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And nobody would get your references
  • My family was pretty poor growing up, but we had cable. Back in the day there would occasionally be free weekends of Disney Channel, HBO and the like. Whenever there was one of those free weekends, my parents would buy a super long blank VHS tape and record hours of random movies. So for years every movie that I watched had an 800 number that would pop up every few minutes asking you to call and subscribe.

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    Californians will vote on a $18 minimum wage. Workers already want $25 and more
  • In the eastern Kansas city that I live in, a living wage for a single person with no kids is almost $20/hr. There is no way $18 is nearly enough in California.

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    Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (2024, creators Jon Watts and Christopher Ford)
  • It sort of seems like the Star Wars version of the last 2 Ghostbusters movies. Which I didn't hate, but also don't really think of as good. They were fan service, and Star Wars has been way too over saturated with fan service as of late. There was so little of that in Andor and I think that's one of the reasons the show worked so well. That and the fact that they actually put some effort and thought into the writing.

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    There was a guy dressed like an Assassin's Creed character doing parkour while carrying the Olympic Torch in Paris, which was somehow one of the tamer parts of the opening ceremony
  • I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Your take is completely fair. Parts of the ceremony were great. Gojira playing on the side of the Conciergerie was fuckin amazing. But on the whole, I thought the pacing of the whole event was terrible and lacked energy. Plus those fuckin NBC commentators would not shut the fuck up.

  • Some of y'all need to think about your tactics


    It would be great if Connect would let us see the url for these sort of links with out needing to click on them. I always worry about navigating to a website that I would rather not.
