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  • I want Villeneuve to adapt God Emperor just to have the slight possibility of McAvoy reprising his role as Leto.

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  • Nobody ever gave the Atreides and Harkonen their book colors, either. But I'd say the 1984 Feyd-Rautha has red hair.

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    Things could be worse
  • Judging by the windows, you should be able to fit a turbolift in the pylons. As for whether that's a good idea...

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    Things could be worse
  • As of the final season of PIC, Bev is also a really good choice for tactical.

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    Things could be worse
  • It's in the Klingon-Federation neutral zone in the classic setup, so I think the solution to maintaining relations with the Klingons would be to go a step further and blow it up, then apologize for the Kobayashi Maru's crew's dishonorable actions.

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    Just a quick campaign
  • Especially if they have to compete with the goats for the food.

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    Oh man the self burn is incredible
  • Not only that, the Republican Party specifically tried to win the racist vote with the Southern Strategy rather than just let them go unrepresented and die out as a political bloc.

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    Crumbs causes a ruckus
  • Says he's a rescue. I'm assuming the person who sent him to fat camp isn't the person who let him become obese.

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    Emotional Support Dog
  • The planet killer can't fire very frequently. Realistically, they just need to get within transporter range, send drones over, and start assimilating the ship. If they can avoid the first shot from the superlaser or just have a second ship, they're probably fine. Unless the Death Star has Vader on board.

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    I like both, but usually prefer Ubuntu
  • Looking at release dates, just a couple days before Bookworm came out. I'll have to try that one.

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    I could make a great PC for that...
  • I really wish they would release a new Steam Controller with the Deck's inputs.

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    What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?
  • "The Deb of Night" radio show from Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is consistently hilarious and a great way to relax between the more horrific parts of the game. Bonus points for one of the regular callers guessing the plot of the game by complete chance and one of the main villains calling in to threaten whoever might be listening.

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    The Madness behind the Linux Source Code Comments - YouTube
  • The 'printer of fire' error used to be a legitimate and important concern. Ye olde printers really could light their paper on fire under certain circumstances and they would typically be huge devices in dedicated rooms rather than something right next to your system. Letting people know to check on it when specific things went wrong probably saved a few buildings from burning down with people in them.

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    I like both, but usually prefer Ubuntu
  • Yes, but it's significantly less automatic. Testing distros on an old laptop, Debian wouldn't support the network card out of the box and I had to use USB tethering from my phone to get the necessary drivers off the internet. Ubuntu just had them in the image and installed them automatically.

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    To those who hate anime, why do you hate it?
  • Try Noir. It's a crime thriller about a pair of assassins who stumble into a conspiracy. Never tries to be sexy even though the leads are women in their early twenties. Has a bit of that Samurai Jack energy where there often isn't much dialogue and it's carried by action and the musical score. Also never went past cult classic status so you're not likely to run into creepy fans. Or any fans, really.

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    TIL: males have 25% more neurons in the visual cortex than females
  • Brain and brain. What is brain?

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    The $700 PS5 Pro doesn’t come with a disc drive
  • The pro upped the storage to 2TB, but I really feel like when the PS5 launched we were at the point where they should have shipped with 4TB drives.

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    I could use some context
  • When are we getting a Lower Decks episode where they go to the swole universe?

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    Marvel [Tyler Hendrix]
  • I first saw this on the ml equivalent community and a decent chunk of comments were pretty unhinged.

  • After having printed the previous version of my poster and discovering that the overall darkness made it difficult to see when framed (light reflects off the glass or plastic and the glare kills it) I have done a bunch of post processing in the hopes that it will turn out better.
