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What are some terrible places to do road trips to?
  • Yeah, very similar but with steel-cut oats instead of cornmeal/flour. I’ve not had scrapple but I understand they’re very similar, both born out of German immigrants trying to stretch meat servings and save money.

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    What are some terrible places to do road trips to?
  • Cincinnati seemed like a nice enough city though. Can't think of any particular reason I'd ever want to go back

    Clearly you’ve never had goetta.

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  • Aren't all parts of a shirt suitable as a cleaning cloth?

    Good question! No! Most t-shirts work well, but button-up shirts are often not soft, pliable, or absorbable enough to really function well for glasses cleaning (IMO, anyway).

    You aren’t likely to scratch the glasses (glass is very hard), but you kinda just move the smudges around and make them worse with certain fabrics. I want either a nice mostly-cotton blend, or a nice thick microfiber cloth (microfiber is not created equal, and some are practically useless).

    Maybe I’m just picky. Your mileage may vary.

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    The heart wants what the heart wants
  • I’ve been trying to figure out the recipe so I can put it on everything.

    Edit: I say “been trying” but in reality I only made one batch of an okay attempt at a copycat recipe. Haven’t gotten around to trying again yet.

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    2024 Azerbaijan Grand Prix - [POST RACE] discussion thread 🏁
  • Am I correct in thinking this is the first time McLaren has led the Constructor’s Championship since 2008?

    Edit: Nevermind, McLaren were leading the Constructor’s at the beginning of 2014.

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    Sydney's car-brained candidate for Mayor

    (Obviously this doesn’t matter. Language evolves. And no one cared about this rule until the last 200 years or so. But my parents drilled this particular correction so firmly into my brain that it bothers me when others get it wrong. “Fewer in number, less in amount.” Similarly, “farther in distance, further in degree.” And you stand on a PODIUM, you speak from behind a LECTERN.)

    (I might have some lexicographical trauma. 😅)

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  • We’ve been trying to make this work with e-bikes. We still HAVE two cars, but don’t really use one of them unless we have to.

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    What's your least favourite thing about your smartphone
  • About 2.5 years ago I left behind Android and went to the Dark Side. Bought an iPhone. It was frustrating to use at first because changing OS is a pain in the ass, but I got used to it and actually really like it now.

    But I still have two big complaints:

    There ought to be some kind of icon in the toolbar to show me I have unread notifications. I miss this very much from Android, which would show icons for the apps that have notifications. The Apple Watch solves this by having a notification icon, but I shouldn’t need to buy a separate device for that functionality.

    I cannot stand that I can only go back by swiping from the left side of the screen. On Android the swipe in gesture from either left or right side could be set up to be the “back” action. I understand why this is, Android developed with a dedicated back button and thus has an OS-level back command, whereas iOS is highly contextual and you flow through apps and menus differently than Android, and it has no dedicated universal “back,” so swiping in from the left is back and swiping in from the right is forward. It makes using a large screen one-handed unnecessarily difficult.

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    What's your least favourite thing about your smartphone
  • OnePlus used to have lockscreen gestures. I could turn on or off the flashlight by drawing a V on the screen while it was turned off. Don’t know if they still do this.

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    What's your least favourite thing about your smartphone
  • Between that and the godawful notification system, I feel like iPhone practically requires the Apple Watch.

    I do really like how well the Apple Watch works with the iPhone, but I do kinda wish Apple would just steal notifications, date+time in the drop down, and back gestures from both sides of the screen from Android.

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    I could make a great PC for that...
  • But the only way to really compare the two is in a holistic manner. Without including the costs of using the console, through its life, it just isn't a fair comparison.

    I totally agree. Part of the reason I’ve not made the leap yet is that gaming has become less and less important of a part of my life, and that initial cost has been enough to dissuade me generally speaking. Also if I’m being honest I really like the “plop down on the couch and use a controller” console experience. But I’m realizing more and more that I just need to bite the bullet and I’ll appreciate it in the long run.

  • This is ostensibly the new logo and name for AlphaTauri. Kinda wish they’d just go back to Toro Rosso. Or Minardi.
