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Is it the linking of the on topic and highly relevant youtube videos?

Am I to find alternative videos to link to every time I discuss electoral reform? That's what I'm getting here. I just want to make sure that's what you want.

And would uploading the same videos with new URLs count as a new link and thus wouldn't be spam? Just trying to figure out the rules here.

Appreciate your time.

[Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency
  • You wanna know how to shut those people up? Replace First Past The Post voting with something like Ranked Choice voting. Then they would have to make their own party and show us how it's done. (No spoiler effect to)

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    Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Make the democrats mistakes less existential by introducing competition into the electoral process with Ranked Choice voting.

    More political parties, more chances to beat trump, more people voting.

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    Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Well BidenBros, are you happy you divided the party so much to try and get your guy in?

    If trump wins, it's your fault... BidenBros. Hope it was worth it BidenBros.

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    AOC says many who want Joe Biden off ticket also want to remove Kamala
  • If we used Ranked choice voting, then we could simply switch to the next in line. That is, if the democrats would grace us with a primary.

    Please sir, but a scrap of representative democracy.
