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Lebanon right now
  • Kingsman

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    Get you a company that can do both
  • The OG Xbox controller can be used as a thermonuclear device if you drop it.

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    Anon explains the 2nd amendment
  • Ameritards pay more per capita for far worse healthcare. Enjoy getting taxed to bomb kids in the Middle East!

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    Anon explains the 2nd amendment
  • This is objectively true. I have the freedom to go to college without being in crippling debt, the freedom to take 5 weeks of paid vacation every year, the freedom to go to a doctor without fear of bankruptcy, the freedom to travel or move to another country at will...

    Living in the US has literally no upside.

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    Anon explains the 2nd amendment
  • Europe exists, has more freedom than your shithole country, and very few guns per capita.

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    Tuvaluans prepare for life in Australia as rising tides swallow their country
  • Not necessarily. .su (Soviet Union) is still active.

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    Two women found guilty of false transgender claims against France's first lady.
  • This is funny because TER is the name of France's short range train lines.

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    This might not be too far off
  • Only in the British version.

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    I could make a great PC for that...
  • There are modchips for newer models.

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    I could make a great PC for that...
  • Yes, actually. Hacked Switches can run Linux and even Android.

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    I could make a great PC for that...
  • I'd happily pay for Steam because it provides a good service. Meanwhile, PSN and Nintendo Switch Online suck and are expensive (PSN is 70€ per year lmao).

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    Anon signs up for a dating site
  • Anon is too autistic to ask for a refund. Or do a GDPR request to fix their data.

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    Queen behavior rule
  • Ah yes, the two genders: human and woman.

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    10/09/24 - PlayStation 5 Pro : Sony officialise sa console avec un GPU plus puissant, Ă  800 euros - Next
  • +120€ pour le lecteur de disques externe et le pied vertical

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    Crew 2 is on sale for a dollar on Steam, Epic, Xbox, & PlayStation until 23rd of September
  • Note: it doesn't currently work on Steam Deck and Linux in general because of the anti cheat. UbiSoft announced they will add an offline mode, so maybe they will partially disable it later.

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    Crew 2 is on sale for a dollar on Steam, Epic, Xbox, & PlayStation until 23rd of September
  • Technically, they would be getting $0.70. 30% is going to Valve.

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    Jack White sues Trump over the use of The White Stripes' 'Seven Nation Army': 'This machine sues fascists'
  • I didn't know See Also and References had a musical career.

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    He's got all their powers
  • "No politics" means "no politics the mods disagree with".

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    Ford Patents In-Car System That Eavesdrops So It Can Play You Ads
  • I've seem them in France, but they are rare.

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  • Since idiots reference it as if it were a documentary.

  • Donald Trump accuse Kamala Harris d'ĂȘtre "devenue noire" pour des raisons politiques

    Kamala Harris est nĂ©e d'un pĂšre jamaĂŻcain et d'une mĂšre indienne. Elle est la premiĂšre femme noire et originaire d'Asie du Sud Ă  viser la prĂ©sidence. La quinquagĂ©naire se dĂ©finit elle-mĂȘme comme une "femme noire".

    2 DIRECT. Européennes 2024 : suivez l'allocution d'Emmanuel Macron aprÚs les résultats du scrutin

    Le RN atteint un niveau historique avec 31,5% des voix, le double du camp présidentiel (15,2%), talonné par le PS (14%), selon notre estimation Ipsos.

    Les législatives auront lieu le 30 juin et le 7 juillet.

    8 L'ancien maire de Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin est mort

    Jean-Claude Gaudin est mort dans le Var, révÚle France Bleu Provence. Il était ùgé de 84 ans.

    1 Le vhélio sort en v1.0.0 -

    L’actualitĂ© du logiciel libre et des sujets voisins (DIY, Open Hardware, Open Data, les Communs, etc.), sur un site francophone contributif gĂ©rĂ© par une Ă©quipe bĂ©nĂ©vole par et pour des libristes enthousiastes
