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Density saves nature
  • Insurance companies really do a great job of replacing those family heirlooms. They always over compensate for sentimental value. They also make it super easy to collect on a claim and they never raise their rates after paying a claim.

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    Density saves nature
  • Go to parts of Texas where they don’t have many zoning restrictions and you will see that they are indeed boiling horses into glue right next to a preschool.

    Imagine buying a house and then next door they build a dog food factory.

    Good zoning is required for good city planning.

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    Density saves nature
  • The landlord would sure prefer option 2.

    The meth head neighbor fighting with the scary guy who is always mean mugging people, the shoddy repairs and maintenance done to the lowest standards, the ever increasing rent even though the building is paid off…

    We have plenty of space, we just need an economy that allows people to afford a single family home. A sfh can be built with nature in mind… the earth has plenty of room for 10 billion people.

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    Pizza time
  • Pepperoni, olives and pepperoncinis are my go-to pizza toppings, absolutely delicious. This pizza however looks kind of old.

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    I hate people like this
  • The worst part of retail/food service is the inescapable feeling of dread when you stare down the endless abyss of being stuck in that job day in and day out, forever, until you die. Only by resigning yourself to that fate does one gain the perspective needed to truly sympathize with the working class.

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    What is going to happen when AI becomes extremely advanced?
  • Because something has not yet been proven to be impossible does not make that thing possible.

    Speculation alone does not make a thing possible. You cannot claim that something is possible until you have demonstrated that it is indeed possible.

    All things that have not been proven to be possible have a default state of being impossible until their possibility can be demonstrated.

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    What is going to happen when AI becomes extremely advanced?
  • You are talking funny friend… we can NOT recreate the human brain. Maybe someday, but so far it has not been demonstrated to be possible.

    You say that we can recreate the human brain because we know the human brain can exist.

    The sun can exist, can we recreate the sun?

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    What is going to happen when AI becomes extremely advanced?
  • Just because intelligence exists does not mean it is possible to artificially create general intelligence… we would need some evidence that AGI is possible other than ‘makes sense to me’

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Would be interesting to control for volume. How many people per 100k cars are in an accident, minor or otherwise, vs how many people per 100k riders experience and assault or some other crime. In a rough neighborhood, the bus is not safe at all.
