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Thanks, Logan.
  • Oompa loompa doopa dee dit

    He wants to swallow some of our spit

    Oompa loompa doopa dee dah

    Aim at his mouth and go hawk tuah

  • Jump
    Looking for beginner/budget friendly options.
  • Also, depending on your lighting situation, you might want to think about shine through keycaps or not.

    Shine through keycaps are a lot brighter. For me, I had shine through first and when I switched to non-shine through, I was surprised by how much more I had to turn up the back light to see anything in the dark.

  • When I make cold brew, I just use room temperature water.

    Has any one tried putting a small amount of hot water to steep for a few minutes first and then filling the container with cold water for the remaining 12 to 24 hours?
