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It was actually super easy
  • As long the player is open to whatever the DM decides their characters history is, or they have collaborated on an outline or even a detailed history the other players just don't know about, that is all fine and can be really fun for everyone.

    If they are doing it with no heads up and are not going to play along with whatever the DM decides happened in their past, then no. But when it comes to DnD, I normally let stuff play out and only stop play if something is clearly going poorly, or might make other players more uncomfortable than they are willing to be. I only play with friends, so things rarely end up being anything close to the worst they theoretically could have gone, socially.

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    What are your favorite racing games?
  • Ooh nice. I'll take it. It may not be the dream, but it's what you wake up to after dreaming, and that's really all you can hope for.

    I'm pretty sure a game as I described would only be a cult classic at best. Can't expect that kind of passion project in our financial climate.

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    Heatmap of compound curse words used online. (sourced from reddit: 2006-2020)
  • Some of the near zero but not zero combinations don't make a lot of sense to not just be zero.

    Like dumbbag, scumhat, dipclown... I don't know about you, but those ones colored as "thousands of uses" doesn't seem right to me. Unless it was open so far as to search for those words used back to back and not specifically attached in any way as implied.

    But yeah, there are so many combinations that seem way too far into the orange to make sense to me. I'm curious to see the actual numbers the graph was built with.

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    FBI flagged as 'major government contractor' questions why Harris isn't being assassinated
  • I think the goal was to tell the story in a way that doesn't seem as familiar to point out just how crazy it is that we have become used to these headlines every single day.

    Just saying elon musk tweeted a dumb thing is whatever. But keep in mind who he actually is despite... who he is.

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    Donald Trump is openly running a Great Replacement Theory campaign
  • Yeah, the issue is calling it "replacement" instead of a demographic shift. The replacement part makes it feel like a bad thing. It's just a natural shift that is no longer as artificially repressed by those in power as it used to be.

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    What are your favorite racing games?
  • I really liked the Tokyo Xtreme racer games. They are still probably the best car RPG games. I would love to see what someone could do now in the same vein. Even tokyo xtreme never got quite as crunchy or difficult as I would have liked.

    I want to go so far as to be like a tactical survival style game, where you are out there earning a living wage from daily(nightly) car racing, and putting most of it back into your car. Just the repairs and maintenance alone being a bar you have to meet and beat every day on average to stay afloat, and then you can think about upgrades after.

    It basically takes an environment like that for it to matter in a racing game that there are upgrades between the worst and the best. If trying to save up for even one good part wouldn't be possible without at least some middle parts first.

    Meanwhile, could have some "roguelite" elements too in driver experience/skill. The car is only half of what's winning the races afterall. And even if you really blow it at some point and your car is fucked and you need to salvage and pull together what you got and go back to a cheaper car to maintain/repair, you'll still have all the experience/skill your character personally gained helping it go a little smoother this time.

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    Fake $100 Bills Spew From US Bank's ATM As Customers Receive Paper Marked For 'Motion Picture Purposes'
  • Your story would be verifiable. Unless somehow only one fake bill slipped into a ream. But generally if it put out one fake bill, it'll have alot more inside. It's not like they are loaded one bill at a time. And generally they get fresh printed currency when possible, to reduce the chance for jams.

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    Bike-loving Dutch grapple with illegal electric 'fatbike' craze gripping the Netherlands
  • The way laws like this tend to be enforced is generally either someone has to report you or you have to cause a problem and then are also retroactively charged for the other infractions. So if you are already doing your best to be safe and not annoying, that's all you can do. Fly under the radar.

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    Does anyone know what plant this is?
  • Wow, those two options look damn near identical to me. I wonder what makes it over 70% confident it's one and only 9% confident it's the other.

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    Was it my imagination that most people believed in a 9/11 conspiracy?
  • I would assume reasonably and reservedly, rather than jumping the gun. It's certainly how I responded. Not sure what you really mean to ask though.

    If you mean about conspiracy theories, I can pretty much assure they waited to see what was actually the case rather than believe the first thing they heard.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • It's not about legality. It's about knowing the mindset of the owner and informing your approach if you need to contact them. You can assume that if they put up that sign, they won't be friendly if you do it anyway. That's another thing about rural life, litigation is not on anyone's minds. It's just about manners and respect. The sign has nothing to do with legality. It's like in a city when you put up a "no solicitation" sign. People can totally still solicit you, they just know what to expect if they do, and thus generally won't bother.

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    Zero is not zero?
  • When most of the temperature scales were made, they didn't even know yet that there was a zero, I mean, theoretically, they likely knew or assumed. But they had no way of practically measuring it yet, at the very least.

    I do think that as much as it would be weird for a couple of years, it would help a lot in the long run to widely adopt a temperature scale that starts at 0.

    Because honestly, the percentage of adults I come across that have no idea how temperature works or what it even is conceptually beyond just "a nice day or a bad day" or "this is the number for cooking this thing" is astonishing.

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    Two private astronauts took a spacewalk Thursday morning—yes, it was historic
  • Meh, opening the door and having "space" touch your suit is all that's required in my book. That hurdle is the main one. Words aren't always strictly literal, we can stretch the closest fitting one around a meaning it can imply in context.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • She wasn't home, according to the article. Presumably, she saw them on motion recorded video or something. It's not specifically mentioned how she knew people were on her property. That just seems likely to me.

    Strangers wandering your property is actually a super normal part of rural life. Why do you think so many people actually put up "no trespassing signs", because otherwise the assumption is that you are ok with meeting new people that way. It's a completely different mindset in a place where that type of crime is super rare. No one is worried the stranger on their property is a criminal, because they never are.

    These people apparently weren't of that mindset, and maybe should consider "no trespassing" signs for the future.

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    Another Alberta town is eyeing up banning pride flags and crosswalks | Canada
  • Yeah, I very much support rainbows and pride stuff in other places, but I have never felt great about rainbow crosswalks. I'm an autistic driver, I do my best to limit distraction and already have to spend so much of my daily "supply" of willpower staying focused on my short drive. Heck, a freshly painted white crosswalk is distracting enough, lol.

    But since it's something for the public, if it hasn't actually increased traffic incidents, then I am also fine with it. My personal experience with it isn't universal, after all.

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    Was it my imagination that most people believed in a 9/11 conspiracy?
  • I certainly heard a lot of conspiracy theories at the time, but I didn't know anyone who believed them. But I don't and didn't really hang out with the type of people that believe stuff like that in general. My friends and family are generally empirical evidence people, logical thinkers rather than emotional.

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    Student dorm does not allow wifi routers
  • If you are really worried about getting caught not following the exact rules as written, you could always pay for multi device connections... then they won't care.

    But it's definitely possible to set up your VR router in a way that is not gonna bother anything. Most people in this thread don't know that your VR router doesn't need internet access. If the VR stream is all it is doing, it can be isolated from the internet, and the isp won't know or care it exists.

    The other thing about rules, that they don't tell us autistic people, is that following rules is actually kind of optional. Certainly more optional than it feels like to us. Think about it in terms of what the people were thinking when they wrote the rules, and who will be enforcing the rules and what they will care about. And what the enforcement of the rules would look like. (In this case, the most likely initial outcome of them enforcing these rules would be either an e-mail or paper letter telling you they noticed you are breaking a rule, possibly with details to help you stop breaking it, but likely not). Try to sus out the "spirit" of the rules rather than the letter of the rules. That is how all the other humans use rules and why to us it always feels like everyone is breaking all the rules and getting away with it.

    If you follow every rule to the letter... you really can't do anything. At all. Like, literally, even we are breaking rules we don't yet know about every single day.

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    TIL to keep track of units
  • A bicycle allows us to use our strength to go faster, rather than having to move our muscles faster, we can just push harder. It also more directly converts the energy we are consuming into forward momentum than our walking style does. We are pretty efficient at processing the energy out of what we eat and into work done by our muscles, but beyond that, there are certainly locomotion styles that haven't naturally evolved yet that would singnificantly improve how fast we could travel using that energy. Until then, we got smart instead, which really helped.

    There are technically types of wheels in nature, but not in animals, the way alot of bacterial flagella operate is basically a wheel. Or more accurately a biological chemical/electric motor, but it spins anyway. And some of them can rotate either direction by engaging a protein cluster that effectively acts as a "reverse gear" like a transmission.
