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Task estimation
  • I usually say what unit of measurement we're counting in: days, weeks or months. For more detail, more specs are needed.

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    Army to guard a hospital in Italy after a spate of attacks on medical staff across the country
  • Understaffing and long waiting lists are the main reasons behind patients’ frustration with health workers

    Italy’s legislation has kept wages low, leading to overworked and burned out staff at hospitals

    many health workers to leave Italy in search of better opportunities abroad

    Add some violence and the death spiral of the health care system accelerates.

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    JD Vance
  • Sounds exactly like Boris Johnson, prime minister in the UK and notorious for making up stories. He basically steered the UK economy in a dive and parachuted out so another imbecile was at the wheel when all the warnings began to blare. Stories don't make for good policies.

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    The Tippy Type makes typing with long nails less tedious
  • It' was a status thing. Those with manual labor jobs usually can't have long nails, so long nails means they're above manual labor. So the rich in the past did that, and now everybody wants to do that so and it becomes a beauty thing.

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    Big Penny!
  • They'll follow Google maps anywhere blindly. Rational thinking is turned off.

    That's how people drove into a lake, under a train, het themselves stuck in too narrow streets, arrive on the wrong country and so on.

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    cAPS LOCK (shift edition)

    "Do you want to turn on sticky keys?"

    Every time with each new PC I use and you're thinking how to phrase the sentence while already holding shift

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    Automation be like
  • Non automated tasks remain in the inbox for a week, so spending 2 days automating them means they're finished earlier.

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    Eat the rich.
  • That's probably why they new capital city of Egypt is in there middle of the desert, so the rabble can't reach them at easily.

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    Burning Up
  • it reaches 100F regularly during summer in many temperate climates,

    Not when it's near the sea, like most of western Europe. It's the same shit as "why don't you have airco?" Because it was never that hot.

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    Burning Up
  • It has only been 100°F once in the last century. Nobody has any point of reference to make this intuitive. 30°C/85°F is defined as hot around here. 40°C/100°F is defined as national emergency.

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    Religious people: The world is ending
  • To reuse that old joke

    "Libertarians Doomsday preppers are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand"

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    i will never understand scientific fraud
  • But being caught in a lie would destroy your clout instantly. If they're competing for clout there would be a big incentive to prove the competition wrong.

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    UN Expert Warns Israel on Track to Exterminate Nearly Entire Gaza Population
  • Only if the ones being killed are sworn enemies would there be a positive sentiment but that isn't the case. At best the atrocities are not mentioned If there is a big advantage in trade, economics or military advantage. In this case it's the military advantage for the USA that's the key. If not they'd be known as genocidal maniacs until the current leader dies and memories fade after a few decades.
