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Water Watchers wants to end Blue Triton's water taking permits
  • Letting corporations drain our water reserves for the most meager of profits feels incredibly shortsighted, but especially so when you consider literally every long-term climate model. That water is going to be incredibly valuable in the not-too-distant future

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    videos have no sound
  • Semi-related is when you save these videos, the filename is appended with "-silent" which perhaps suggests the wrong stream is being loaded

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    Lag/stuttering on Google Maps?
  • I use the CanvasBlocker extension in conjunction with Firefox's internal privacy.resistFingerprinting flag, which also restricts canvas access I believe

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    Is there a way to have less "racial blindness" when consuming asian media?
  • The fact that you're conscious of these biases and are trying to take a thoughtful approach to avoiding them probably means you don't need to worry too much about it. I think it's probably unrealistic to be able to memorize and identify every media star, and getting some actors of a certain ethnicity confused doesn't automatically make you racist. I mix people up all the time, regardless of their background, so don't sweat it too much. Over time, your recognition will improve, as with any other activity. Good luck!

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    Umm I think I'll just delete you instead
  • Technically, you can sign in on multiple devices and share history. I share between my phone and multiple desktops. You just can't do it between two mobile devices.
