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Tailscale: the marvellous tool that became indispensable to my tech life
  • Thanks but I pass I think. Proprietary software is against the mindset of self-hosting if one asks me. But if it works for you, it's just fine I guess. It's just not for me

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    Any projects coming down the tracks that you are looking forward to?
  • I use obsidian git with a private repo on a self hosted gitea. When I open obsidian on another device, it just pulls and fetches the changes. it is working awesomely smooth. wanna give it a try while using obsidian already?

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    What top-level domain do you use in your local network?
  • Hmm I thought when I add tls internal to my reverse proxy rule for local domains, it does not get letsencrypt certs. But when I leave it out of the Caddyfile rule, it gets reachable from outside of the local network. How do I use your recommondation? Using a .home.lab domain locally with a DNS name resolve for every single local subdomain (dashboard.home.lab, grafana.home.lab, etc) right now with a caddy managing the outside and the inside reverse proxy work
