliste Jan Baetens de l'ACV-Metea, il s'agit là d'un "bon compromis", qui permettra d'ouvrir des pistes pour l'avenir du site de Forest. Manifestation maintenue ?

La manifestation nationale du 16 septembre est bien maintenue. "Rien ne change. C'est une manifestation nationale et européenne, pour réclamer une vraie politique industrielle à la présidente de la Commission, Ursula von der Leyen", explique le syndicaliste.

À propos de l'accord avec la direction, Ludovic Pineur avance que ce dernier est plutôt bien perçu, selon les premiers retours dont il dispose de sa base syndicale. "Cela permet de faire redescendre la tension devant l'entrée de l'usine", commente-t-il. Pour rappel, certains travailleurs avaient mis le feu à des pneus en début de semaine après la fermeture forcée de celle-ci.

Désormais, les syndicats aimeraient avancer en phase 2 dans la procédure Renault, sans pour autant clôturer la phase 1, qui est illimitée dans le temps, pour négocier les conditions du licenciement annoncé en juillet.

"Les services publics sont parfois décriés mais ils renferment quand même de personnes de qualité, comme la médiatrice qui nous a reçus, avance encore Ludovic Pineur, après sa courte nuit. Ça a été plus productif qu'avec Agoria", la fédération sectorielle qui était censée être médiatrice, avant que le SPF Emploi ne se mêle à l'affaire, termine le syndicaliste. Mission de La Libre

0 Nature : trois coins à découvrir en Belgique — Speculoos magazine

Qui dit retour des beaux jours dit escapades au grand air ! Et il n’est pas toujours nécessaire de partir à l’autre bout du monde pour être dépaysé. Voici trois coins de nature en Belgique qui valent déjà amplement le détour. A découvrir dès que le soleil pointe le bout de son nez…

This is fine.
  • 😔

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    This is fine.
  • Sorry for you!

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    Chatcontrol: temporairement plus souple ‘jusqu’à ce que la technologie le permette
  • Position politique floue

    Alors que la Belgique était encore fortement impliquée, lorsqu’elle assuma la présidence de l’UE, la Hongrie, présidente actuelle, remercie notre pays pour le travail préparatoire. Cela n’enlève rien au fait que la position politique de la Belgique est actuellement floue.

    Mardi matin, la toute nouvelle présidente de l’Open VLD, Eva De Bleeker, a annoncé que Chatcontrol allait trop loin pour elle. Or De Bleeker elle-même ne faisait plus partie du gouvernement fédéral, lorsque notre pays était encore impliqué, mais son parti dirige le gouvernement sortant.

    Data News s’est également intéressé au cabinet de la ministre Annelies Verlinden (CD&V, chargée entre autres de l’intérieur et donc des services de police). Elle était généralement considérée comme une partisane de la loi, mais pour présenter la position belge, elle s’en est référée à la représentation permanente de notre pays dans l’UE. Data News lui a également demandé quelle était la position belge sur le Chatcontrol, mais n’a pas encore reçu de réponse.

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    Les Belges ne veulent pas que leurs trajets domicile-travail dépassent une heure
  • Full remote! Après j'ai du bol, mon équipe est dispersée dans plusieurs pays, donc aucun intérêt à venir sur place.

    Le reste de la boîte est repassé au présentiel imposé deux jours fixes par semaine depuis septembre, ça fait râler pas mal

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    Am I the only one who is worried about short form video content, and how prevelant the alt-right pipeline seems to be on there?
  • you still custimise your feed to large extent by following stuff.

    I'm not that familiar with the latest versions of the three I listed, but I've seen quite a few complaints on Reddit recently who seems to be pushing irrelevant content just for rage bait.

    Also the things you mentioned about tracking are there on Twitter too:

    Twitter’s privacy policy states they use the information collected to: “improve and personalise our products and services so that you have a better experience on Twitter, including by showing you more relevant content and ads, suggesting people and topics to follow, enabling and helping you discover affiliates, third-party apps, and services.”

    It’s important to note that opting out of Twitter’s interest-based ads doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t see targeted advertising. For example, you may still see ads which are based on information such as what you Tweet, who you follow and the links you click on Twitter.

    Often while browsing, if Twitter recognises that you’re interacting with something repeatedly, they will offer for you to follow that particular topic – which can be anything from celebrities to sports teams.

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    Am I the only one who is worried about short form video content, and how prevelant the alt-right pipeline seems to be on there?
  • except the short form video type one, as you rely entirely on an algorithm.

    Facebook, Twitter, even Reddit nowadays promote a certain type of content (reaction inducing), so unfortunately it's not only shorts

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    Am I the only one who is worried about short form video content, and how prevelant the alt-right pipeline seems to be on there?
  • To be fair, alt-right content is present in all types of medias: short videos, but also tweets, articles, long videos, essays, etc.

    The fake Facebook groups created by Russia to antagonize two local groups did not need shorts videos to succeed:

    If you look at Twitter nowadays, the "For you" is going to be more or less what you listed above

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    Les Belges ne veulent pas que leurs trajets domicile-travail dépassent une heure
  • Tu bosses dans quel secteur?

    Je suis dans l'IT (surprenant) et effectivement le full remote devient rare

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    Les Belges ne veulent pas que leurs trajets domicile-travail dépassent une heure
  • Oui, et le full remote c'est encore mieux!

  • Les Belges ne veulent pas que leurs trajets domicile-travail dépassent une heure

    La limite mentale pour les déplacements entre le domicile et le lieu de travail est d'environ une heure par jour pour les Belges, selon une enquête du spécialiste des ressources humaines SD Worx réalisée auprès d'un millier de Belges dans le cadre de la Semaine de la Mobilité qui aura lieu du 16 au ...

    What are some of the worst movie title changes in your language?
  • I'll start with a classic: in French "the Hangover"has been changed to "Very bad trip"

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    Bebat et Recupel lancent la campagne "Back Friday" pour recycler piles et appareils usagés
  • C'est bien Back Friday, j'avais mal lu au début, et je ne comprenais pas ce que le Black Friday avait à voir là-dedans

  • Bebat et Recupel lancent la campagne "Back Friday" pour recycler piles et appareils usagés

    Un point de collecte mobile traversera toute la Belgique entre le 25 septembre et le 23 octobre prochains, afin de récupérer piles, ampoules et appareils électroménagers usagés, annoncent jeudi Bebat et Recupel. A travers cette campagne baptisée "Back Friday", les deux organismes visent à faciliter ...

    Who else is an adult that still lives with their family?
  • Regular people here now know

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    Countries, cities, language-based active communities
  • It's always interesting to see how less active this one is compared to the ones on

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    Historical regions of Europe [beta version]
  • Because nobody brought it up for the previous version of the map. The author is going to update it for the next version

  • Source:

    Seems to be quite a few litigious points, especially

    • Lombardy / Tuscany
    • Slovakia
    • Galicia in Poland
    • Scotland
    • Etc.

    I'll follow up on this thread and post the updated version if the author updates it

    Additional input from the author

    Here is the explanations comment

    The main reference maps are here.

    This map is based on geographical/historical/cultural regions division of Europe. The base canvas that has been used is Europe-Detailed from MapChart and it sucks because every country is overstretched with some parts like Germany and the Balkans being highly deformed. The overstretched Scandinavia was so unworkable I replaced it with HOI4 MapChart (it was already too late when I discovered MapChart has Paradox Interactive maps). If I make a final version, I will probably use HOI4 provinces as my base canvas because they provide enough fragmentations and countries are not that much deformed.

    Since this map is intended to be used for studying History, I tried to focus on historical regions (which are often cultural regions too). When I couldn't use historical regions because it was too complex or because of a lack of data, I resorted to geographical regions.

    So, now here are some details about the regions I chose to display :

    • Sweden is not finished. Here is the map I planned to use as my reference for Sweden.
    • I am still struggling to understand if the borders of the federations composing current North Caucasia are historical borders or if they were imposed by Moscow after some forced ethnic migrations. So I chose the easy way and displayed the geographical regions.
    • Germany's regionalism is hell because of the HRE. So I assumed that people who are interested in the HRE should rather use more specific maps instead of mine. The regions displayed on my map come from a mix between dialect maps and political entities that have been around for a long time. Brandenburg and Upper Saxony are overstretching on their western part because I didn't know what to do with Sachsen-Anhalt.
    • Russia is largely blank because of the lack of data. From what I understood, people in Russia use either big cities or uezds to refer to a specific location. Using uezds would be the most accurate solution but I am not familiar enough with russian geography to work with such a fragmented Russia so for the time being, I decided to display current oblasts that approximately correspond to either one of the main principalities of the Kievan Rus.
    • The Balkans map is mostly based on geographical regions. I am still unsure for Alföld. Gorica is not displayed because it is too small. Baranya is not displayed because the Croatian-Hungarian-Serbian border is already too complex. The coastal region of Toskëria should be Myzeqe but I decided to not display it for now because it was rather small.
    • For Switzerland (whose key has been rendered unreadable by the compression) I kept the current county division

    If you want to make an improved map or a variation map, feel free to use this unfinished map.

    Note : If you have some remarks, I think it would be better to write them on a separate comment and not reply to this one to avoid creating an unending thread of replies.

    Note 2 : Feel free to provide more detailed maps of specific regions of Europe, it may save some time for people struggling to find what they want.

    https:// /map.html

    cross-posted from:

    > This is my first try at creating a map of lemmy. I based it on the overlap of commentors that visited certain communities. > > I only used communities that were on the top 35 active instances for the past month and limited the comments to go back to a maximum of August 1 2024 (sometimes shorter if I got an invalid response.) > > I scaled it so it was based on percentage of comments made by a commentor in that community. > > Here is the code for the crawler and data that was used to make the map: > >


    De Bruyne, who seems to tell Vercauteren that he wants to quit the Red Devils, is harsh: “Some things are unacceptable” Captain Kevin De Bruyne (33) has lashed out after the defeat against France. “If you can’t handle the top, you’re not good enough.” In addition, a video is circulating in which ‘KDB’ can be seen apparently saying “I quit!” to Frank Vercauteren several times after the match.

    The images of the conversation between De Bruyne and Vercauteren quickly circulated after the match. “I quit!”, ‘KDB' seems to say a few times to the technical director, after which he walks up to Kylian Mbappé.

    "If you can’t handle the top, you’re not good enough. And then you have to give everything and some people don’t even do that" - Kevin De Bruyne to VTM

    Even when he was accompanied to the media, De Bruyne’s face was still thunderous. His body language said a lot. If not everything. He rubbed his thumb and index finger between his eyes. De Bruyne was annoyed after the match when he had to answer questions for the VTM television camera. The irritations were visible. The defeat against France hit our captain hard. Especially the way in which he did it.

    Question: “France was better?”

    His answer: “Yes, that’s right. There’s not much to say about it.”

    Nevertheless, the Red Devils started well in Lyon. With desire, drive and pressure forward. It led to a few (half) chances. But as so often, it stalled at the opponent's sixteen-meter line. KDB: "We were six at the back. There was no connection. Not even in the second half. You're behind, right?"

    He added. "It is what it is."

    De Bruyne became more aggressive afterwards when he was asked about the tactics used by the Red Devils. The annoyance visibly increased. "I wonder what you see in the match. It's not about transitions. It's about the way of playing and people who don't do their job." .

    Question: "Then explain what needs to be improved."

    Answer: "I can't say that here. I said that to the team at half-time. I'm not going to repeat that in the media."

    Question: "But what needs to be improved?"

    Answer: "It needs to be improved in every way. The standard is the top. If you can't handle the top, you're not good enough. And then you have to give everything on the pitch. Some people don't even do that." The difference in quality with France was big at times. As the only survivor of the Golden Generation - Romelu Lukaku was not present for these international matches -, that is a big adjustment. "I can accept that we are not that good," says De Bruyne. "I am also the first to say that in the past. But other things are unacceptable. I am not going to dwell on it. I did that when I was eighteen at Racing Genk. Now I am 33 and I don't do that anymore."

    Casteels and Tedesco react:

    These are words that will undoubtedly hit hard in the dressing room of the Red Devils. Goalkeeper Koen Casteels - he was not to blame in Lyon - was confronted with the words of his captain. The goalkeeper reacted calmly. "I heard what he said. I'm going to keep that to myself. But it's perfectly normal for him to say something."

    "Kevin is a winner. He was emotional. And then you can sometimes say things like that" - National coach Domenico Tedesco

    Domenico Tedesco was also asked about his reaction. "I didn't see the interview. After the huddle (the moment after the match between players and technical staff, ed.) I spoke to Kevin. You know: it's normal for him to be disappointed. We all are. Kevin is a winner. 'A winner'. He was emotional. And then you can sometimes say things like that. Am I afraid that he's going to stop being an international? You shouldn't talk about that now. Everyone needs to calm down."


