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VW kündigt Tarifvertrag für Beschäftigungssicherung
  • Zuerst sollten lieber die Bonuszahlungen für die Leute eingespart werden, die sowieso schon jährlich mehrere Million verdienen bekommen. Sorry, aber wer braucht mehr als 200k€ Gehalt pro Jahr.

    Behob das für Dich.

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    "Caren Miosga" mit BSW-Zoff - Bei wilder Wagenknecht-Debatte kracht es gewaltig
  • Die interessantere Frage ist ja vielleicht auch eher, ob sie überhaupt in eine Regierung will. Dann könnte sie sich ja nimmer hinstellen und allen anderen vorwerfen, dass sie nur Scheisse bauen, dann müsste sie sich ja selber verantworten und erklären - und das täte ihren Geschäften sicher schaden.

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    AI isn't as bad as the doomsayers say it is
  • It will transform mediocre content into crap, and then it will regurgitate that crap into worse and worse crap. All of that at the expensive of untold Terawatt-hours of energy. AI will not take over the world, but it sure will help destroy it anyway.

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    ‘Who dreams this crap up?’: Kevin O'Leary slams new rule that allows employees to ignore their bosses after hours
  • There are a lot of jobs that require out of hours support, specifically those that aren’t tied to business hours. In tech at least, many of the sites and services you use are built off the backs of software engineers that are paged at 5am because latency is a little higher than normal.

    There is a very easy solution to this dilemma: pay someone to stand ready at off-hours.

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    The Secret Behind Germany’s Record Renewables Buildout | As most countries struggle to install clean energy fast enough, Germany tackled the industry’s toughest problem: slow permitting.
  • Some regulation changed, and that is great. It is now much easier than before to put a photo voltaic installation on your roof that has a peak energy production above 10 kWp. That used to be the magic barrier beyond which things would get drastically more complicated, beaurocracy wise. Tax hell, basically. So that is gone now, and my SO and me installed a 25 kWp installation on our roof because of it. But let me tell you: it took six month just to get it connected to the net. The local energy net provider did not manage to swap our meter for a two-way meter for six months. We were able to power our home with it, but we could not provide any power to the net. Just because that company was too stupid to click a button somewhere to send instructions to another company to swap that energy meter. That other company was here on an unrelated job a month after our PV installation was done, and I asked them about it. They told me they could theoretically do it right away, but they had no order to do it, so they couldn't.

    On the other hand, very small installations ("balcony power stations") are popping up everywhere, the kind that are 600-800 Watts and plug right into your power outlet. In theory, when installing them, you should fill out a form to give your power provider the chance to swap your meter so it doesn't run backwards when you're not using all the power, but nobody I know ever does that. I am guessing that that also has quite a bit of effect on our power mix.

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    The Secret Behind Germany’s Record Renewables Buildout | As most countries struggle to install clean energy fast enough, Germany tackled the industry’s toughest problem: slow permitting.
  • This says otherwise. While coal (hard coal+lignite) use had been slightly elevated in 2022, it is already below the level of 2019 now. Natural gas use is mostly for household heating, which is usually non-electric in older houses in Germany, so there is some weather related fluctuation there. There are some gas powered electricity plants for emergency use, but they are only fired if there is no other way.

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    But they love him in the mirror universe.
  • Master of the wit and the repartee.

    His command of space directives is uncanny.

    How come he's such a genius?

    Don't ask me!

    Ask Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer.

    He's also a fantastic swimmer.

    And if you play your cards right

    Then he just might come round for dinner.

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  • Because it is bullshit. HR have no clue how to find good candidates, and whoever hired them to get a new hire had no idea what the new hire should be able to do and so just gave HR a few buzzwords to work with. But even if they had been given a good job description, they are basically muppets.

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  • The only way this could get any worse would be if the clients were natively speaking another language (one that you do not understand), would fall back to that five minutes into argueing among themselves, and after another five minutes, you hear your own name mentioned.
