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    Kernel Maintenance By a Novice.
  • Ah, so the kernel actually uses mailing lists. You need to use the get maintainers Perl script to get the people you need to send the email TO and then send it to them with the dri-devel list CC'd.

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    Kernel Maintenance By a Novice.
  • That wouldn't be accepted as is, but those sound like tunables. They could be exposed as kernel parameters. May be worth submitting the patch as an RFC just to call attention to it.

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    Kernel Maintenance By a Novice.
  • What modifications were required? The good part of a rolling release is that upstreaming things means you only have to deal with manual fixes for like 2 or 3 updates.

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    Uber drivers in Kenya are ignoring the app and charging their own rates
  • Dude tried doing that at the Dallas airport recently as well. I do believe they should be getting a larger cut but it's sketchy as hell to not have anything backing the ride.

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    Problems with Arch upgrade
  • They'd update it, but they are afraid it would no longer work as well

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    Any AI tool to analyse a git repo for malicious code?
  • You would first need to define malicious code within the context of that repo. To some people, telemetry is malicious.

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    YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers
  • I want the statistic on how many Google employees use ad blockers now. It's basically a necessity.

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    Why don't cell phones have BIOS?
  • Because ARM was built to be cheap.

    BIOS nowadays is basically a bootloader shim in EEPROM. The majority of the ARM ecosystem wanted flexible and cheap devices. This promoted the use of a small ROM loader burned into the device and a removal of basically all EEPROM from the SoC.

    The flexibility came back through the use of a secondary bootloader layer normally stored in the devices primary storage. Most manufacturers use u-boot or coreboot on an SD card or eMMC. Android standardized this as part of their partitioning scheme. All devices have a dedicated bootloader partition housing the secondary bootloader and any additional boot artifacts.

    Then phones became wildly expensive and invalidated most of this.

    Also, do you think it's possible that this way of doing things will come to the computer, with ARM hoping to gain a good share of the market and all?

    It already has. Most of what ARM is doing to be cheap was already pioneered by PowerPC.

    ARM EBBR specifications attempt to standardize this boot flow somewhat, introducing a standard EFI shell in u-boot. This does not solve the dependency on the secondary bootloader, and it doesn't prevent people from shooting themselves in the foot. It just makes distro interactions with the secondary bootloader more standardized.

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    AMD lawyers claw back CUDA compatibility layer ZLUDA
  • This is a short term loss for a potential long term improvement. By eliminating dependency on translation APIs they can force the use of more open solutions like oneAPI which is even getting buy-in from companies like Imagination.

    Keeping cuda alive is a bad idea.

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    GitHub Profile Roast - roasts you based on what's in your profile.
  • The bot avoids roasting torvalds but will roast maintainers. That's a little odd, but I guess it keeps it out of the news.

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    How was your experience using Linux in college?
  • I made it through college without using windows on any of my personal machines, but I did need to access a library or computer lab to take 1 test that needed a specialized web browser for some reason. Other than that, I was actually pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to slip by with a good PDF viewer, libreoffice, and Inkscape.

    My degree was in computer engineering, most groups I worked in outside of the engineering department just preferred collaboration through office online or google docs.

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    I got a little distracted
  • Ever thought of unraveling that escape sequence and injecting it into the agetty start string?

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    77% Of Employees Report AI Has Increased Workloads And Hampered Productivity, Study Finds
  • TFIDF and some light rules should work well and be significantly faster.

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    How FOSS is your setup?
  • Ah, my last phone that no longer receives any updates. Pixel 2XL. Just keeping it around because parting with electronics is difficult.

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    How FOSS is your setup?
  • Arch on every box in the house, including the primary router. Mixed Intel and AMD. Openwrt on every AP (unfortunately Mellanox and MediaTek firmware blobs for the radios). GrapheneOS on my daily and LineageOS on my legacy phone.

    Aside from occasional games, I don't install anything I don't have the source to. My phone is the only exception, for apps required to interface with the rest of the world.

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    A strange "terminal emulator" idea I got, tho I bet this exists
  • Something like this can kind of be achieved programmatically by unraveling bash completion arguments and loosely parsing terminal help strings.

    They aren't all formatted uniformly though, so you'll need to come up with a filtering mechanism to prevent returning garbage. You'll also always be a little out of date...

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    Chips could harvest their own energy using a newly-created alloy
  • Everything loops back to steam in the end. Solid state thermoelectric devices have been around forever, and before that we had the idea of using thermal energy to augment magnetic fields and jump to kinetic energy without any intermediary conversion. All very low yield results, but we've tried it anyway.

    Keep thinking about it, we need all the brains we can get, but don't write it off as a novel idea that the other egg heads just haven't gotten around to solving yet.
