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[Serious] What is project 2025? What kind of risk is involved?
  • That's the thing! So many people live within an hour of the border. Canada has a fifth of the world's fresh water resources. What happens if the largest dictatorship in the world decides it needs a sippy sip? We've got 38 million people, tf would we do?

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    [Serious] What is project 2025? What kind of risk is involved?
  • Largest undefended border in the world with one of the largest militaries in the world. I don't know what to think, I'm scared for my family in southern ontario

  • I'm Canadian and we have our own issues with far right nutjobs but I've heard the phrase "Project 2025" thrown around and the little I've seen about it frightens me. I don't follow the news for the sake my mental health but could someone explain it in depth? What kind of a shit show are we looking at? Unfortunately Canadian politics would probably follow because of the huge cultural influence the US has.

    New dates for the Avatar in concert World Tour
  • So rarely anything for eastern Canada (or Canada in general) on world tours. I'm sure there's good reason but it does make me sad when a band or artist won't be anywhere near me :(

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    What are the most mindblowingly creative, inventive, or otherwise otherworldly albums you know of?
  • "Koan Sound - Led By Ancient Light" is a journey from start to finish. I sat in my dark living room stoned a while ago and listened to the album from front to back and it brought me across the universe and back

  • This experience blew me away.

    The sepia filter over the world in the upcoming moments,

    The way the wind shifted and stilled,

    The way the clouds lit up green, blue, and pink, then dulled to a stony grey,

    The ripples of light on the ground when the moon passed the sun,

    I'll never forget this.

    If you had the funding from a major company and total creative freedom, what video game would you get made?
  • Evolution themed team combat game. Both teams start with a basic set of skills and abilities, claws, teeth, etc. And as you complete objectives (capture the flag, killing an opponent, etc) you get to evolve new traits. Think competitive Spore, with hints of TF2. There could be different maps based off of environments, deserts, oceans, rivers, mountains, with each having their own environmental hazards to contend with.

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    Oh no [OC]
  • Actually the farmer was brought into custody by the police! He was released afterwards as he was brought in under false Pratenses
