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What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #24
  • I just finished purrgatory yesterday! It's a really cute visual novel about befriending weirdos and going to heaven. Getting the best ending took me the entire afternoon but it was worth it. Highly recommend if it looks interesting to you (it's free and playable in your browser (but maybe not on mobile))

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 12
  • Everyone will have to pass around one of those little rubber dog toothbrushes. Failure to maintain dental hygiene will result in a ban on socialist fraternal kisses

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 12
  • Funny enough, nude swimming used to be a thing in America which is low-key the same thing. It was something boys had to do for school and would also do in rivers and stuff. Girls had to wear swimsuits though

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 12
  • I wonder how much of that is satire and how much is honesty because I remember reading somewhere about how a lot of people resented the shift away from social bathing.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 12
  • Household bathrooms are bourgeois and cause alienation. Under communism, we shall all visit the communal baths to build solidarity.

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    I'm sorry, everyone, for the way I acted last year. - Makan
  • Hey nice to see you again! Your name always reminded me of the korok from wind waker. It's good to know he's communist

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    Join our Akkoma instance at!
  • How do I see spectre posts from lemmygrad? It doesn't show up when I search for it on Jerboa

  • I don't dream. No nightmares either. I have no problems sleeping and I'm not on drugs so it isn't a health thing - I've been like this all my life.

    The only times I've managed to dream are when I nap while already well-rested, but even then I still usually don't. Like I might get 1 or 2 dreams a year in total from when I go back to sleep immediately after waking up, but never from normal sleep.

    Anyone else like this?

    How do you unblock someone?
  • Ah, bummer. Thanks for the help!

  • I fat fingered the options menu and accidentally tapped on block. How do I unblock? It only gives me the option to block even harder hahaha

    Stay toxic, comrades
  • How did these dweebs find out about lemmygrad while not noticing hexbear or regular lemmy? What, is wisconcom advertising us on reddit? LMAO

    These computer touchers probably threw this together an hour before midnight as their CS 469 keystone project

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  • I feel the same way about ancient Greek philosophers. Fascists like to hold up Greece as the birthplace of civilization and democracy, but if you read what Plato had to say he's all like "Slavery rocks, we should gear up for war, and everyone must breed for the state". It's so candid it's refreshing

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  • Giving rights to Canadians is pretty absurd, I can understand his perspective

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  • The conception of a ‘universal right’ which assures to the peasant, to the Eskimo, and presumably to the Abominable Snowman, ‘periodic holidays with pay’ shows the absurdity of the whole thing. (…) What are the consequences of the requirement that every one should have the right ‘freely to participate in the cultural life of the community and to share in the scientific advances and its benefits’. (…) It is evident that all these ‘rights’ are based on the interpretation of society as a deliberately made organization by which everybody is employed. They could not be made universal within a system of rules of just conduct based on the conception of individual responsibility, and so require that the whole of society be converted into a single organization, that is, made totalitarian in the fullest sense of the word.

    Totalitarianism is when everyone gets paid holidays and benefits from scientific advances. thanks Hayek very cool i love economics

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 8
  • If it does then I dunno where it is

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 8
  • At that point, what's the difference between posting an emoji and a picture?

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 8
  • I don't think that's a thing in jerboa ):

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 8
  • How do I use emojis? :littlefriend:

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    U.S. chip fab construction is among the slowest in the world -- a complex web of regulations is to blame according to study
  • TSMC got delayed because the local union demanded they stop replacing them with foreign workers and Samsung is delaying their construction because they're fighting with Intel for subsidies.

    Lol and we call these companies "job creators" when we have to fight them to even hire us. And why can't Samsung pull themselves up by their bootstraps and free market themselves a factory, hmmm? 🤔

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    U.S. chip fab construction is among the slowest in the world -- a complex web of regulations is to blame according to study
  • The CSET study looked at fab construction between 1990 and 2020, and concluded that for the roughly 635 fabs built in that timeframe, the average time between the start of construction and production was 682 days. Three countries beat that benchmark: Taiwan at 654 days on average, Korea at 620, and Japan at a staggeringly fast 584 days. Meanwhile, Europe and the Middle East were about on par at 690 days, as was China at 701 days.

    However, the U.S. clocked in at 736 days, well above the worldwide average and second only to Southeast Asia at 781.

    Idk if I'm just a rube, but one month of difference doesn't seem like that big a deal. Also this author says that Taiwan is a country and that environmental protections should be cut to speed up construction.

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    Shot / Chaser
  • The good and bad things are related though - what good is health insurance if it doesn't pay for healthcare? It says a lot that Americans who buy insurance like they're supposed to still can't afford to use their own country's hospitals.

  • Koalas and other endangered species are being driven to extinction right now by logging publicly owned forests. This video shows the desertification of the logging sites.

    0 How Much Money Can We Launder In A Day?

    Get an exclusive video every month at Donate to Troy's legal fund today: Big thankyou to @friendlyjordies ,@Ididathing and...

    Spoilers: 22,500 Australian Dollars
