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So COVID-19, was it natural or man-made?
  • Ok, im going in,

    If man-made, we should asking if it was on purpose or not ?


    I personnaly believe, it was a lack of competency.

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    The end of Linux Gaming Central
  • Farewell. Health before the rest

  • L’UNRWA a atteint un « point de rupture », frappes israéliennes sur Rafah : le point sur la guerre Israël-Hamas

    Israël a bombardé la ville surpeuplée de Rafah, dans le sud de la bande de Gaza, où l’armée prépare une offensive terrestre, pendant que se poursuivent des pourparlers compliqués pour tenter d’instaurer une trêve dans le territoire palestinien.

    Lemmy has so few comments that I am now reading many more articles
  • Hey, im clearly in phase with that.

    What I've told you I've seen it though.

    An feminist articles attacking the male vision on a pure "male subject" like computers and that's just a fight like you can see elsewhere.

    In that case, for example, the title is enough to tilt some. I've seen arguments told but if the articles were read, they would have never used it 🤣🤣🤣

    I don't know if I'm clear. But I agree with you, just told you me feeling BC of you know, experience x)

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    Lemmy has so few comments that I am now reading many more articles
  • I love it too :-) On specific subjects, where I really want my mind or the content like pics etc, because "important " for me (trans, Gaza), i click the link though

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    Lemmy has so few comments that I am now reading many more articles
  • Except with some libs/racists/etc but yeah I agree for the majority.

  • Gaza : MSF condamne l’attaque israélienne contre un bâtiment abritant son personnel à Al-Mawasi qui a fait deux morts et six blessés

    Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) condamne avec la plus grande fermeté l’attaque israélienne contre un bâtiment hébergeant ses employés sur Al-Mawasi, à Khan Younis, dans la bande de Gaza, qui a provoqué la mort de deux membres de la famille d'un employé de MSF. Six autres personnes ont été blessées da...

    0 Israeli soldiers are looting Gaza homes en masse

    Soldiers describe how stealing Palestinian property has become totally routine in the Gaza war, with minimal pushback from commanders.

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > Soldiers describe how stealing Palestinian property has become totally routine in the Gaza war, with minimal pushback from commanders.

    0 U.S. Ambassador Says Country Is Working on ‘A Final Solution’ After Vetoing Gaza Ceasefire Resolution

    U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield defended the U.S. veto of a ceasefire resolution at the Security Council on Tuesday while pledging to craft "a final solution" to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza.

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > After the vote, Thomas-Greenfield defended the veto, which was the lone vote against the measure. The final tally was 13 in favor with one opposed and one abstention. She also touted a resolution submitted by the U.S. calling for a temporary ceasefire with the condition that Hamas release the hostages first. > > > > She said: > > > > "We’re eager to continue working with the Council on this proposal – one that would see a temporary ceasefire as soon as practicable based on the formula of all hostages being released and one that would get aid into the hands of those Palestinians who so desperately need it. All told, we intend to do this the right way so that we can create the right conditions for a safer, more peaceful future. And we will continue to actively engage in the hard work of direct diplomacy on the ground until we reach a final solution"

    0 The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic

    The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin would be a century old if it hadn’t fallen victim to Nazi ideology

    Rien n'est nouveau. L'époque est elle vraiment plus tolérante ? Les apparences sont la, mais derrière ?


    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Who even needs investigative journalists with hidden cameras when there's Israeli state television > > > > ! > > > > ! > > > >

    La dernière une du Point
  • Les premiers a chialer quand on répond à leurs saloperies.

  • Guerre Israël-Hamas : les Palestiniens accusent les Israéliens d’« apartheid » devant la Cour internationale de justice

    La plus haute juridiction de l’ONU tient, à partir de lundi, des audiences sur les conséquences juridiques de l’occupation par Israël de territoires palestiniens depuis 1967, avec un nombre inédit de 52 pays appelés à témoigner.

    0 Vidéo. L’Egypte construit-elle une zone de sécurité fermée pour accueillir des Gazaouis dans le Sinaï ?

    Vidéo - La Fondation du Sinaï pour les droits humains affirme que l’Egypte construit « une zone fermée de haute sécurité et isolée » pour les réfugiés palestiniens « en cas d’exode de masse ».

    cross-posted from:

    > ... > > Les fachos israeliens d'extreme droite auront eu ce qu'ils voulaient. > Cynique,

    0 Empêcher la poursuite du carnage à Gaza

    ÉDITORIAL. Le premier ministre israélien, Benyamin Nétanyahou, n’a que faire de l’effroyable bilan humain dans la bande de Gaza. Néanmoins, la véritable mise à l’écart du Hamas, qu’on ne peut qu’appeler de ses vœux, ne pourra être obtenue qu’en traçant un horizon politique.

    0 Kristen Stewart nous met dans tous nos états en couverture de "Rolling Stone"

    Athlète ruisselante de sexyness en couverture du magazine "Rolling Stone" ou dégoulinante d'amour sur Instagram : Kristen Stewart peut tout faire.

    Nude sauna advice
  • Unfortunately there is a lot of false advertising in pour society and false hope.
    I hope u will find one who is fitting you :-)

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    My first true passing, Oh yeah,
  • Oh yeah me too. Really need it. Was so cool and warm, both of in my heart

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    My first true passing, Oh yeah,
  • They are so pure and open on their mind.

  • Yesterday, coming back from my work day, i put my self in 420 chill mod in the little court, in my residence. After a shitty day, each one have a "routine" right ?

    After a little moment, I heard neighbours. "i will go home", told to myself, but im so slow #420.

    Too late, they are in front of me . Then their little girl around 4years old with a little surprising face, fast erased and then smiling at me, told me, "Hello Misssssss" with her little face 😊😊 ,

    Oh dear, thats passing is enough for me. 🥰 Coming from a child, its pure u know. 🥰

    Well, ofc parents were very angry, but i dont care.

    And i feel, really sad for this little girl now 😐

    Adults are intolerant, and can be transphob, Not a child, adaptation is really fast for them, for real Oo.

    Thanks to you to read me, To give me the strength to be who i'm,

    I hope you can make potential arguments from my story against transphob morons, That remind me, the fake drama about lecturing child etc. F Them.


    Hier soir, je rentre du boulot, depitee, Me pose dans la cours, fume viteuf, fin de journee de MAYRDE.

    Putain j'entends mes voisins intolerants sortir, Je me dis "Fuck, bon vais rentrer",

    Je suis lente, Ils passent devant moi et la leur petite avec un moment dhsitation de genre 2-3secondes, "Ooooo Bonjour Madaaaaameuuhh " et avec un big big sourire. Je suis toute en emoie ofc 😍 😍

    Les adultes sont transphobes, Il nya aucun soucis avec les enfants, ils sadaptent putain de facilement,

    Les parents etaient pas du tout content mais la franchement balek.... Par contre je suis triste pour la petite franchement...

    Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job
  • Easiers rather that to understand they were a war betwin two agency and besides an incompetent government (bush son) who were just focus on irak even before 9/11

    You can watch "looming tower". Really a great show about it.

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    What could FFS do for me
  • Ffs is not what you need for me and regardings ur past post.

    Your face look cute ☺️

    And don't mind me now for the next pls, its regarding your posts.

    Focus on one issue at time, and your face isn't. Your weight apparently affect you really mentally and the way your perceive yourself. That can affect your health too, physically and now mentally. Go take help for this maybe, not the rest ?

    And my girl you are strong. Come on u got draduate as a girl. Ans I should evaluate you. Nahhh

    Keep going ❤️❤️

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    Exiled Chinese artist Ai Weiwei: 'Censorship in West exactly the same as Mao's China'
  • Same in France,
    Investigation journalist or activists jailed or in justice for nothing except emarassing the power and the business.

    Cf to start,,

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    Exiled Chinese artist Ai Weiwei: 'Censorship in West exactly the same as Mao's China'
  • Lmao, like you know better than him what is oppression. Look the press rights etc. You are free to think that you are free and consume tho

  • https:// /2024/02/03/harcelees-pour-avoir-soutenu-la-palestine/

    cross-posted from:

    > >Ce sont deux jeunes femmes non blanches, qui ne se connaissent sans doute pas, mais subissent des persécutions insupportables pour leur soutien à la cause palestinienne.

    0 Serious Trans Vibes - Ironic

    Serious Trans Vibes follows the adventures of Stéphie and Ciel, two queer and transgender teenagers, as they find pride and empowerment in their daily lives.

    0 Après un BSOD de Windows, un driver permet de lancer un émulateur Linux sans redémarrage -

    Après un BSOD de Windows, un driver permet de lancer un émulateur Linux sans redémarrage

    Issu d'un com de LinuxFR : > Emulateur RISC-V minimal 😍

    0 Rassemblement : La direction de Carrefour doit mettre fin à sa complicité avec Israël !

    Appel à un rassemblement devant le siège national de Carrefour pour dénoncer la complicité du groupe avec Israël. Il se tiendra samedi 27 janvier à partir de 10h devant le siège : 93 avenue de (...)
