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What is your irrational fear?
  • I'm kind of weird. I can't stand the idea of swimming in the deep ocean. It makes me skil crawl and want to run as far away as I can.. despite loving the ocean. Just don't make me swim in deep ocean waters.

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    Airports are separated from all societal norms
  • To be fair, yall don't have fluoride in the water so you need to brush more often. (This is aimed at the Americans commenting)

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    let 'er rip
  • This is why I specified proven, as in without a doubt, with real evidence. I'll never back down from my views on this as a victim of crime.

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    let 'er rip
  • Convicted and proven pedophiles, rapists, and animal abusers deserve capital pumishment, or prolonged torture.

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    F- me It's January!
  • Bro if I'm late, I just have to accept it. I tell my work people that I'll be late and they're usually fine with it as long as I say something and show up.

    I know that not all work places are as understanding as this, but don't be stupid if you're late. You'll still get there, just not on time.

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    Do you sometimes buy things that are unhealthy for you? (Most people do.) Do you feel guilty for it? or have you accepted it's a normal & kinda necessary part of your life?
  • Sometimes I buy junk food and I feel a little guilty about it. Any time I have junk food like chips(cause I don't like sweets) I portion it out, but it still makes me think about it.

    I do drink alcohol and I do feel bad cause it's also junk, but with my job it helps me relax after a shit day.

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    Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline
  • I wish wine would work and as for running a vm it would be a pain on my shitty laptop. My best sollution would just be to get more torage but I a broke bch

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    Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline
  • I really wish I could just switch to Linux but certain programs I have for school don't have a Linux version, as well as my art program that I laid for the license.
