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Anyone have experience with Incogni?
  • Kanary definitely looks good - although they are US only at the moment (rules it out for me unfortunately). Thanks for your insight!

  • I've recently heard about their services, and others like them, and wanted to know what privacy-focused people thought about them, what experiences they may have had, and whether this was recommended for people who have a footprint they want scrubbing (even if only in part) or not?

    The level of engagement on Reddit these days
  • I'm not really adding to the conversation with this but wanted to share anyway:

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    "Outside the game" in Commander?
  • Yeah I think this it - it's to accommodate companions; technically the ability is not on a card in your actual deck/battlefield (making Rule 10 not applicable?) but an extra deck mechanic like Un-set contraptions, stickers etc. (although I do not know how "assemble a contraption" works on the one legal contraption card?).

    EDIT: Also the inclusion of "traditional card(s)" probably gives companion wriggle room.

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    Do you think deck total value is a good enough indicator of how strong it is?
  • I would say that pure monetary value does effect power but with highly diminishing returns and even at the lowest cost the synergy and construction of the deck is more important.

    The most expensive card I own is Sheoldred, The Apocalypse - and I always take her out of my decks because she just doesn't synergise with them. Yeah it's powerful, yeah it doesn't weaken my infect deck (for example), but a dirt cheap Blightbelly Rat is far more valuable to me in that deck if I want to do the things my deck is supposed to do, have fun, and have a good chance of winning.

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    Are We Watching The Internet Die?
  • I can't disagree with you on that, you're absolutely right - I suppose my read just gives the author the benefit of the doubt that it's not 'better AI' that we deserve, but a better internet (i.e. with no AI whatsoever).

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    Are We Watching The Internet Die?
  • Personally I read it as a general "demand better", "don't accept crap wrapped in gold" as an offensive principle against (de)generative AI. Perhaps I'm inserting my own positive spin on their words, but it seems to me that their point is "don't let the hype win"; if these companies are pushing AI, forming dependencies on bad tech, then we need to say "not good enough" and push back on the BS. Deny the ability of low quality garbage to 'fulfil' our needs. It's not a directly practical line to be sure (how do we do this exactly?), but it does drill down past "AI is bad" to a more fundamental (and arguably motivating) point - that we, all of us, deserve better than to drown in a sea of crap and that's still important.

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    What's the best email provider i can use with a FOSS client
  • Recommendation for Posteo - best email provider I've used and it's ridiculously affordable.

  • I'm interested in giving franz a try (predominantly for WhatsApp and Facebook messenger on the desktop) and wanted to know if anyone had any experience with, or guidance about, the app?

    Since the app appears to require an account I thought I'd check I wasn't signing up for something terrible first.

    Where have all the websites gone?
  • I really like Neocities - highly recommended for a personal website.

  • The Original Clock Tower Is Getting Remastered for Modern Consoles - IGN

    At a presentation event held by Limited Run Games, the company unveiled that a remaster of the original Clock Tower is currently in development with a release slated for early next year.

    Looks interesting - never played the original, but always thought it would be fun to at some point.

    what pdf/ebook reader do all of you reccomend?
  • Maybe try opening Calibre proper and adding the pdf to your library first? It should work the way you're doing it, not sure why it's hanging like that - unless there's a problem with your Library location?

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    Consider Joining the UK Foundation Model Taskforce
  • I feel like this is just investing in the tech hype of AI - AI/LLMs are really just probability calculators, if very impressive ones.

    We're not going to see 'god-like' AI run rampart and become sentient (at least not any time soon) - the real dangers of AI are the applications of it that are done my humans. The people who force it into spheres that it is ill-equipped to benefit, to undercut people who's work can be 'replaced' or 'enhanced' by AI.

    AI will inevitably be harmful. But not because it becomes uber-advanced; it will be harmful because techbros and grifters will use it badly, driven by money, hype or plain stupidity. Believing AI is more advanced than it is just feeds into the human machine that's going to do real harm.

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    what pdf/ebook reader do all of you reccomend?
  • Did you add the pdf to your Calibre library and open it or did you open it from somewhere else?

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    What forgotten cult classic games are worth revisiting?
  • Oh Arcanum is a great pick!

    And you're right, Fallout's not exactly forgotten - although it was a cult hit at the time, and I'd argue the original still is in a way.

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    What forgotten cult classic games are worth revisiting?
  • I'd heartily recommend Fallout 1, with a less enthusiastic recommendation for Fallout 2

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    what pdf/ebook reader do all of you reccomend?
  • I personally use Zathura, it's minimalistic and uses VIM bindings.

    But if you want something feature-dense, with a way of organising your library, eReader integration, file converting and more, Calibre is pretty amazing (and the actual reader part of Calibre is quite nice to use in my opinion).
