Yeah, like when he isn't president planes don't fucking crash. Might be a clue Donny Dildo-for-brains
Holy shit yall are a bunch of weird mfs
Perfect Dream
Dude, people here are such fucking cunts, you didn't do anything wrong, ignore these 2 trogledytes who think they are semi intelligent. I've worked in IT nearly my whole life. I'd return it if you can.
American rednecks: see its still cold in the artic, look at all that snow. Global warming is fake news.... I should really cover this hole in my 60 year old falling apart trailer with OSB and hang a massive trump flag on the rusty bent pole in my yard, that ll show them homos! Man thank God America is great again! I still can't afford eggs tho.
Bro I still need knives and watches you orange asshat. And cheeeeese. Donald trump is ruining my MF life.
Shoelaces look like they could be a bot looser.
I find it so odd that people draw like this, use a pencil and draw lightly and get the shapes down before making a hard line. Don't ise a pen and try to do it in one go.
Clingy. He's clingy. Needs held all the time. He doesn't have cancer. It's not problem
Jenna Ortega is just young Rosie Perez. Tell me I'm wrong
I downed 9 pounders a day for a few years in my youth. The withdrawals when I decided to stop were fucking hell and even after I quit, the residual affects were pretty bad and lasted for a year. Please dear God don't anyone ever do this.
Your cat and my cat are twins
Hey guy named morrowind who never played it (or so you say)
You know they hate you right?
About fucking time

Faschnaut review from last weekend
All, last weekend I had the ability (because I'm not going to say pleasure) to go to Faschnaut and I wanted to give a little review and heads up to anyone looking to go ever, please use my experience as a cautionary tale.
Last year my wife and I got the great idea to take our children to Faschnaut, I mean it looked cool and sounded fun, a few weeks before the event we tried to get tickets and found out that they sold out very quickly months prior so this year we were determined to go. I learned that tickets went on sale on new years day, so I set I reminder on my alexa for the exact time so that we could ensure we got tickets to go this year. Sure enough, new years day, the alert goes off and we get tickets for 2 adults and 2 kids for under 100$. Score!
Last weekend we packed up our costumes and headed to middle west virgina to our air bnb (which happened to be 45 mins away from Helvetia.) First let me state that the drive to middle West Virginia is one that is quite harrowing. Not