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The Latest D&D Studio Update on the 2024 Core Rule Books Should Have Excited Me, but It Just Made Me Apprehensive: DMDavid
  • I'm done with D&D, probably forever. All the greedy fucked up monetization stunts attempted during 4th Edition are back with "One" and it's clear the company will keep pushing that envelope and half sliding it back until they get what they want and then keep going.

    I'm going with Pathfinder now and not looking back anymore.

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    What is a video game that you'd love to play, but no one has developed yet?
  • A proper and full Disco Elysium sequel with Harry's ongoing adventures, maybe even with the prior game's save file reasonably used as a starter for how things begin next time around. sicko-wistful

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    It's funnt because it's true
  • I didn't even deny anything specific about the colonially seized food; I was reflecting some very loud seething that got brought up during older dunks on jellied eels or beans on toast.

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    It's funnt because it's true

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    Legal loophole
  • There's this constant tension with D&D where it wants to be medieval and it wants to have easily-reproducible magic. Follow the magic through to its logical conclusion and you get essentially modern technology with a mystical/medieval aesthetic, ignore it and you get big blatant plot holes.

    For decades, Forgotten Realms tried really had to be this "peasants have their minds blown if they see even a level one Magic-User spell being cast; this is a grounded and gritty setting sort of" pretense in the official materials, but then there's basically a magocracy running most cities (even the fucking Luskan pirates and other "savage frontier" big mean guys!) and maps full of "oh a web spell is on this window at all times" sorts of signs that maybe those peasants should be a lot more familiar with the very special very rare spellcasters that rule over them and make all the important decisions.

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    Legal loophole
  • This is my long standing hot take and point of contention with rules as written in conventional D&D fantasy rule sets: death, if the rules of the game were actually applied to the setting, is less about finality (except for the lifespan limitation contrivance) and more about health insurance or lack thereof. People who die that have enough money should by all means have family that pay for raises (or resurrections when the body isn't available) as a matter of course and the material consequences of that would be that premature death from violence, illness, or accident would be mostly a poor people thing. Funerals would be awkward in setting: "sorry you can't afford a rez. The divines bless the departed I guess, lol."

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    The tech underpinning Star Citizen looks mighty impressive in new trailer
  • Simulating argon levels and sweat and bedsheet deformation when the WW2-in-space shooty dogfighting game isn't really there yet outside of a pre-alpha state :ChrisRobertsCool:

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    Elon Musk calls strikes ‘insane’ as Swedish workers take on Tesla
  • It's a weird thing among bazingas to call their ruling class masters by their first names to pretend there's some chumminess and closeness, but contextually I don't think they were doing that.

  • I thought of this question because someone joked about double-dipping their hands in the chocolate fountain at Golden Corral and boy did that invoke one of my least favorite paying-for-college memories.

    Yes, someone did dip his hands into the chocolate fountain at the Golden Corral. Worse, he was a repeat offender, a man that was at least in his 30s if not older slurping it off of his fingers and all, sometimes while making eye contact with me or my coworkers. Worse, there was no enforced rule against doing so, at least at my location, so my manager just told me to let him do it, don't make a big deal out of it, and hope he doesn't bother anyone else.

    That same manager once insisted on me making the place extra clean a little before Christmas, so they insisted that I use double the amount of cleaning bleach in the same bucket. I explained that's not how cleaning works or how OSHA compliance works. I got a write-up. I said that wasn't an offense that qualified for a write-up, and what they said was "thanks for the tip, I'll find something that is. Your word against mine." !sus-torment

    That same manager punched me out early without telling me, because the place wasn't perfect enough before I left over an hour late, missing my family waiting to pick me up outside by that long to go out to do holiday stuff. I did call that in on the supposedly anonymous tip line later, but you can guess what happens when an anonymous tip about wage theft is called in on a manager that already knows who would call in that tip in a "right to work" situation. !joker-amerikkklap

    That same manager was fired a week later for embezzlement, and not the cool kind. They were writing up and firing people for months for money missing from the register. I found out when collecting my last check and noticed someone new. !ok


    Mine's an easy pick that happened only a few days ago and it went something like this:

    "Paying janitors and fruit pickers more won't actually improve their situation. I live in Germany where anyone can afford an apartment for only $800 a month. You live in the US where the GDP is much higher yet janitors and fruit pickers are still complaining because they are entitled. Your country basks in untold riches and even the poor are objectively richer there. Things are as good as they will ever be for those who do work that no one wants to do." !galaxy-brain


    For me the easiest tell is the up front, unprompted, and unsolicited declaration of nonpoliticalness. When someone takes the time and expends the breath to announce how nonpolitical they are, what follows is almost always a rant about how everything/everyone else is too political these days, and that of course leads into something between status quo advocacy and outright reactionary/regressive sentiments for some fabled time before those wicked politics were visible to the nonpolitical ranter. !centrist

    People that are hostile to service workers. Some just want to take some ideological stand against tipping when the service worker doesn't really have a choice and needs those tips to survive in the current unjust system in a way where ideological purity gestures toward that service worker just look like being a greedy and sanctimonious asshole. The worst of such people will actually declare, shamelessly, that they believe that service workers don't deserve a living wage. The implications of that are !gulag worthy.

    I may get shit for this, but I'll say it anyway: this hair and beard combo, seen on living people. !yes-chad I have yet to meet anyone in person with that look that wasn't a chud.

    (If one of you is a comrade with that look, I am sorry in advance for the prejudice and if I ever meet you in person I will atone by buying you a drink or something.)


    The sheer fucking hubris of it all. The unexamined and unjustified hype wave. The "influencers" peddling the damn thing with naked cynicism. The recycled maps that often just took the same assets and tilted them sideways. The laughably bad QA allowing almost anything to be put in the chat box.

    The way it just... stopped being relevant.

    That is all. !lord-bezos-amused


    I know the brand/studio reasons, but all I can come up with for in-setting lore reason is that Mirandas require less resources/crew/maintenance, but it still seems like a sharp contrast between the service lives of both ships where, as far as I can tell, the Excelsior-class may have required more resources/crew/maintenance and that judging by size and a history of jankiness alone (I love the ship, I really do, but it's still an in-setting thing) and even the Constellation seemed to be kept around at least a little longer than the Constitution.

    Anyone got any sources about this that make it feel justified besides the studio/suits deciding "we don't want audiences to confuse anything on screen for the TMP refit" ?

    https:// /comic/509

    I think that lady looks more attractive after getting burned out on Hegel. I dunno why.

    https:// /comic/508

    >Whenever there is something like a writers strike, just remember that we really don't need entertainment or whatever more than the people making that entertainment need healthcare and a decent wage.


    https:// /comic/498

    Too bad the :libertarian-approaching: answer to the question of "why do we obey the legal fiction that is money" is "time to make a worse money!" :cryptocurrency: :dumpster-fire:


    Media portray people wearing VR headsets without making :soypoint-1: faces challenge. Difficulty level: IMPOSSIBLE.

    Some commentary if you're into that:

    https:// /comic/497

    The consequences of the Turing Test being perceived as some grand epoch-changing threshold among bazinga brains are exhausting, and continue to spread.

    "AS SOON AS A CHATBOT NOVEL IS PASSED FOR BIG COMPANY PUBLISHING, THE WRITING SINGULARITY BEGINS" :soypoint-1: -actual fucking opinion of an actual fucking bazinga brain

    https:// /comic/494

    Deliberating until a drowning person drowns :geordi-no:

    Deliberating until a drowning person drowns and giving 20 bucks to some charity as a performative gesture :geordi-no:

    Ignoring the drowning person and being effectively altruistic and peddling cryptocurrency and worshipping billionaires in the hopes that their superior genes eventually produce trillions of post-Singularity(tm)(r) demigods :geordi-yes:


    I tried it recently. It worked. Problem, contrarian in the back row? :troll:

    0 I'm sorry, what the *fuck* did you just say

    Posted in r/SneerClub by u/[deleted] • 148 points and 69 comments

    That's all. I said my part. It's amazing how saying "I am smart" in more words and "that's easy" can provide enough smoke and mirrors to keep billionaires paying them for doing and solving nothing.
