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I was only gone for a day or two...
  • Plant-based meat tastes like what vegans think meat tastes like. I'd much rather eat the vegan foods that are prepared without imitation ingredients.

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    Judge says FTC lacks authority to issue rule banning noncompete agreements
  • They said "choosing," which is the key word in their statement. Some people don't have a choice like you said, but that's really just a matter of the push/pull forces of migration at this point.

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    I Just wanted to close the valve...
  • Yeah, go for a good quality one like a Spears or a Cepex. Those hardware store white ones get brittle, lock up, and snap like you saw. I spend the 30-40 on one of the good ones and it stays smooth forever.

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    White House says attack at Rafah camp did not cross Biden’s red line over supporting Israel
  • Nah, I just have a wider worldview and a better understanding of political power than you do. The US has always turned a blind eye to genocide, and has no issues committing it without remorse. You don't fix that by withholding your vote, and to think otherwise means you don't really get how this whole voting thing works lol

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    White House says attack at Rafah camp did not cross Biden’s red line over supporting Israel
  • You act like there's a real choice that doesn't involve the extermination of the Palestinian people. Trump or Biden, and both of them are bad on this, but Trump is a hell of a lot worse on everything else, and you might not even get a vote in 2028 if he wins.

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    Stop Arming Cartels Act makes it unlawful to make, sell, possess a rifle ‘capable of firing .50-caliber ammunition’
  • There isn't really a hunting versus non-hunting firearm is the primary reason. People do use AR pattern rifles to hunt in certain states. Disabled hunters can find that the rifle is easier to handle where a more "traditional" style rifle isn't as well. It's just a really tough distinction to even start making.

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    Study reveals "widespread, bipartisan aversion" to neighbors owning AR-15 rifles
  • The brass took away the giggle switch from the crayon eaters to save on their ammo bill. There's a reason "marining" is a verb, after all.

    But every gun is designed to kill people, all the way back to the musket. And your suggestion of an integral magazine doesn't do much, even if you could somehow round up all the ARs with detachable mags and "fix" them. The M1 Garand and it's stripper clips are a historic example, and the modern ejection port mag loaders the neutered California ARs have to use make it trivial to reload.

    You want to tackle this issue? Safe storage laws, building a culture around free, government-provided training and safety, and harsher punishments for NDs are a place to start. That's not even getting into the quagmire that is our terrible healthcare system, and law enforcement that on average can't do their jobs and act on tips that would stop many of the recent big mass shootings.

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    Study reveals "widespread, bipartisan aversion" to neighbors owning AR-15 rifles
  • You're good! In many ways that's exactly what the marketing people on the anti-gun side wanted to happen. They knew that psychologically the two terms would become synonymous with each other. Unfortunately the attitude problem you highlighted in the loud minority of gun owners only helped that advertising campaign.

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    Study reveals "widespread, bipartisan aversion" to neighbors owning AR-15 rifles
  • Not to go off on a tangent, but it's "assault weapon" that's the boogeyman term, meant to confuse the uninformed with assault rifles. Assault rifles are select fire, full auto and burst fire capable rifles. Assault weapons are semi-automatic rifles that have the same or similar cosmetics as assault rifles.

    The trick is a person latches onto the adjective, not the noun, and a rifle is a kind of weapon, so it makes it seem like assault rifles fit under assault weapons, when I'm fact it's the opposite.

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    Double A.
  • I didn't? I just said that if you cut animal products, making sure you're getting vital nutrients is important. Clearly I wandered into a hive of American vegans, so I'm just going to block this community, everyone in it, and move on with my life.

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    Double A.
  • I'm not saying veganism isn't viable as a meal plan, because it toally is! Like you expertly explained, there are considerations you have to take in to cut meat from your diet, and supplements you have to be sure to seek out in vegan-specific foods.

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    Double A.
  • I'm parroting what health experts in the US and overseas advise to anyone that's considering going vegan. B12 in particular is a pain point.

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    Double A.
  • Wow, way to be a member of a receptive community. Here I am saying "become vegan, just be mindful of vitamins and proteins your body needs," and you respond with hatred.

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    Double A.
  • It does matter, though. Meat, dairy, and eggs supply a lot of vital vitamins and nutrients, so you can't just cut those without having a viable replacement plan. You can kill yourself by going vegan if you don't supplement your vitamin D and B12, as well as your calcium, iron, and protein intake. By all means, go vegan, just think about what your body needs and what you need to do to replace that in a vegan diet.

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    Biden cancels nearly $6 billion in student debt for 78K public service workers
  • I got a huge reduction, about 90%. What the white house didn't factor in is loan servicers are terrible at calculating what you needed to pay, and I was being overcharged on my IBR plan pre-pandemic versus being properly charged under the SAVE plan now.

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    You can't claim to be an environmentalist and be anti-nuclear energy at the same time
  • "Obvously..." /s

    Or, when you run the numbers yourself, you realize that it's about as dangerous as offshore wind turbines are to birds and fish. Which is to say, not very, but a lot of extremely dumb people still parrot it.
