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It’s Time to End Magical Thinking About Russia’s Defeat
  • angloids are fascinating , the lesser they know , the more confident they feel...

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    Knowledge in your hands for free: a business proposal.
  • there is "Passiv income class" and there is "Active income class"

    Passiv income class lifes by/ off the Active Income of OTHERS , it is inherently parasitic and it will always intent to increas its parasitic Income..

    thereby it will allways immiserate the active Income class . it is an eternal war ..

    and you will instantly understand that war because YOU PErsonally would ver much like to NOT WORK but to let OTHERS WORK ..

    The Passiv income class has ONE SINGLE OBJECTIV , it will increas e its PASSIV income , it will Increas the Exploitation of the ACtive income classes ..

    this is the Class war . It is eternal as Communist (its describtion) .. Obviously the "PASSIV INCOME CLASS" will not be interested in explaining to the moronic people that they "Life of THEIR LABOUR" and are a Parasite .. so they gonna try to convince you that THEY DESERVE IT , they gonna use Ideology for that Task , they gonna tell you a story of "higgher " and "lower" humans and Determination and Indivdual Guilt of the non Privledged Active income classes ..


    You are Active income (you will be by 99,9% chance) , YOU ARE AT WAR with the Passiv Income Class , that BY DEFINITION lives PARASITIC off the Masses and Will Allways seek to increase its "Passive Income" ..

    as you do when you dream of riches ..

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    People of Lemmy, I dare you to name ONE billionaire that's done anything good.
  • No he is alright of cours , he spends Milllons on Media to obscure why he keeps the patents .....

    if you dont think Bill ates is good and awsome , those millions would have been wasted , so please inthe name of the most influencal Patent holder for third World Country illnesses ...

    he is good , No really! Have you read the papers he pays...

  • Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble Vol. 1 (Most maximum possible Indie Music)

    ‘We Cannot Win’ Says Top Russian Commander
  • exactly i dont know what the big issue is it leads to wisedom (do let me tell you , sometimes i think there is a evil empire out there putting out all these words out into impressional youngpeoples Mouth to confuse and Mislead them , Aliens probably)

    anyway , now that we have established "what- about -ism" as a valid instrument of Analysis , we can use it on historical data ..

    On this scientific Paper , yo ucan see the generall DIFFERENT reaction of the Western Puplic towards the SAME ACT. this is very significant , and its tells us that THE ACT ist not the real issue here ! Something Else is the Issue here ! can we investigate the underlying dynamic ?

    Could there be another Set of Data ?,

    Another reference point ? ,

    That puts the Reaction to "the Act" in order ?

    Is there Something that connects all of the "mild Reaction cases" , and is there opposingly also something that conects all the "non -mild Reaction"

    we are working the Mine of Knowledge and wisdom here , do you feel it .. Rich rich Soil .. , we are nearly there !!! Do you Feel it allready , there is wisdom here !

    you do the last step ..

    and then you see it ..

    All thanks to your trusty local organic Shovel called "what about it"

    "no wonder the -'Belive Us Blindly -Conglomerat™ ' Dont want me to use this Product , you think while you dig further , it is actually interesting ! ",

    you think , while you dig further ...

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    A tanker believed to hold sanctioned Iran oil starts offloading near Texas despite Tehran's threats
  • ist lustig mit euch ...ihr seit echt nicht befähigt eine Discussion zu führen . Du hast gar keine Kategorie auf der du agieren kannst aus der beleidigung des gegenübers ...

    naja ... ich jedenfalls denke du bist voll stark , und voll groß und voll gutaußehend und beliebt und respektiert und 1A in der Rechtschreibung , leider hast du problem im zwischenmenschlichen umgang ,jeder hat so seine macken , nimms nicht übel Großer ..

    beleidige mich noch einmal (hab dir nen Paar feler eingebaut ) und dann guckst du dir alls GRUNDLAGENWISSEN mal an was der ewige Krieg des Passiven und Activen einkommens für eine Gesellschaftliche dynamic schafft ...

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    What is your favorite quote of all time?
  • “Man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe.”

    ― Euripides

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    A tanker believed to hold sanctioned Iran oil starts offloading near Texas despite Tehran's threats
  • Omg is you fork a "Dissucion Technicks fork ?" , Oh shit i gotta check that out , you learning "Smug -non - replying" there ?

    So what is it that makes my answer hard for you to answer ?

    What the Relation ship of Activ income and Passiv Income ? Can you manage that question , or do i get a non reply aimed at my charakter ?

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    A tanker believed to hold sanctioned Iran oil starts offloading near Texas despite Tehran's threats
  • no are you ?

    please simply answer what i ask

    thisway you prove that you can think about stuff , not just repeat stuff

    "what is the relationship of "Passiv Income" towards "active Income" .. ? "

    I test if you are Human. Only a Human can react towards input that he has not been programmed to process ..

    if you give another "non Reply" you must be a Bot. Please carry yourself with diginity not Playground reflexes..

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    A tanker believed to hold sanctioned Iran oil starts offloading near Texas despite Tehran's threats
  • lets start at the beginning "Classcounciousness" is what you are searching , and since you have not found it yet , you wrote this irritating comment.
    , could you discribe the relationshi that the "Passiv income class" has towards the "Active income class" ? what constitutes their "passiv Income" ? Who earn it ?

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    Americans Can Now Expect to Live Three Years Less than Cubans
  • exactly , it is obviously that a system that considers human live to be less valuable then Medicine will have a higer Lifeexpectation then a System that doesnt ! all who doubt that are traitors to our cause !

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    ‘We Cannot Win’ Says Top Russian Commander
  • what about it ? whats wrong with comparison ? It gives perspective on Claims and Hypocracy ..

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    Compliment someone today!
  • maybe its been a while since somebody asked you about something you wanted to share and your jealous ?

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    Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - That's Thanks to the Leader's Care
  • Just like the Dear Leader himself !!! He be Praised !!!

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    China helping to arm Russia with helicopters, drones and metals
  • In the Vanilla version yes .. but this is a more advanced situation ...

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    ‘We Cannot Win’ Says Top Russian Commander
  • they where in kiew the first day ? And it was hugly successfull because of the Kiew Raid they Closed the landbridge in 3 days ! the biggest ojective by far ,its securs crimea.. they literally Seized a Territory the size of Belgium and Netherlands including the Black Soil and Europes Greats NPP , trapped elite units of ukraine in mariupol and blockaded the Main water atery of Ukraine (dnepr ) and Strategiclly also odessa ....

    In my book Russia was hugly succesfull , if russia would not have secured the Landbridge ...
