Ist das nicht der Ansatz vom Volksverpetzer? Leider scheint der kaum Reichweite zu haben.
Ich interpretiere es so, dass das jeweils die Veränderungen des Anteiles der Kostenkategorie zum Vorjahresquartal ist. Q2/2021 waren also die Arbeitskosten etwa 2% weniger als Q2/2020.
Thank you! Karak is on my to play list, but do you think that it is already suitable for a 5 year old?
Thank you very much! CoraQuest sounds grad for next year! I will have a look at outfoxed!
Thank you very much! CoraQuest sounds grad for next year! I will have a look at outfoxed!
My son's 5th birthday is coming up and I would like to gift him a board game. Usually only the two of us play and he likes for example Carcassonne Junior, Brandon the Nrave or Karuba Junior. Any good suggestions for a new game, maybe also something collaborative?