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What's an aspect of life that's currently done privately that you think should be communalized?
  • I dunno, I've seen plenty of J.O. Bro communities. Seems pretty communal already in some spaces.

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    Better Fake Rock Facts
  • This is a better template, and that's a Rock Fact!

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    Americans are losing faith in food safety. Is the system to blame?
  • Republicans run on destroying anything functioning, and shocker, their voters just assume nothing works.

    "The government won't protect me from myself!" the Republican screams after signing a bill to legalize raw milk, then drinks some raw milk, and then gets sick.

    A bunch of fucking idiots that spend their time voting to dismantle safety measures, then run around bitching about the lack of safety measures. It could be funny if it wasn't so god damned depressing and fucked up for all the people who want safety measures.

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    Scurvy in the Age of Billionaires
  • I was just thinking about this the other day, wondering if there was an increase in scurvy from people not eating enough fruit and vegetables. Brutally sad. It doesn't have to be this way, it's a choice.

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    X’s depressing ad revenue helps Musk avoid EU’s strictest antitrust law
  • It gives me wonderful feelings, it's X basically admitting that they're dead in the water.

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    Trying to tell me something?
  • Try telling that to the guys trying to regrow their foreskin with pullies and weights.

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    Linux is easy!
  • You just can't see the Matrix bruh. Git good like Neo.

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    FYI: Handy chart.
  • I'm a doctor, not an infographic!

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    Brand recognition
  • Now That's What I Call a Shitpost 2024

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    Americans are more underwater on their car loans than ever before
  • It's not impossible to buy a car newer than '97 with cash.

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    Trump's bizarre music session reignites questions about his mental acuity
  • I think at this point a vote for tRump would effectively be a vote for JD Vance.

    That has been the case since they chose Vance as a running mate. It was always clear they chose someone who isn't going to be afraid to backstab Trump by 25th amendmenting his ass and taking over the Presidency to roll out Project 2025.

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    Americans are more underwater on their car loans than ever before
  • I might have to spend a good deal on maintenance over time, but I have always bought used, fully, in cash.

    Having a car note in the hundreds of dollars each month just sounds bonkers to me.

    I also chose to live in a city with amazing public transit so if my car breaks down I have options.

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    U.S. raises concern with Israel as Gaza hospital strike appears to leave "displaced civilians burning alive"
  • Why the timid headline? Do we have to wait for Israel’s word on what happened?

    The people who own/work at CBS certainly seem to think so, which says a lot about their "journalism."

    I don't exactly see an exodus of journalists to more independent publications because they refuse to print such horseshit, so yes, the people who work there are part of the problem, too.

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    Trump's bizarre music session reignites questions about his mental acuity
  • The Chief Fire Officer has just informed us that questions about Trump's mental acuity continue to be a Five Alarm Fire after ten years of steady burning. Questions about Trump's mental acuity are currently being compared to the Centralia, Pennsylvania Mine Fires.

    "Reignites" my ass. These flames never went out. It's been a steady news diet of someone who was already a mentally deficient fucking freak on a downward spiral into dementia.

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    All hallows' eve approaches
  • Look, no reason to be upset, it's just A Modest Proposal.

  • Don't make me tap the beam.


    I can't shake this vision from my head when looking at Tim Walz and all the "Are you employed, Mr. Lebowski" energy his look brings.

    Hope this isn't seen as too political or endorsing a specific candidate. It has more to do with how much Tim Walz looks like The Big Lebowski. Not trying to upset anyone as much as be a dork, hope the Achievers see it for that. If its not appropriate, removing it is fine. No real loss.

    17 Johnson: Replacing Biden on ticket would be 'wrong,' 'unlawful'

    House Speaker Mike Johnson reacts to talk about replacing President Biden on the Democratic ticket.

    This was always the plan. They will contest any replacement and then only Trump will be on the ballot. AOC tried to warn you fucking people. This is why Biden needed to go over a year ago and the PARTY said "fuck you guys" until it was too hard to fucking ignore.


    As stupid as it says on the tin. Can you remove hair clogs with Nair?

    EDIT: I don't actually have a drain that needs to be unclogged. This is a showerthoughtquestion.


    Do they think the hands-off treatment that giant corporations that basically print money get is going to somehow "trickle down" to them, too?

    Because last I checked, the guys who ran Jetflicks are facing jail time. Like, potentially longer jail time than most murder sentences.

    ...but letting OpenAI essentially do the same without consequences will mean Open Source AI people will somehow get the same hands-off treatment? That just reeks of bullshit to me.

    I just don't fucking buy it and letting massive corporations just skirt IP laws while everyone else gets fucked hard by those same IP laws just doesn't seem like the best hill to die on, yet plenty of people who are anti-copyright/anti-IP laws are dying on this fucking hill.

    What gives?


    I am personally of the opinion that current IP/copyright laws are draconian, but that IP/copyright isn't inherently a bad thing. I just know, based on previous history in the US, that letting the Big Guys skirt laws almost never leads to Little Guys getting similar treatment.


    Also, I hope this is an okay place for this rant. Thanks for keeping this space awesome. Please remove if this is inappropriate for this forum, please and thank you.


    EDIT: Thanks so much everyone. Great answers. This has been fun. Keep it going as long as you want!

    DISCLAIMER: Silly Thought Exercise: NOT AN ENDORSEMENT OF REPLACING BIDEN. I personally do not think replacing Biden is a good idea at this stage in the election. I think that's more dangerous than keeping him, sadly, but he's who we've got. I'm just looking for shitposty thoughts on this question, please and thank you.


    What-over-the-top absurd person would you choose to replace Biden who you think could actually body Trump, and why?

    For an example, my choice would be based on the idea that the only thing that makes a bully like Trump wilt is a bigger bully. Secondly, US citizens love trash talking and sports and absolutely will vote for someone who is already famous, they certainly love their celebrities. Finally, what better sport for trash talk than basketball?

    In that, my choice would be basketball legend Larry Bird. (he's famously apolitical, so it's hard to know if he would actually be politically aligned against Trump.)

    ...but, the thing is, Larry Bird is a masterclass trash talker.

    And that is really what throws Trump off and throws him into obscene tantrums where his composure is lost and he comes off like a whining loser: when he's been taken down a peg by someone else. Nothing sticks deeper in his craw. I don't think he could handle Larry Bird's level of shit-talk, Bird is like god-tier.

    I can imagine Bird calling Trump out and saying he can smell his shit-filled diaper from across the auditorium, obviously Bird would describe more colorfully than I. The thing is, I can also see that absolutely throwing Trump into hysterics.

    Also, at 67 Bird's a fucking spring chicken compared to Biden or Trump.

    So, I'm hoping for answers that are a bit silly, like this. Larry Bird is obviously not actually a good choice for this. I just like chuckling at the idea, because real life has gotten so absurd I need to hide in even deeper absurdity.


    What's your absurd Biden replacement? Please, I think we could use some laughs.


    I'm bored and making Hundreds of Beavers gifs.

    https:// /documents/2023/12/21/2023-27938/labor-certification-for-permanent-employment-of-foreign-workers-in-the-united-states-modernizing

    Copied from Reddit's /r/cscareerquestions:

    The US Department of Labor is proposing a rule change that would add STEM occupations to their list of Schedule A occupations. Schedule A occupations are pre-certified and thus employers do NOT have to prove that they first sought American workers for a green card job. This comes on the heels of massive layoffs from the very people pushing this rule change.

    From Tech Target:

    >The proposed exemption could be applied to a broad range of tech occupations including, notably, software engineering -- which represents about 1.8 million U.S. positions, according to U.S. labor statistics data -- and would allow companies to bypass some labor market tests if there's a demonstrated shortage of U.S. workers in an occupation.

    Currently the comments include heavy support from libertarian think tank, Cato, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association

    The San Francisco Tech scene has been riddled with CEOs whining over labor shortages for the past few months on Twitter/X amidst a sea of layoffs from Amazon, Meta, Google, Tesla, and much more. Now, we know that it's an attempt at influencing the narrative for these rule changes.

    If you are having a hard time finding a job, now, this rule change will only make things worse.

    From the US Census Bureau:

    Does majoring in STEM Lead to a STEM job after graduation?

    >The vast majority (62%) of college-educated workers who majored in a STEM field were employed in non-STEM fields such as non-STEM management, law, education, social work, accounting or counseling. In addition, 10% of STEM college graduates worked in STEM-related occupations such as health care.

    >The path to STEM jobs for non-STEM majors was narrow. Only a few STEM-related majors (7%) and non-STEM majors (6%) ultimately ended up in STEM occupations.

    If you or someone you know has experienced difficulty finding an engineering job post graduation amidst this so called shortage, then please submit your story in the remaining few days that the Public comment period is still open (ends May 13th.)

    Public comment can be made, here:

    Please share this with anyone else you feel has will be affected by this rule change.

    2 Fungi Perfecti workers joining together with LiUNA 252

    But the Olympia medicinal mushroom company has responded by hiring costly union-busting firms   OLYMPIA (May 3, 2024) — The on-site workers at Fungi Perfecti, which produces gourmet and medicinal mushrooms marketed as Host Defense Mushrooms, have announced their intention to form a union with Labore...

    If this is the wrong place for this, I apologize in advance and it's okay if it gets removed.


    First, it was bad enough for Elon Musk references, but now...

    The real life Paul Stamets, for which the character is named, hired union busters at his business, Fungi Perfecti.

    >But rather than recognizing and respecting these workers’ right to join together free from management interference, the union reports that Fungi Perfecti has responded by hiring the union-busting firms of Littler Mendelson P.C. and the American Labor Group. These firms represent clients such as Amazon, Apple, Google, and Starbucks, all of which have faced multiple Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charges with the National Labor Relations Board for illegally interfering in their employees’ freedom to unionize.

    >These firms have attempted to slow the momentum of Fungi Perfecti workers’ organizing drive with typical union-busting tactics like “unrequired” meetings that are heavily encouraged.

    >“ALG has been distributing anti-union propaganda that, in some cases, are outright lies,” said Derek Sewell, a warehouse worker for Fungi Perfecti. “But we will not be discouraged. It’s just unfortunate that they are spending thousands of dollars on union-busting to try to discourage us rather than investing in making Fungi Perfecti and better and more sustainable place to work.”


    Anyway, my opinion is firmly that if they're going to make references, it needs to be about people who are already dead, whose negatives are known, and who can't come back and fuck your reference up by becoming a horrible person as your life goes on.

    Because these living people keep revealing how Un-Star-Trek they are, imho.

    16 Fungi Perfecti workers joining together with LiUNA 252

    But the Olympia medicinal mushroom company has responded by hiring costly union-busting firms   OLYMPIA (May 3, 2024) — The on-site workers at Fungi Perfecti, which produces gourmet and medicinal mushrooms marketed as Host Defense Mushrooms, have announced their intention to form a union with Labore...

    Meant to post this in main star trek community, not ten forward, d'oh.

    If this is the wrong place for this, I apologize in advance and it's okay if it gets removed.


    First, it was bad enough for Elon Musk references, but now...

    The real life Paul Stamets, for which the character is named, hired union busters at his business, Fungi Perfecti.

    >But rather than recognizing and respecting these workers’ right to join together free from management interference, the union reports that Fungi Perfecti has responded by hiring the union-busting firms of Littler Mendelson P.C. and the American Labor Group. These firms represent clients such as Amazon, Apple, Google, and Starbucks, all of which have faced multiple Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charges with the National Labor Relations Board for illegally interfering in their employees’ freedom to unionize.

    >These firms have attempted to slow the momentum of Fungi Perfecti workers’ organizing drive with typical union-busting tactics like “unrequired” meetings that are heavily encouraged.

    >“ALG has been distributing anti-union propaganda that, in some cases, are outright lies,” said Derek Sewell, a warehouse worker for Fungi Perfecti. “But we will not be discouraged. It’s just unfortunate that they are spending thousands of dollars on union-busting to try to discourage us rather than investing in making Fungi Perfecti and better and more sustainable place to work.”


    Anyway, my opinion is firmly that if they're going to make references, it needs to be about people who are already dead, whose negatives are known, and who can't come back and fuck your reference up by becoming a horrible person as your life goes on.

    Because these living people keep revealing how Un-Star-Trek they are, imho.



    Hmm, I wonder why this shadowy organization sounds so... familiar?


    I think it might be safe to file this one under "Good News." It sounds like everyone kept their jobs and the union is intact.

    26 The Man Who Killed Google Search

    This is the story of how Google Search died, and the people responsible for killing it. The story begins on February 5th 2019, when Ben Gomes, Google’s head of search, had a problem. Jerry Dischler, then the VP and General Manager of Ads at Google, and Shiv Venkataraman, then

    Edward Zitron has been reading all of google's internal emails that have been released as evidence in the DOJ's antitrust case against google.

    > This is the story of how Google Search died, and the people responsible for killing it.

    > The story begins on February 5th 2019, when Ben Gomes, Google’s head of search, had a problem. Jerry Dischler, then the VP and General Manager of Ads at Google, and Shiv Venkataraman, then the VP of Engineering, Search and Ads on Google properties, had called a “code yellow” for search revenue due to, and I quote, “steady weakness in the daily numbers” and a likeliness that it would end the quarter significantly behind.

    HackerNews thread:

    MetaFilter thread:

    7 The Man Who Killed Google Search

    This is the story of how Google Search died, and the people responsible for killing it. The story begins on February 5th 2019, when Ben Gomes, Google’s head of search, had a problem. Jerry Dischler, then the VP and General Manager of Ads at Google, and Shiv Venkataraman, then

    Edward Zitron has been reading all of google's internal emails that have been released as evidence in the DOJ's antitrust case against google.

    > This is the story of how Google Search died, and the people responsible for killing it.

    > The story begins on February 5th 2019, when Ben Gomes, Google’s head of search, had a problem. Jerry Dischler, then the VP and General Manager of Ads at Google, and Shiv Venkataraman, then the VP of Engineering, Search and Ads on Google properties, had called a “code yellow” for search revenue due to, and I quote, “steady weakness in the daily numbers” and a likeliness that it would end the quarter significantly behind.

    HackerNews thread:

    MetaFilter thread:


    We're heading to New Vegas in Season 2, and this is the only character I really would like to see resurface, mostly because Yes Man saved me from never finishing New Vegas. I was starting to get bored with the plot and Yes Man brought me back in.

    Dave Foley killed as it Yes Man, and I would love to see him back in the role. I was a big fan of Foley from Kids in the Hall/News Radio days, and I was overjoyed when I ran into Yes Man and recognized his voice. Dave Foley has exactly the kind of absurd cheery demeanor a character like Yes Man needs.

    Further, I'm going to assume the Courier/Yes Man taking over the Strip ending of New Vegas probably isn't canon, it means there's ample opportunity potentially for Yes Man to continue being the best Yes Man that he is.

    Hell, I'd love to see any of the Kids in the Hall in Season 2, honestly. Kevin McDonald keeps looking weirder every fucking year, he would fit in with wastelanders. Hell, the new Kids in the Hall season was an Amazon Prime show, and both Kevin and Dave went full frontal nudity with their weird old bodies. They're the right kind of fit for the wasteland.

    I would also think Foley's "Doomsday DJ" sketch is a great example of why they need him in Season 2 of Fallout.

    19 Rock Star Blasts MAGA, Calls Trump 'Greatest Swindler in History'

    The singer of a popular punk rock band criticized the former president and his supporters during a recent show.

    >Casey's expletive-laden rant continued, "You're being duped by a bunch of grifters and billionaires who don't give a shit about you or your family. They care about their fucking tax breaks and the money they can put in their pocket. If you consider yourself a patriot and you're spouting off that election-denying shit, I will fight your ass outside if you want to. Wake the fuck up!"


    In January and February I had curated some playlists and shared them with friends and we watched them together via Watch Together. There was previously an option to Grant Access to the playlist, and after granting access, you could click Watch Together and start a watch party.

    However, sometime in the last few weeks this option has disappeared in playlists, and now I am restricted to granting access, but not being able to watch together.

    Really the only people who have access to my server is my partner and three friends. This has been a huge bummer, because I was curating old shows complete with old commercials in between.

    If anyone has info on why this changed, I'd love to have an understanding, because the change kind of blows...


    I have a degree that would put me at Helpdesk Level II if I could find a fucking job.

    I literally don't know how to find remote jobs, so I continue to just find and work shitty blue-collar jobs in my city.

    I have CML and it would be really nice to have a job that sort of helped me get my medical problems in order. It's either that or being a deadbeat who works part-time just so I can qualify for the ACA and get my $16k a month medications covered.

    I have other health problems beyond the CML that would make my life a lot easier if I didn't have to be on my feet all day. I really struggle with it and have to take anti-nausea meds all day and pain meds all day to manage it, whereas I don't need those anywhere near as much if I'm in a chair.

    So the first order of business, Lemmy, is how the hell do I even look for a remote job to begin with?

    I'll probably come back for more questions about how to actually get a job like that because I feel like I don't know wtf I'm doing when it comes to resumes/cover letters either (part of it is I don't want to write fan-fiction about some shitty job that will mistreat me).


    First time playing an "evil" campaign, with a friend running a Durge.

    We're failing so miserably in so many comic ways.

    We killed most of the origin companions because they're mostly good two-shoes. When we were done only Lae'zel and Astarion were left.

    In Act 2, because we murdered Shadowheart in Act 1, we were locked out of killing the Nightsong because we didn't have Shar's Chosen with us. Even after killing Isobel, somehow we ended up with both Jaheira and the Nightsong at our camp, through bad decisions and forgetting to save frequently.

    Further, Minthara was glitched and missing in Act 2 after our Durge romanced her in Act 1 but chose not to give in to her urge and kill Minthara because we wanted to recruit her Overly Attached Girlfriend self to our party.

    By Act 3, our Monk said "I feel like we're bad at being evil."

    I sort of do, too. Being a goody-two-shoes in real life can make it hard to know how to be a sinister mustache twirling villain.
