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I'm excited for Cosmic Desktop
  • Yep. I stupidly thought I could use it on my work laptop. Big nope, I had to go back after 2 hours.

    It has great potential, but it's still far from being ready.. 😔

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    Quiet now
  • Those who grew up with Terraria and Minecraft in their golden era are young adults.

    So I'd say you're not a young adult at least, wouldn't say you're old though.

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    Fixing battery bank usb ports
  • Hey thanks. I managed to force it open with screwdrivers and razor blades. Turns out there were tight latches as well as adhesive.

    I'll see what I can do from here, but apart from cleaning, I might not have the skill to handle a USB port swap..

  • Hi,

    I have an old xiaomi 20 000mAh battery bank with two non working USB ports.

    I've bought another one to replace it, but I'm wondering if there is a way to fix the ports.

    The problem is that the case seems mostly sealed, and I see no way of opening it.

    If you have some tips on how to approach this I would appreciate it ❤️

    Qwant Maps, et après ?
  • Super projet ! Bon courage pour le developpement. Je jetterai un oeil aux issues pour voir si je peux contribuer un peu 🙏

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    same for menstrual cramps
  • If you don't have chronoc headaches / migraines, you don't necessarily have to follow this advice.

    Taking a pill for the slightest pain will be detrimental in the long run for your liver and the painkiller's efficiency.
