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Did your country recognize Palestine before the Fairly OddParents?
  • I know she's not great but illuminaughtii made a pretty informative video about this a few years back. I hope it wasn't plagiarized from someone else.

    Tldw: he became a far-right christian grifter.

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    So you've heard of agricultural rule
  • Almost every punk I've ever met considers the Sex Pistols to be posers and Johnny Rotten is a complete sellout and reactionary asshole.

    You can call it gate keepy but this kind of anticapitalist and anticonsumptionist gatekeeping is what kept punk rock from being recuperated.

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    So you've heard of agricultural rule
  • I'm comparing it to the punk subculture which despite of almost 50 years of attempts to commodify it has stayed true to its original values and actively rejects those who only care about aesthetics and not the punk rock DIY ethic as posers.

    Hence pop-punk is a separate genre and is growing more and more detached from the punk subculture that it grew out of, but the original subculture remains active and popular.

    That's why buying a leather jacket and pre-torn pants would get you laughed out of a punk rock gathering where everything is thrifted and modified DIY but buying every part of a goth outfit brand new is acceptable.

    Being goth has completely lost any of its countercultural value since its emergence in the 80s. It has been completely absorbed by capitalism and regurgitated as a commodity, cool clothes you can buy at shopping malls.

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    So you've heard of agricultural rule
  • And they are. I'm just pointing out that goth has become a meaningless aesthetic and people who dress like that nowadays usually don't care about the entire goth subculture.

    It has become completely commodified.

  • cross-posted from:

    > It's gonna be so good!

    0 Poddasze spłonęło. Ludzi nie było, strażacy uratowali przestraszonego królika -

    Wczorajszy pożar w Rurzycy miał dość nietypowy przebieg. Strażakom podczas akcji gaśniczej udało się uratować futrzastego domownika. O tym, że do pożaru

    According to the article the top floor of the house and the roof had burned down completely. The firefighters had to bust in the door and use oxygen masks to get inside. The bunny was found inside an enclosure in one of the rooms. It was panicked and difficult to catch but they succeeded in rescuing the cute little furball. The owners are very happy about the rescue.


    Image description:

    Shopping for a laptop as a Linux user:

    Screenshot from the Simpsons where Otto is talking to Marge and Homer standing next to a window in their house with a caption "Oh wow, windows!... I don't think I can afford this place."

    181 Atak na polską infrastrukturę. Paraliż na kolei, w tle było słychać hymn Rosji?

    Czarna seria wypadków na kolei. W nocy z piątku na sobotę doszło do włamania na częstotliwość polskich kolei i nieuprawnionego nadania sygnału radio-stop, który powoduje alarmowe zatrzymanie pociągów. Według nieoficjalnych doniesień w tle było słychać hymn Rosji.


    It says "unnatural facial expression" under the smiling photo.


    Here's the linoleum. I think that the little ridges that weren't cut deep enough inside the bottle actually make it look better. My SO disagrees.



    The best combination. Cats and ThinkPads
