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A classic prank
  • My grandpa talked about doing this back in the 1930s with his brothers, and by that I mean, they put their neighbor's cow on top of their barn, somehow. I think this is one of those things that, in one form or another, has always existed and always will.

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    What is something you SHOULD cheap out on?
  • People are gonna pillory me for this, but flashlights.

    First off, you want something that runs off two AAAs, regardless of price. If you can't walk into any gas station, or any grocery store, or what have you, and buy batteries for your flashlight when it dies, it's not gonna matter how bright it was before it died. You also don't want anything brighter than ~200 lumens at the very most, unless you actually need one brighter, for some reason; they drain batteries way faster. You want something thin enough that you're able to clip it inside your pocket and forget it's there. You also want one that has an end switch that toggles between two modes: "full power" and "turned off." If you have one that toggles between low and high settings, you will only use the high setting. If you have one that toggles between low and high settings, and strobe and SoS, you will only use the high setting. Every additional step in between "all the way off" and "all the way on" is just friction you don't need, that will do nothing but piss you off every time you use the damned thing.

    The features that make big, fancy flashlights expensive, are anti-features.

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  • You mean you've accepted that the cat is in charge and not the other way around, right? Because yeah, that is what usually happens.

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    How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use
  • Vim's keybinds are intuitive and Nano's keybinds are completely unusable, if you're asking me. I cannot use Nano without becoming horribly frustrated immediately. The reason "how to exit Vim" is a meme, is because everyone's been there, one time. The difference is that you never stop not knowing how to exit Nano. I also hate Emacs' default keybinds, but that's mostly because I don't want carpal tunnel syndrome, so that's a different issue; Emacs' keybinds actually do make some amount of sense, in all honesty, even though they're objectively dangerous. Gun to my head, I could probably, technically "use" vanilla Emacs albeit with some difficulty. I cannot possibly use Nano and I would rather get shot.

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    Oh God, I wasn't ready
  • I used to work nights at a grocery store. The break room coffee was made by a recovering meth addict, and was basically the next "best" thing if only in theory.

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    Just one more tweak
  • My first tiling window manager was Xmonad. There is simply no such thing as going back to a full desktop environment when your first tiling window manager was Xmonad. I haven't even considered using a full desktop environment in years, and I never will.
