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Danny Masterson Accuser Slams New Linkin Park Singer For Silence On Scientology
  • I never once said he didn't try at all so way to discredit your point from the get go. What about ketamine treatments? Psychedelics? I highly doubt he tried everything is all I'm saying. He had the responsibility to "cope" for his family.

    I completely agree euthanasia should be a thing for extreme mental issues so you aren't really saying anything different than I was there either.

    I like 90 percent agree with you and disagree on one little thing. You seem to just want to fight with me for slightly disagreeing on his responsibility as a father and husband.

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    Danny Masterson Accuser Slams New Linkin Park Singer For Silence On Scientology
  • Its not bigotry. I feel like there are many many kinds of treatment for depression and they all should be exhausted first, especially in his situation. I would be okay with euthanasia if everything was tried, and if the person at least would have made a plan with a medical professional and family. Just like they would do in places where euthanasia for chronic pain is legal. I would be open to that idea. I just think there is a difference between suicide and euthanasia, I guess.

    Also, don't get me wrong, Chester was very much a victim of his illness, and stigma around mental health is real. Stating the fact that he had a responsibility to his family doesn't contribute to that, though.

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    Danny Masterson Accuser Slams New Linkin Park Singer For Silence On Scientology
  • life was not worth living under the circumstances he was in. Do you think that is selfish too?

    No I think it's kind of different for physical pain, especially incurable.

    I have suffered with depression all of my life. If I didn't have responsibilities like a family, pets, etc. I probably wouldn't be here today. I'm not saying I'm better than Chester, nor am I saying that I was at the same level of suffering he was.

    I feel a lot of sympathy for him, and don't think he was weak for it or anything. I do think that he abandoned his responsibilities, though. That's all. No hate or disdain here. I feel for everyone involved. You seem like a good and empathetic person, FWIW. I just disagree a tad bit, that's all.

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    Danny Masterson Accuser Slams New Linkin Park Singer For Silence On Scientology
  • I read this whole thread, and started out kinda disagreeing with you, but I actually agree with you now. You make some very good points. Nobody is bringing this same energy to artists that are openly preaching for their own cults.

    I'm not really a huge LP fan so I wasn't going to listen to them too much anyways, but this whole thing is blown way out of proportion. I guess I can still somewhat understand people just being mad that they kept the name. Really should've rebranded, in my opinion, because they aren't the same band. But, as long as she isn't preaching Scientology in LP lyrics, people that care are mostly all hypocrites.

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    Danny Masterson Accuser Slams New Linkin Park Singer For Silence On Scientology
  • Username checks out?

    It was somewhat selfish when you are in the situation Chester was in, and it's psychological. He had a responsibility to fight that demon for his wife, kids, and family.

    It was not his fault he had the demon to begin with at all, and it wasn't completely selfish. We aren't responsible for the mental ailments we are born with, but we are responsible to work on them and not cause others to suffer because of them. Chester had all the resources in the world to fight that battle.

    I still completely empathize with the amount of pain he must've been in to make that decision, but I don't absolve him of all responsibility from it. I don't hate him or think he was a bad person for it at all, though. I very much hope he rests peacefully and his family can heal.

    I think people with late stage cancer and people who suffer from severe physical pain are a different conversation, entirely.

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    Calls for J.D. Vance to resign after he admits that he 'created' pet-eating story about immigrants
  • If there is any conspiracy here, I would be more likely to believe the one where JD Vance was a plant whose goal is to sabotage Trump's campaign.

    Although, I still think it's most likely that they are just incompetent idiots, and aren't sabotaging themselves on purpose at all.

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    Share your stories
  • Ooh that's a good one. All of Vonnegut's stories have stuck with me. The first one I read was called Deadeye Dick, which I checked out from the library by chance because the title was funny to immature teenaged me. That sent me down the rabbit hole to read a bunch of other novels by him.

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    Biology rule
  • It probably depends on slight differences in regional dialect. Where I am from I would say woman and women are often pronounced pretty similarly, while man and men are easier to tell apart.

    In my region, woman is often pronounced with an 'uh' sound, like womuhn. It's pretty easy to confuse with women. I have noticed that people in my area will sometimes vary up the 'wo' part of women and woman depending on which one they are using. So women becomes 'wimen', and woman becomes 'wumuhn'.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • Religion, by itself, is normally not a qualifier when we refer to minorites, as that word normally implies an ethnic or racial minority. However, there are some religions with ethnicities tied to them, e.g. Jewish people, and Muslims, so the line can definitely become a bit blurred.

    Jewish people are a minority in most places because of their ethnicity, not their religion. Muslims are often referred to as minorities in most places, because most Muslims are ethnically related, at least as far as the Western world is concerned.

    Some also reuse the word minority interchangably to refer to religious minorities, political minorities, etc, which further blurs the line, but the most common use of the word is in reference to race or ethnicity.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • I understand that Veganism is more than just a diet. Its a lifestyle, culture, pledge to a certain set of morals, etc. It can be as important as religion is to a devout religious person.

    A person on the Carnivore diet can make the same point. A person that subscribes to a political identity could also make your same point. This slippery slope leads to Nazis being able to call themselves minorities, because technically, Naziism is a culture, too, albeit a terrible one, and they are very thankfully in the minority of political beliefs.

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    brainrot rule
  • You ask the important questions. That is a tough one. I imagine that to most gen alpha kids, an adult using their slang would be considered Ohio behavior, but it probably depends on how Sigma they consider the teacher to be.

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    brainrot rule
  • Ohio is just used as a replacement for weird or cringey. That's really it. Ohio rizz is what they call it when someone is awkward, weird, or creepy when flirting.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • To put the shoe on the other foot, how would it sound to you if someone on the Carnivore diet, or on the Atkins diet called themselves a minority?

    It just doesn't make sense, because dietary choices, are just that, choices. While actual minorities, like POCs and LGBTQ people, are born the way they are. They don't have any choices in the matter.

    Don't get me wrong, dietary choices can be a super serious matter, and I am not saying that people aren't discriminated against for them. I just think its wrong to call someone a minority based on any sort of dietary choice, at least in the same context that minority is usually used.

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    No thoughts
  • I know it's a joke, but Dr. Peterson has never said anything as profound as the root comment. He can definitely say some things that are as long winded as that comment, but his point would be about women being better off in the kitchen, or something about how pronouns are going to end civilization, or some garbage like that.

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    Dave was giving someone the best! The best! The best! Ol' screw
  • I would argue that Arnold kind of has a brand around being wholesome nowadays.

    I think it's more the fact that all male celebrities got away with this kind of behavior and worse in the past, but more recently people have started to look back on it with a critical lens. The nature of social media amplifies that critical lens.

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    Student charged with felony after pointing finger gun
  • You are replying to the most obvious of jokes, but even if it wasn't a joke your response doesn't really make sense. There is nothing in that comment that would imply that the person writing that comment misunderstood what you wrote.

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    Sen. Bernie Sanders says he considers Harris ‘progressive’ and her policy changes are ‘pragmatic’
  • Bernie has been pretty consistently progressive throughout his whole career, unlike almost any other politician. He stayed true to his convictions, and his opinions were so progressive for his time that he was ostracized for them. So his opinions are still held in high regard amongst the younger generations who are more progressive than their parents.

    Also, I haven't heard anybody say that we shouldn't listen to older people, just that they shouldn't be running for President. Almost everybody would agree that he is too old to be running for the Presidency now, even most of his supporters, and probably Bernie, himself.

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    In-N-Out burger and fries
  • Culvers opened up some restaurants near me in the past few years, and it is so much better than In N Out. I'm glad y'all Midwesterners gassed them up enough for them to expand out this way.

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    In-N-Out burger and fries
  • The fries are the worst. They put no seasoning on them and they are never crispy. I don't get how the place is so popular. I want to like them, because they have great prices, and give fairer wages to employees than almost all other fast food places, but it's just not very good.

    They seem to be doing fine without me, though. I work across the parking lot from one, and it is packed for every single hour they are open.
