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  • I work with a K9 search and rescue team now and then. The team is very good at going deep into the woods looking for missing and/or dead people on scent trails that are sometimes over 24h old.

    One of the ladies used a black tactical rig full of pouches. But instead of gun stuff it held gps devices, radios, dog treats, toys, water, collapsible bowls and a dozen other things for her and her dog.

    So we geeked out for like five minutes over how useful it was. It's a Condor Ronin Rig if anyone is curious

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    Do the Dew
  • I've genuinely wondered what the sight picture would be like if you had two of the same red dots set up at each end of the rail like iron sights

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    90's kid NCD expansion pack
  • Air Combat (the og Ace Combat game) was a PS1 launch game in 1995. It's crazy that it has an F-22 on the cover!

    The Army Men series was my guilty pleasure of games. Most of them weren't too great but the world was just so cool to kid me. Army Men RTS and Air Attack were pretty damn good but Sarge's Heroes 2 on PS2 will always give me nostalgic feels

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    What is so impressive about electronics of the F35?
  • The heads up display isn't something you see in front of you like most planes. The helmets are the heads up display, like augmented reality.

    There are cameras all over the plane to help you see through the aircraft (see ground targets through the floor, nearby aircraft through your wing). Think of the resolution and bitrate needed to make it useful!

    Just like how an apache gunner can simply look at a target to aim the gun at them you can do the same thing. And if you can't hit it it's still marked for every allied plane in the airspace to see. If you are out of missiles but you are tracking an enemy plane miles ahead, you can send the data to an F-15 miles behind you and let their missiles lock and fire from farther than they can engage alone.

    With that in mind the radar is awesome letting it see threats from greater distances than the opposition, with the stealth capabilities good enough to keep them from easily doing the same.

    I'm sure there are other surprises too, but the military obviously wants to keep those a secret

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    i will never understand scientific fraud
  • "tRuSt tHe sCieNCe!"

    This is a joke of course...well kinda. When science is done well it can change the world. Who would be against that?

    I don't like the phrase because while the process of science seeks to be as factual and unbiased as possible those in the scientific community are still human. They are fallible, corruptible and can do things for their own personal gain or profit. So to me it could mistakenly misunderstood as "trust science blindly"

    But "Trust the science that is validated by multiple reputable sources" just doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely

  • !Honorable Mention

    Prompt Text:

    4k photo of a diorama depicting a coastal town lighthouse. A detailed woman stands waiting. She watches a tiny distant ship on stormy glass horizon. Well lit distant lighting posed out of focus. Figurine windy woman has wind blown pose. Modest clothes ruffle. Model trees.

    3 US condemned over airdrop of omelette MREs to Gaza

    "We cannot stand idly by while the basic rights and tastes of Palestinians are trampled upon," said one resident.


    I've been using an app so long I forgot my actual password! But when I go on the main site and put my email in the reset page it doesn't really do anything

    Edit nvm I remembered my password but still the reset function didn't work for me so for the sake of other users it should be checked out


    First up yes I'm a camo nerd. Metal Gear Solid 3 awakened something in me! Anyway every now and then I take different camo patterns into the woods and take photos as a reference to help people choose what works best for them. This one, Pencott Wildwood looks way too brown in most photos. Check it out!


    But with the selfie cam it looks a lot closer to how it does in person


    Maybe it's just the phone software that's only used in the main camera? I've messed with some of the settings with no luck. Here's a closer view of the pattern to show you what it's like up close


    Any theories?
