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Solarpunk is an Evtopia, not a Utopia
  • Utopia (from Ουτοπία) is an impossible Vision of the future, while Evtopia (from Ευτοπία) is the best possible Vision.

    Interesting. I never heard of Evtopia, and I also did not understand Utopia as necessarily impossible. Could be possible or impossible, depends on context.

    I also don't think being unreachable is necessarily a bad thing. Consider an 'Ideal'. Although some ideals may never be fully actualized, they are seen as something good and worth pursuing nevertheless.

    But mostly, I don't think the opinions of proponents or opponents of this idea are swayed by wether we call it Utopia or Evtopia. If anything, using the more common term makes it more relatable.

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    "Cis" and "trans" are different types of a person's.... what?
  • You’d think if it was all basic biology we would just have a unique gender for every one wouldn’t you?

    Nothing in biology is exactly identical between individuums. A common eye color is brown, although there are as many shades of brown as there are people.

    It is just practical and how language, or even perception works, that we tend to categorize similarities, and strongly favor common occurrances over outliers.

    the doctor is describing your phenotypic sex based on observable characteristics.

    Your doctor is assigning you a gender.

    Maybe you two aren't even disagreeing?

    I'd say the doctor tries to assign the new born into male or female according to biological sex, and gender is inferred from that.

    He calls you either a boy or a girl based on your genital configuration

    Yes, that's what I mean. A two-step process. First, biological expression is assessed. Next, based on #1, social gender is inferred.

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    How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • If they have any ability to post to the Fediverse or to track things they’ll do it all over again.

    They have that ability, and always will have. They can create as many accounts as they like on as many instances as they like, or run as many instances as they like themselves, use incentivized individuals, or employees, or bots, or any combination of all of the above. No one can stop them, maybe even no one can spot them.

    The only thing which is holding them back right now is lemmy/kbin still being too insignificant. If the network continues to grow, more and more big corps will see it as a market and an opportunity, and they will have plenty of ways to interact with it.

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    How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • if Google or Meta wants to join they should to us not us to them so if they break federation we should not care and continue implement our stuff

    As I understood the article, the danger is that large actors like these are too important too ignore. Too many users, too much content to neglect. So while in theory you are obviously right, in reality there will be a temptation to cater to their needs, because it seems so worthwhile.

  • Hi :)

    Since yesterday, I cannot see posts created by me, in neither view nor search. The posts still exist, but they aren't shown to me.

    Today, I also noticed the two local communities on apparently have 0 posts.

    Not sure if these phenomena are connected. Does anybody else experience the same? Does anybody know what's going on?

    0 „Intelligente“ Videoüberwachung: Polizei Hamburg will ab Juli Verhalten automatisch scannen

    Die Hamburger Polizei will bald Videokameras einsetzen, die angeblich verdächtiges Verhalten automatisch erkennen sollen. Hamburg wäre damit die zweite Stadt in Deutschland, die diese Technologie einsetzt. Besonders betroffen sind Obdachlose.

    cross-posted from:

    > !


    cross-posted from:

    > 0:23 > > > > > But there's one lame excuse that is so common, so prevalent, so ubiquitous, that I want to talk about it and that's the excuse that "My country is too big to have trains, bicycle infrastructure, walkable neighborhoods or whatever." > > --- > > 1:27 > > > > > So when someone new to walkable cities sees an example of a great City and they realize it's clearly better than where they live, their first gut reaction is to grab any difference between the two and make that the reason as to why their city can't be the same. > > --- > > 2:26 > > > > > So why is this argument so stupid? Well, quite simply, Americans aren't traveling from Fluffy Landing to Hump Tulips every day. Canadians aren't traveling from Dildo to Spasm every day, and Australians aren't traveling from Chinaman's Knob to Useless Loop every day > > --- > > 2:55 > > > > > They travel within their city, so the only thing that really matters to most people is the design of that City. > > --- > > 3:05 > > > > > For example, in the United States, over 45 percent of trips - all trips - are three miles or less (that's five kilometers for the rest of my audience). These are distances that could be easily done by walking or cycling. So despite the size of the country, and the sprawliness of the cities, Americans don't actually travel that far for most trips, but unsurprisingly, almost all of those trips are taken by car because it's too dangerous to walk or cycle, and public transportation is non-existent, which again is the whole point. > > --- > > 4:18 > > > > > The problem is not cars, it's car dependency. We need to give people the freedom to not to have to drive. > > --- > > 4:35 > > > > > This is where Americans will claim that America is too big for trains, which is absolutely comical, because America was literally built by the railroads, and so was Canada. > > --- > > 5:01 > > > > > Nearly every town, city and village in the United States and Canada had a train station and was connected by rail, with very few exceptions. And almost every city and town had a streetcar line too, with very few exceptions. And every one of those places was built to be walkable, as every one of those places was built before automobiles were common. Again, with very few exceptions. > > > A hundred years ago, you could get a train from almost any city to just about any other city on the continent, and even many towns and villages, too. The reason those train stations don't exist anymore is because they were bulldozed, often to make room for highways, along with the walkable downtowns they were connected to. > > --- > > 5:46 > > > > > American cities were not built for the car, they were bulldozed for the car. > > --- > > 6:03 > > > > > There are dozens of city pairs in the U.S that are the perfect population and distance for high-speed rail or high frequency rail, and CityNerd has made a video about this if you'd like more details. > > --- > > 6:16 > > > > > Canada may be a huge country, but about 50 percent of the entire population lives in this little area, which is literally in a line. > > --- > > 6:27 > > > > > This is Japan to scale, the country famous for all it's trains. So yes, Canada, you can build a high-speed train between Toronto and Montreal. > > --- > > 6:37 > > > > > Here's China with it's high-speed rail map. > > --- > > 7:17 > > > > > The Schengen zone is not constant and new countries are being added every few years. For example, Croatia was just added in 2023 and Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus and Montenegro plan to join in the near future. But if that happens, will Amsterdam need to tear up all their bike lanes, because the Schengen zone is too big? No, of course not, that would be stupid. Which is the same reason why saying America is too big for bike lanes is also stupid. > > --- > > 7:45 > > > > > The fact is, it is possible to build walkable neighborhoods everywhere. They have existed in every country on Earth for thousands of years, and it is possible to connect those walkable places together by high quality public transportation, to make it so that people can go from any walkable area to any other walkable area regardless of the size of the city the country or the continent. > > --- > > 8:18 > > > > > Even if size did matter, then why isn't Maryland covered in bike lanes and train tracks, or Hawaii, or Prince Edward Island? > > --- > > 10:22 > > > > > The United States destroys over 750'000 acres of natural and agricultural land every year [note: the source talks about 1,200 square miles] to build sprawling suburbs. And Ontario, Canada (where I'm from) destroys 175 acres of farmland per day to build more car-dependent suburbia. That is a choice. > > --- > > 10:43 > > > > > When Americans say something like "U.S cities are too big and spread out to do - whatever" then yes, that's true. But that is literally the problem that urbanists are trying to solve, so it's not really helpful to restate the problem, and then use that as the excuse as to why it can't be solved. > > --- > > 11:26 > > > > > The Dutch make great places, while North Americans make excuses.

    Kremlin decides that goal to "demilitarise" Ukraine has largely been achieved
  • "And, as Putin said yesterday, one of the tasks was to demilitarise Ukraine. In fact, this task is largely completed. Ukraine is using less and less of its weapons. And more and more it uses the weapons systems that Western countries supply it with."

    Ah, the subtle differences between demilitarization and upgrading to NATO standards.

    If his statement had ever anything to do with reality. Probably just feel-good words directed at the domestic audience.

  • ERNTE TEILEN - der Film - Dokumentarfilm & Kampagne

    Erfahre mehr über den Dokumentarfilm ERNTE TEILEN, über Solidarische Landwirtschaft und wie du zum SoLaWi-Botschafter werden kannst.

    cross-posted from:

    > “ERNTE TEILEN” erzählt die Geschichte von Landwirt:innen, die dem Wachstumszwang unseres Systems etwas entgegensetzen und aus den Strukturen der konventionellen Landwirtschaft ausbrechen. Filmemacher und Aktivist Philipp Petruch begibt sich mit dem Film auf eine Reise zu drei SoLaWi-Initiativen in Brandenburg und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Sie verbindet ein klares Ziel: Mit Hilfe von Gemeinschaften schaffen sie einen lokalen Versorgungskreislauf nach den Werten von Ökologie und Gemeinwohl. Mit Mut, Gemeinschaftssinn und einem neuen Verhältnis von Konsument und Produzent können wir die Landwirtschaft verändern. Und ein kleines Stück die Welt. > > Trailer auf YouTube: Ernte Teilen - Trailer (2 min) > > * Länge: 81 Minuten > * Erscheinungsjahr: 2023 > * Sprachen: Deutsch (UT: Englisch) > * FSK: Ab 0 Jahren > * Erstveröffentlichung: Premiere in Berlin im Babylon am 31.05.2023 > * Drehorte: Berlin, Brandenburg und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern > * Finanzierung: Crowdfunding via Startnext und Gefördert von der Rentenbank > > Der Film läuft aktuell an einzelnen Terminen in vielen deutschen Städten. Du kannst auch weitere Termine organisieren!

    Mates, today without warning, the reddit royal navy attacked. I've been demoded by the admins.
  • Whenever you see inserted words, please imagine an awkwardly moving but very colorful parrot squawking it.

    The ability to find and make these connections prrrofits is incredibly important to many people ourrr sharrreholders, and ensuring that active communities are able to remain [a] stable and active (and open) source of prrrofits is very important forrr us!

    Our goal here is to work with the existing mod team to find a path forward into exile and make sure your subreddit is usable for the community company which makes its home monnney here.

  • Kohleausstieg im Osten - wir jungen Menschen in der Lausitz brauchen Zukunft!

    Die Menge an CO2, die wir noch emittieren können, ohne die 1,5-Grad-Grenze zu reißen, wird Tag für Tag kleiner. **Gleichzeitig sollen in der Lausitz noch 700 Millionen Tonnen Kohle abgebaut werden, mehr als drei Mal so viel, wie die 1,5°-Grenze erlaubt** [1]. Damit würde die LEAG, eines der größten ...

    Von: Fridays for Future Görlitz

    An: Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz Robert Habeck (Bündnis90/Grüne), Ministerpräsidenten Michael Kretschmer (CDU) und Dietmar Woidke (SPD)

    > In der Lausitz will der Kohlekonzern LEAG noch bis 2038 Kohle verfeuern, dabei ist klar: Für die Einhaltung der 1,5-Grad-Grenze aus dem Pariser Klimaabkommen muss der Kohleausstieg im Osten deutlich früher kommen. Dabei ist vor allem wichtig, dass die Menge an Kohle, die noch gefördert wird, ausreichend reduziert wird - ein nettes Ausstiegsdatum allein reicht nicht!

    > In diesen Tagen verhandelt Robert Habeck mit dem Kohlekonzern LEAG über den Kohleausstieg im Osten - während die Ministerpräsidenten Kretschmer und Woidke sich mit aller Kraft an der dreckigen Kohle festklammern. Die aktuellen Verhandlungen müssen einen sozial gerechten und 1,5-Grad-konformen Kohleausstieg einleiten!

    > Es braucht jetzt:

    > * eine klare Begrenzung der Menge an Kohle, die noch gefördert werden darf > * einen Plan für den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien > * Planungssicherheit und echte Perspektiven für die Menschen in der Region


    Hello, fellow clicks!

    Since I migrated from reddit a few days ago (here to stay), I tried to find and subscribe to communities of interest. Sometimes it works, but more often it does not.

    I try to

    1. find the community using the built in search function: "space"
    2. force-find the community by changing the query to: "" or "!"
    3. manually construct the URL:

    Neither works currently for this community, although it exists:

    Am I doing something wrong? Has this worked before all the reddit refugees came, Is it a temporary issue?
