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The golden years
  • I fucking hated school. I remember my freshman math teacher would give us packets with work for each day of the week. I would finish my folder of work either Monday or Tuesday and would just sleep. I had an A in that class for my work and my tests.

    I failed that class because "participation is half your grade" Get fucked, cunt.

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    Salary Needed To Buy a Home In The US
  • I saw a house in Phoenix that was in my price range. I thought, "Wow, this house has a lot of natural light."

    The last photo was a picture of the roof, or lack thereof.

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    Some GameBoy Advance Fun
  • I've been thinking about buying the bootleg Fire Red and Leaf Green because theyre expensive, but I want to own them lol

    I used to have most of the Pokemon games, but my mother took all my shit to a pawn shop when I was a teenager.

  • I recently lost my Nitecore MT06MD rechargeable pen light. What do you guys recommend for a low profile, rechargeable EDC?

    The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 20-07-2023
  • I just bought a wheel and shifter, so I've just been cruising around in Forza.

    Mainly trying to get used to it because it's not the same as driving irl.
